[A floating image of the Earth appears, which Vers turns to look at. Vers: Does announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job. Biker/The Don: You're under arrest. Nick Fury: Vers then runs around the ship, trying to find an exit, while fighting of the Skrulls, before she is stuck between two parties of advancing Skrulls]. I just think that you should consider the kind of example you're setting for your daughter. [Yon-Rogg draws his gun and points it towards Vers]. Nick Fury: Vers: Pararescue's on the way. Carol Danvers: [The camera shows Vers continuing to talk, but a flash of blue lighting interrupts the scene, before returning to Vers talking to Wendy]. [Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D]. That's her. I'll help you find a home. They then charge towards Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char and begin a firefight. You're gonna give me the keys to your motorbike and your jacket, and I'm gonna let you keep your hand. Vers? Fury: Ok. [Talos' daughter walks over to Carol, holds her hand and directs her towards the pinball machine in the corner. House of M Vol 1 7. Yon-Rogg: Vers, track Soh-Larr's beacon. My life. Vers then observes her surroundings, looking for a way out before hitting Fury and gesturing towards a plane, which has a striking resemblance to a Star Wars ship. Oh my goodness. The walls appear golden, with pillars wider towards the top and narrowing towards the bottom. Vers and Fury walk past a few aisles before stopping and turning into one. They won't be safe here, baby. Or so we thought. Supreme Intelligence: Yeah, I think she went that way. Fury: Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. Yon-Rogg: Just, don't kill me. My best friend. Know your enemy. I was here. Fury: Only if you learn to glow, like your Auntie Carol. Join the StageAgent community By Sarah DeLappe . You call me 'young lady' again, I'll shove my foot up somewhere it's not supposed to be. Vers: I'm on planet C-53. [Agent Coulson rushes to the subway restroom responding to a distress call that a woman has been found injured there]. [Yon-Rogg begins walking away before stopping and turning around], [Before the Skrull can answer, Yon-Rogg shoots him. May 13, 2016 - This is probably one of the most beautiful things ever written/said by a character in the MCU. Your turn. Maria Rambeau: Carol Danvers: And you wanted to race to base, in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue, 'cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. Yon-Rogg: I made you a better version of yourself. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere too damn stubborn to die. [she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast]. Vers nods towards the door], [Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled "Records"]. ], [All spaceships launch the missiles towards Earth. Where are you hurt? Vers: Nicholas Joseph Fury, you have three names? if you don't want me to use them? Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable. Dead or alive. Bruce Banner: Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle]. This music, it's a nice touch. When the camera pans, Talos has positioned Soren behind her, Fury and Maria are both unarmed and the Kree's have surrounded the four]. Yow! ], [Screen Title: Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures]. It's all blank. Stan Lee: He might not be the strongest Avenger. Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. Kree Star Force. Minn-Erva continues to shoot the locals surrounding Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr, with Soh-Larr sitting exhausted against a rock.]. Oh, this is a new feeling to me [onlookers surround the stall with baffling looks. [Vers and Yon-Rogg continue to spar. [The camera pans over all the photos which Monica has shown and is showing to Vers. Uh Belfast, Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest. General Talos: Oh. She then uses the energy in her hands to fly inside towards the room where she was held captive], [The Skrulls working at the computers put their hands up in surrender, but Vers just picks up her shoes before fighting a Skrull for an escape pod, attracting the attention of Talos]. Congrats to you, Starforce lady. You're saying he's not from around here? Vers: Oh, good. Vers: Here come some G's. Just let me unravel this puppy. Maria Rambeau: Yon-Rogg: Vers: To see the bird parked out by the road. Yon-Rogg [amused]: Tell me about this dream. The final frontier. [as Fury goes to take the pager, Carol pulls back her hand]. You sat there and watched me play with tape, when all you had to do was Carol Danvers: When this starts, Monica stands up, both fascinated and curious, and walks over to the stove. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. We'll be back for the weapon. Carol Danvers: Can't sleep. She was working on a unique energy core. Nick Fury: I wonder why they terminated the project. Biker/The Don: Carol Danvers: The child jumps excitedly and asks her to play]. As Vers looks around, the camera shows her restrained and hanging upside-down inside of a Skrull warship]. You didn't need that, did you? Fury (while eating a sandwich): Mmm. Last time we talked, I ended up hanging from my ankles. Noble warrior heroes. This is that moment. Do a pincer move, like we did in Havana. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation. [Carol reaches out and grabs the Tesseract from its position in the reactor. Yon-Rogg then walks up to her and points his gun at her face]. Maria Rambeau: Yep. Huh Goose? That's why security here's so unfriendly. Carol simply blasts her energy down the overpass, causing the metal to snap and four Kree to be incapacitated. Carol Danvers: Carol: Keep the Tesseract on Earth. I'll come by tomorrow? [Vers and Fury arrive at the Records room of the Project Pegasus facility]. through soliloquies and dialogue by everyone from Captain America to Groot ("'Tis I!"). Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel: The Strange Tale of Two Dueling You're an amazing creature, Spiderman, you and I are not so different. Nick Fury: Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. We're just getting to know each other. I have an audio recording from Pegasus, of your voice, from a plane crash six years ago. Carol Danvers: I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but. Serve well and with honor. Instead of using her powers, Carol runs towards Yon-Rog and begins punching him. Carol: I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. The lights are on and hanging at angles, the shelves are half-empty and Vers is covered in material from the roof. Captain America and the Falcon Vol 1 2. You are the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. [a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall, Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories, Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities, Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall, Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers", Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber, Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left, the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing, holding Goose out and watching Talos recoil, Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. Ronan: Where are they? No. Together. All Top Stories | Fandom Carol: Is that mine? [The scene changes to the modified spaceship flying above the clouds before cutting to show Carol and Maria flying. [Once General Talos fires his weapon, the scene changes to Vers in a dogfight. I made you the best version of yourself. Come here. Carol Danvers: Supreme Intelligence: [Fury opens the suitcase to reveal lots of prosthetic eyes of different colors.]. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. I don't even know who I am! Talos: She wanted you to help us find the core. You don't know. Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. On the flight down, the pod begins to break, and Vers is forced out and is thrown down into a Blockbuster store], [The scene changes to the inside of an empty Blockbuster store. Carol Danvers: Vers: The Skrulls messed with my mind. Pick a side. You need to go slow. General Talos: Nothing that wasn't already there. Grunge is a good look for you. She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats]. Species: Human Male. So is it true? If I could just piece together what happened that morning maybe it'll all make sense. Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg is standing above Carol, about to attack her], [Carol then blasts some energy, causing her to fly upwards and Yon-Rogg to fly backward towards a wall]. Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. The room is originally dark, but the lights turn on row by row revealing a massive warehouse of shelves full of boxes. Vers: That agent, that stopped the Skrulls from fighting us Fury: Coulson. While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. This is the perfect spot for an ambush. Talos: Vers watches Lawson fall and sits there in shot watching the assailant. It's two words. Fury: You're saying he's not from around here? Oh, this is you when you were little, you didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family. Coulson. Fury: A venus fly trap. Marvel Studios. Oh, ho. I can't. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): "You know this is wonderful! Yon-Rogg: No, no codes. Medical Examiner: I wouldn't get too close there boss. The agents eventually push through, but Vers and Fury are already hidden behind a tower of boxes. Nick Fury: You have finally asked a relevant question. She fires a blast at the engine, and the spacepod finally takes off. Once Monica has left, Vers looks at the pictures again, pushing them around to better see ones underneath. [approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face] Once Maria has closed the door, a voice is heard behind them. They told me it was destroyed in the crash. Arrgh! Vers: Where can I find communications equipment? If only you knew the importance of it to me. Yon-Rogg enters a pod, too, just as Carol catches up with him. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/thumbnail-down/width/400/height/225 Talos: We just want a home. Fury: Oh. ], [The scene changes back to Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char surrounded by the locals], [One of the locals draws a Skrull weapon before being shot by Minn-Erva. In the plane, everybody is pushed back into their seats]. One moment. It was the Cold War. Fury looks through a few photos before putting them back and stepping away from the table. Goose jumps onto the reactor and scratches the Tesseract, intrigued by the bright light. Where's Pegasus? [to Yon-Rogg] But there is something that I need your help with. Who whose side are you on here? Budapest. But I enjoyed it. Fury: Soldier, straight out of high school. Ronan: The Accusors have completed their operation but the greater mission was a failure thanks to your team. The scene then changes to Vers inside of an internet Cafe, googling the information from the Skrull's. [Marvel Studios Opening Sequence begins but instead of seeing our heroes, We see Our Watcher Informant Stan "The Man" Lee and his cameos. [The scene changes again to show a Vers and Maria's daughter lying in the grass outside Maria's house]. It's brilliant, Thor!" - Loki, 'Thor: The Dark World'. [Romanoff turns around and suddenly sees Carol]. My best friend who supported me as a mother, and a pilot when no one else did. Talos: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Threat: Low to None. Vers (audio): Your laboratory? Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: Vers throws General Talos against them before running off barefooted. Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. The Kree are still surrounding the Skrulls, and Goose is being scanned with a Kree scanner], [Bron-Char begins putting a muzzle on Goose's head, but is met by protests from Fury]. Quickly, Yon-Rogg lights up a gadget in his suit. [A policewoman steps forward to arrest Vers, however, Vers sees one of the Skrulls from the beach on a nearby rooftop and shoots an energy blast at them. Yon-Rogg: Yes. When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. [Vers swings back on the rope, before jumping off and trying to grab the rope in front of her. Carol: I'll help you find a home. I want you to be the best version of yourself. What's given can be taken away. I know a rogue soldier when I see one, you've got a personal stake in this. Tell me the second you get a signal. Blue blood running through my veins. Hey. Fury: Oh. Brie Larson's Guest Host Monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live Best known for playing the titular superhero in Marvel Studios ' Captain Marvel and her Academy Award winning role in Room, Brie. Captain America is not here to lead the country. So how do we get to Louisianna? I'm sending you with a message. Thanos's Intro In Avengers: Infinity War Nick Fury: !Nick Fury:"Ther. Excellent work Nicholas. James Rhodes: Going into Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, Steve was given a chance to reconnect with his roots while Sam Wilson assumed the mantle of Captain America full time. Cadets: You don't belong out here! Monica then changes the colors to match her shirt. Carol Danvers: You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. You hear me? [The Skrull disguised as Coulson draws his weapon and points it towards Fury. A "Captain Marvel" sequel is in the works, with Brie Larson reprising her role as the titular hero. You are looking at 100% red-blooded Earth man. [The door knocks, and Maria moves forward to answer the door], [Fury and Vers walk towards the door and try to see who is outside. This isn't what you're afraid of, is it? Carol: Hey Guys. What do I understand now? Vers looks at all the boxes carefully before finding the one she wants], [Vers pulls two boxes off the shelf. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. You'll get there soon enough, Ace. I couldn't read it. No, you destroyed the engine. [at the door] ], [The scene changes again, but the wires have disappeared and the walls have been replaced with an endless glossy floor. Vers absorbs the energy, with the flames creating ripples around her. The core that powered it is in a remote location. Took a pilot down with her. ], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr. Set within the confines of a British Army disciplinry camp at the conclusion of World War II, the 1965 prison drama The Hill tells the story of five soldiers convicted of various .
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