Your in-depth digestive health guide will be in your inbox shortly. The third ingredient is used in cosmetics and is toxic. This never happens to me! Moderation is very important. Three of the four MiO product lines Electrolytes, Vitamins, and Energy advertise that they provide 10% of your daily needs of the vitamins B3, B6, and B12 (2). ;And thats not just due to the caffeine content, but also because it contained cocaine as an ingredient. Is *ANYONE* reading and UNDERSTANDING what they are SAYING?! Eat more fiber. I had the same reaction. Dehydration may be linked to chronic diseases and can lead to reduced cognitive and physical functioning. Propylene glycol is the main ingredient in Rx inhalers for asthma patients.With the tiny quantity in Mio, I wouldnt freak out about it. Gross, unethical and immoral. Moreover, numerous test tube studies have shown a great toxicity towards human DNA, causing mutations to blood cells. MiOhas already demonstrated deception on their product labeling, by labeling it as naturally sweetened, when a sweetened additive is actually added to the beverage. In one place, What are the Top 5 Drinks for Your Kidneys | The Cooking Doc, 12 Bad Habits that can damage your kidneys, lead to Chronic Kidney Disease or kidney failure. You might not get the urge to go as often as before. I havent had any Mio drops for the past 3 days and my heart is starting to feel like normal, no more feelings like its beating out of my chest. does mio make you constipated. Pepto-Bismo helped a bit but I wasnt to keen on taking that regularly per the aluminum content in it. I am allergic to nutrasweet, so I usually avoid these things like the plague. Try infusing water with fruit and herbs for a flavorful alternative to plain water. Appointments 216.444.6601 Appointments & Locations Request an Appointment It is free, pure and accessible. I completely agree with this review and believe that MiO water enchancer was sent by the gods. I have the sweet tea and the berry pomegranite flavors, and OMG I love both! Both beneficial and harmful qualities associated. So I got the Sweet Tea and she got Strawberry Watermelon. She hated mine and I wasnt a big fan of hers..another plus! Gastroenterology. Summary Carbonated water has benefits. Id open my purse and find that the packet had ripped and gotten grit all over the bottom. Great Value has come out with a knock off, and has a cherry limeade flavor. Paste as plain text instead, Here are some ideas on how to flavor your water: There are natural ways to flavor water that dont include artificial ingredients or caffeine. Chumpitazi CE, et al. It erred a little toward the artificial side, but was overall my favorite of the two. I couldnt find it in my local grocery store in Illinois, but I requested a free sample at and the Strawberry Watermelon flavor rocks! Walmart brand has a Cherry Limeade! Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience unexplained and persistent changes in your bowel habits. The good news is that homemade flavored waters are one of the easiest things you can make. I read this blog to see what other flavors people recommended and if there were some without red dye. MiO is a liquid water enhancer manufactured by the Kraft Heinz food company. Intestine that protrudes from the anus (rectal prolapse). Still, keep in mind that the use of MiO is unnecessary. Ill have to compare the MIO label against the Crystal Lite liquid water enhancer to see if it might be better. If I cant find a safe flavor, MiO will be para otros. MiO is likely safe for regular consumption, although it shouldn't be your go-to for hydration. One big concern with this particular sweetener is that because it possesses a bitter chemical-like taste, it is rarely alone. Weve all seen them, whether in the beverage aisle or maybe the checkout of your local grocery. Ive been having trouble with bouts of very low blood sugar., turns out only when I drink Mio. Take the pros & the cons and balance them. Eh. I am warning you all and especially diabetics. Once You Pop, You Can. Im done with MIO.tastes great but, not worth it. It tastes awesome! In addition, studies have linked the preservative, potassium sorbate, with compromising immunity in humans. I love the Sweet Tea flavor, great sub for fresh brewed tea for me, and if my ice waters it down like real tea gets, i just add a tiny bit more to taste. So I agree with the other commenter and would urge Kraft to consider this request (which would give them a larger audience). Make a thread about how you can actually shit normal.. For once.. Eating stimulates the flow of acid-neutralizing saliva, so save that bottle of strawberry-kiwi water to drink along with a meal or snack to dilute the acid effect. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Maybe itll help me lose weight. I am drinking a 16oz glass of water with barely one squirt of Mio in it, and it is almost too sweet how anyone could do 2 or 3 full doses of it is beyond me. i had my first case of heartburn ever (Im 20 years old, 5 2, and weigh 100 lbs.). Then one evening at a restaurant, I had a rather large glass of water so put two squeezes of Mio in it (Id only previously used one squirt) and later that evening I had horrible insomnia and heart palpitations! Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. This latest craze has you squeezing brightly colored flavor drops into your water from a cute little purse-sized bottle, and watching the mesmerizing nebula of color diffuse slowly into the clear water. but its been hard since water has no flavor. They must have been using an eye dropper. I started waking up with sharp pains, running to the bathroom with bloody, mucus mess of diarrhea. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. So while green bananas are good for overall gut health, the resistant starches will be harder to digest. Mio my, do yourself a flavor and look up the ingredients. Just saying, keep things in perspective. Today, energy drinks are ubiquitous and sales have surged. Spoiler alert: Its good! Your doctor may recommend the following changes to relieve your constipation: Increase your fiber intake. Make a thread about how you can actually shit normal.. For once.. In many disease states, a low sodium level is not a problem of lack of sodium, but in fact an excess of water for the amount of sodium . Im gonna fix myself a bottle of ice cold Sweet Tea, add a sclice of lemon, and enjoy. Ive only just discovered it but have reduced my diet soda intake by 80% and that cant be a bad thing. Stopped it and the cramps are going away. After all, it was only $3. "beware bros. Call your health care provider immediately if you have: Severe abdominal cramps or pain Unexplained changes in bowel patterns Severe diarrhea Bloody stools or rectal bleeding Constipation that lasts longer than seven days despite laxative use Weakness or unusual tiredness Dizziness Before trying laxatives Despite their strong sweet taste and lack of calories, their use remains controversial and their health benefits and environmental safety are often questioned. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. After squeezing your desired amount, you have to mix it in its receptacle. Propylene Glycol a bitter liquid used to prevent food discoloration during storage. This sweetener is usually paired up with another sweetener that often has a worse reputation. I had it under control for years. Also any product that uses Sassy Gay Friend to advertise is a winner in my book. Within 20 minutes I was convinced I was gettng a really bad cold headache, stuffiness, sore throat, that vertigo sort of disorientation that comes from a fever. Here are a few drinks to avoid if you're constipated. Do NOT drink this stuff. Be careful with how much you use. Two thunbs DOWN. If you cannot drink, Mi0, then okay, it is part of what makes us each an individual.The sweetner used can created issues if used in EXCESSIVELY large quanities! Not sure I will continue this love affair! On the days I had heartburn, I didnt drink Mio, or drink anything except Peppermint tea and plain water. I dont usually drink a lot of water in cold months and am a coffee drinker. It comes in waves of an intense burning sensation followed by the feeling that my breastbone is being crushed to touch my spine, then it smolders until the next wave of fire. Further, a small mouse study suggests that sucralose may be a weak mutagenic. Wald A. Been using Mio for about a month and thought it was great at first. I am concerned about the main ingredient, propolyne glycol, basically anti-freeze. I've never had it but opening up this thread and seeing you as the author I knew there were going up be dire consequences for your bowels. Constipation. Your link has been automatically embedded. Theyre not any more expensive than a box of generic Crystal Light packets, and less expensive when you consider the number of servings you get from each bottle. It has been well worth the money and seems to last for quite some time. MiO boasts of being a first-of-its-kind water enhancer. I like most of the flavors very much and it has raised my daily water consumption. As my blood sugar levels began to creep up I was forced to get serious about finding something that I liked well enough to ditch the sugary cola drinks that I have been addicted to for years. I have a giant 48oz Nalgene that fill at least twice a day including one good shot of MiO. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Very general topics that can lean towards both sides of the spectrum will be placed here as well. My sister found MiO at WalMart and brought it home for me to try. Drinking more than a soda or two a day is bad for your health. If you get bored with plain water, you can flavor it yourself naturally with fresh berries, slices of fruit, or cucumber. The next day, I didnt have heartburn. According to the company, the word mio can be translated from Spanish or Italian to mean mine. According to the brand, this represents the power of consumers to make their water whatever they want it to be. Started it and severe itchy until I bleed rash started. Anyone else get this??? The packets Id used previously were messy and didnt always mix up well. Your healthcare provider can recommend medications that may help, too. So, although something may be rated an 'A+', overconsumption/overdoing can bring unwanted effects. Made both my kids sick with horrible stomach cramping and diarrhea. Required fields are marked *. Unless you do research over a period of time; there is no way you can blame MIO for something you probably already had aquired. its a depressing comment on the state of america that people need disgusting sugary processed syrup just to drink water. Anyone stop to consider that some users might be having an alergic reaction to this stuff? Ive also been carrying this bottle around in my purse the entire time and have yet to have any leaking issues. Curious to try some of this stuff I recently requested a sample via Facebook so Ill weigh in once I get it/unlike their page (In order for us to shower you with free gifts, you must fake an interest in going steady with us on Facebook.). I love this stuff, too. And some coconut water is sweetened with added sugar, so check the label. No more Mio for me! Artificial sweeteners like aspartame have received a lot of negative publicity. It is incomprehensible that manufacturers are allowed to formulate these products with KNOWN carcinogens. That said, I know not everyone loves plain water as much as I do! Do we blindly buy the excuse mantra that theres no specific proof of how much it takes to cause whatever harmful effects, short term or long term? Even though we all know theres no specific proof because billions and billions of dollars depend on no specific proof being published? It is available under various brand names, such as Niferex, Niferex Elixir, Ezfe, Ferrex-150, Nu-Iron 150 and Poly Iron. Subscribe for free and receive your in-depth guide to Still cant get the color out. American Gastroenterological Association Institute guideline on medical management of opioid-induced constipation. Three of the four product lines are caffeine-free, and all are kosher and vegetarian-friendly. 03 Jun. Crockett SD, et al. After reading all these posts, this is what Im hearing: I hate water, so if thats all I have then fineIll just go ahead and die of dehydration rather than drink it., Even though I know it is bad for me, I havent had any side effects I can FEEL, so its okay to keep drinking dangerous ingredients and dyes., My health is bad/getting worse/Im a diabetic, so Im going to add chemicals and dyes to my diet., Okay so it may be bad, but its not as bad as cola/soda, so that makes drinking chemicals and dyes okay., I smoke cigarettes and/or drink too much alcohol anyway, so adding another poison by purposely drinking in chemicals and dyes doesnt matter., In order to make my child drink more water, Im going to teach them that plain water is bad, and add dangerous chemicals and dyes to their diet., I dont mind teaching my child that drinking plain water is yucky. Harmful to your health. Remember, when we measure sodium level in the blood, it is not the absolute amount of sodium, but in fact its concentration that we look at. I have tried peach tea and black cherry and this green thunder flavor. LIKE IT ALOT. I have been reading all the issues people are having, and I just have to point out that if you are drinking 5 or 6 glasses of this stuff a day, maybe that is the problem? By the time I got home from work I had the start of a HEADACHE. WHAT I DIDNT SEE IS Propylene Glycol- til I went to the store the other day. Its so refreshing, especially on these hot summer days! I hadnt really LOOKED at the ingredients that closely but had noted it didnt have aspartame in it so I was happy. Ibuprofen and naproxen are NSAIDs. Plus, theyre all caffeine-free except the MiO Energy line. This all sounds a bit crazy to read about. Your email address will not be published. i might reach my goal of 1/2 gallon per day. However, I began developing a morning after feeling that reminded me of how I felt on morning back when I still drank alcohol. who cares about artificial sweeteners im pretty sure that about half of the things that everyone eats are made with artificial sweeteners so everyone can you be quiet!