Hes not predicting the future because you cant predict what hasnt happened - it doesnt exist. In fact, the worst evil thats ever been done on the history of the world was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and by that - the worst evil - He gained the greatest glory. Tell us about the future. They were in a very hopeless situation, having very little in life. Now, why am I making a case for this? Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR. A recurring topic of interest in his writings is the historical reliability of the Scriptures. We shall all be changed, in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed., Thats the rapture; were going to study the rapture. Not true. (Ridgeley, Commentary on the Larger Catechism, 1:562. An article by John MacArthur: "The common question of which Bible translation to use is very important--it concerns the most important words ever spoken, the words of God the Creator. They are certainly available (or they should be) in the library at MacArthurs Masters Seminary. ( 3:16) . The alpha privative in the Greek language means a negative, so there is the view that there is no millennium; that what John is writing about in Revelation 20 is very vague, may refer to nothing other than a long time in which the church flourishes on earth, simply referring to that kingdom which is spiritual - that is, the rule of Christ over those who belong to Him while on earth. And that was over the gospel, and over the nature of Christ, and over salvation by grace through faith and over the authority of Scripture. All of these are benefits of getting it right. Dispensationalism is a kind of framework for history that is organized around seven dispensationsseven orders or administrations. Hes improving; Hes definitely on the upward curve. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure., Getting your eschatology right will bless you and getting your eschatology right will purify you. . As more and more information comes to Him, and as He has more and more experience in dealing with the issues of His universe, Hes getting better at being God. And Ive gone back after I preach, and Ive written commentaries - now I think 26 or 27 volumes on the New Testament - back through the same material again and again and again and again and again, so that this understanding of eschatology has had to stand the acid test of every text. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ - thats part of the coming eschatology. Premillennialism: This view sees a chronological sequence as Satan is bound in the future when Christ returns and before Christians receive their reward, and then the millennium commences, hence the name, "pre". Why would God wait nearly 2000 years to redeem a single generation of Jews only to have the antichrist wipe out two-thirds of them? He also said that it is too late for Calvin but it is not too late for you [to join the Reformed Premillennial movement]! John MacArthur's first message at the Shepherds' Conference set off shock waves throughout the reformed evangelical church by upholding Premillennialism as being the only consistent position for any person who holds to the doctrine of sovereign electing grace. This article is also available and sold as a booklet. They dont faze me. It is the single most inexplicable story in human history, that this small group of beleaguered people, attacked and assaulted by everybody around them for centuries, still exist as a pure ethnic race. He told me he would study the issue and get back to me. I dont do this to you very often, but I hope you feel like it was helpful, and anchored you in this great and important truth. Not just the future of Israel, but our confidence in the Word of God. After that he must be loosed for a little while." God doesnt choose you, you choose Him. Israel sinned, promises cancelled. Ive been here at Grace Church well, what - thirty-some years. That is called historical premillennialism: Christ will come, set up the kingdom, but it won't have the Jewish character that we anticipate from Old Testament promises it would have, because those promises were cancelled to Israel and given to the church. But they want to get God off the hook, so they say Hes really not responsible, Hes really not in charge of anything; Hes just trying to figure it out. They also think that there is not to be a literal thousand-year kingdom as such, but thats just metaphoric for a long time; and it simply indicates whatever the duration of that period where the influence of the church dominates the world, after which Christ returns. Christ's Prophetic Plans: A Futuristic Premillennial Primer. One topic I did not mention is the place of Israel in prophecy at it relates to postmillennialism. Process theology: they are the theologians, liberal theologians, who believe that God is in process of becoming what He will be. And the longer I think about it and the more I study the Scripture, the clearer it becomes to me. In short, there shall be, as it were, a universal spread of religion and holiness to the Lord, throughout the world. Through the work of Ladd, historic premillennialism gained scholarly respect and popularity among Evangelical and Reformed theologians since he had the right appreciation of the redemptive- historical significance of the first coming of Christ and of the NT age. The other says it is the kingdom. A Case for . Who Are the Real Schismatics? I dont know about you, but I really cant get too worked up about greenhouse gases. Premillennialism: The millennium is the long period (perhaps a literal 1,000 years) when King Jesus will rule on earth. Over four decades of ministry, John has written dozens of bestselling books, including The . Murray notes that A number of years before [the Larger Catechism and Westminster Directory for Public Worship] were drawn up, the call for prayer for the conversion of the Jews and for the success of the gospel throughout the world was already a feature of Puritan congregations. (Murray, The Puritan Hope, 99.) Yet, Abraham did not receive it during all the time of his journey there. May we be faithful to take it, to interpret it as you intended for us to, so that it can yield to us the wonderful rich blessings that You have promised. Whether youre an amillennialist or a postmillennialist, you basically say Israel forfeited all its promises. Prior to that I thought about it a lot. Leave it to the semi-Pelagians and Pelagians, who go in and out of salvation; it makes sense for their theology. They believe that salvation can be gained and lost. My professors were a Who's Who of dispensational premillennialism: John Walvoord (then president of DTS), Charles Ryrie (author of Dispensationalism Today and The Ryrie Study Bible ), and J. Dwight Pentecost (author of perhaps the most influential text on the subject at that time, Things to Come ), just to mention the more well-known. And he is suggesting, therefore, that we cant interpret them literally, because somehow, weve got to make them fulfilled in this age, because there is no future age. But even more interesting, in England in 1827, there was a publication affirming premillennialism, the coming of Christ and the establishment of His millennial kingdom, written by a Jesuit priest - reading his Bible - by the name of Manuel de Lacunza y Diaz. (Matt .25:31-46; John . 4. Ligon Duncan and CJ Maheney (preaching tonight in the place of John Piper) both are Amil; Al Mohler and Mark Dever are both Historic Premil (I believe, correct me if I am wrong). But people are upset because MacArthur so badly misrepresented amillennialism, and because he defined "premillennialism" as though it were dispensationalism. John MacArthur laid down the gauntlet on the issue of prophecy in his opening talk at the 2007 Shepherds Conference that was titled Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist Is a Premillennialist. He was emphatic that only premillennialism takes the prophecies concerning the future of Israel seriously. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. In a shocking conclusion to the illustration, MacArthur said, if this is the kingdom, then Jesus is not the messiah. John MacArthur News Why TMS? What he is saying is, a literal interpretation of the Old Testament is going to lead you to a premillennial view, and since we dont want to get there, we cant use a literal approach. Those who most celebrate the sovereign grace of election regarding the church and its inviolable place in Gods purpose, from predestination before the foundation of the world to glorification in the future, those who most celebrate the sovereign grace of election, those who most aggressively, most militantly, and most capably defend the truth of Scripture regarding this election being divine, unilateral, unconditional, irrevocable by nature, for the church - thats for us . And it is powerfully persuasive. But that is essentially what theyre asking us to do. This we think to be the sense, in general, of those scriptures, both in the Old and New Testament, which speak of the latterday glory. Weve been working our way through doctrinal emphases in Scripture, doctrinal themes, and we have covered a lot of ground. I am not going to try to quote him here, because frankly I did not take notes, I just sat there and listened. Return the sovereignty of God in election to its rightful place, return the nation Israel to its rightful place, and your eschatology will unfold in beautiful clarity. Oct 27, 2007. If it doesnt mean what it says and everybodys got a different view, then nobody has the authority to say, This is true. Lets just stick with things that we know are true and things that all the good theologians agree on. Its just a lot of material. If you interpret Old Testament prophecies literally, they cannot be fulfilled in this present age. The amil guy, MacArthur said, would have to say that things have changed, those promises no longer apply to you, we have them now and this is the kingdom. Christ returns before the Millennium, a literal thousand years 2. Now, I told you a few weeks ago why people believe that, because they want to get God off the hook so Hes not responsible for evil; but Hes happy to take the responsibility for allowing evil for His own glory. John MacArthur has compiled more than 20,000 study notes, a 200-page topical index, and numerous charts, maps, outlines, and articles to create The MacArthur Study Bible. Father, we thank You for a great evening together; wonderful testimonies, great fellowship and how - how good it is to think deeply and broadly about the glory of Your Word. I have dragged you through virtually every verse in the New Testament. Ive preached through many of the books of the Old Testament, the first eleven chapters of Genesis through Daniel, Zechariah, the minor prophets, and pieces and bits of Isaiah and others in the Old Testament. It matters to me to understand what God has said about the end. I think it matters. We are responsible for our sin, but in the end, we believe because He moves on us. Now, when they came here, Im very much aware that many of them are amillennialists. This book teaches that Christians will exercise dominion in history. Now, here comes the real irony; this is the real irony. We cant have those prophecies come to pass with regard to Israel in an earthly, literal kingdom the way the Old Testament seems to be saying it, so set aside normal, natural, literal interpretation. Arminians - not Armenians, thats different; those who follow Arminius - did not believe in election. Pretribulational Rapture in 17th and 18th Century England. We freely own, as what we think agreeable to scripture, that as Christ has, in all ages, displayed his glory as King of the Church, so we have ground to conclude, from scripture, that the administration of his government in this world, before his coming to judgment, will be attended with greater magnificence, more visible marks of glory, and various occurrences of providence, which shall tend to the welfare and happiness of his church, in a greater degree than has been beheld or experienced by it, since it was planted by the ministry of the apostles after his ascension into heaven. There isnt such a thing. [2] Now, the truth of the matter is, those are just two ways to look at the same thing; postmillennialism and amillennialism is really the same thing. Scofield, that came out of J.N. In his commentary on John 3:33, John Calvin wrote: "To believe the Gospel is nothing else than to assent to the truths that God has revealed." The sort faith that MacArthur rejects is what the Bible requires. And for most evangelicals, for most people who hold to a sound, biblical view and Reformed theology, they would live and die that the text of Genesis 1 through 3 means exactly what it says it means, because thats the only way to interpret Scripture. Whats that about? (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, [1834] 1974), 1:607.). Preachers Should Measure Twice and Cut Once, Why Our Church Cancelled Christmas Eve Service. Its the same God, same terminology. And there are others who believe that that refers to heaven; that refers to the experience of the saints in heaven. Now, if you want to get the future right, youve got to get Israel right, and youve got to get Gods sovereign electing purpose right. This is process theology. John Piper Backs Professor's End Times Theory of Premillennialism. An Excellent Defense of The Rapture by Dr. John MacArthur But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. Why? Well see more about how that works. As soon as you abandon that, then its fair game for anybodys craziness. Dispensational premillennialists hold that Christ will come before a seven-year period of intense tribulation to take His church (living and dead) into heaven. And again, I say, His election is divine, unilateral, unconditional and irrevocable. And youve been great tonight; this is more like a theological lecture. The other says there will be a kingdom. Now, against those two is the view called premillennialism; that means there will be a millennium and prior to that millennium, Jesus will come. What some postmil critics fail to recognize is that postmillennialists have always had a significant role for the future conversion of Jews while premillennialists do not. "Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Pre-Millennialist." For those of you who don't know, this was a statement, among others, that John MacArthur was recorded as making at the recent Shepherd's Conference 2007 at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley California. Some people say, How in the world can you understand it? They understood it in China without anything but a Bible; they understood it in Central Asia without anything but a Bible; you take it at face value. Premillennialists believe that two-thirds of the Jews living in Israel during the time of the great tribulation will be slaughtered (Zech. Amillennialism, dispensational premillennialism, historic premillennialism, postmillennialism, preterism. That is to say, while they understood that someone would come, they understood whatever it was that had been revealed to them, the timing was not clear, and the precise personages were not clear. Amillennialism is consistent with Arminianism. , . It matters to me. We chart the course and God reacts. Like all divine truth, getting the future truth right is beneficial. I know where history is going. Ridgeley knew his history well enough to know that the majority of theologians in the seventeenth century held to an advancing kingdom through the proclamation of the gospel which includes the future conversion of the Jews. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. The sting of death is sin, the power of sin is the law, thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.. John MacArthur was one of the influences that helped turn me to Preterism. His point being that Jesus literally fulfilled promises of God just as they would have been literally taken, how in the world can we now redefine the kingdom in a different way than it was described in and through the prophets? Those who most celebrate the sovereign grace of election - thats the Reformed - they are typically amillennial. Edwards believed that the overthrow of Satans kingdom involved several elements: the abolition of heresies and infidelity, the overthrow of the kingdom of the Antichrist (the Pope), the overthrow of the Muslim nations, and the overthrow of Jewish infidelity: However obstinate [the Jews] have been now for above seventeen hundred years in their rejection of Christ, and however rare have been the instances of individual conversions, ever since the destruction of Jerusalem … yet, when this day comes, the thick vail that blinds their eyes shall be removed, 2 Cor. Because when you understand Gods purpose for Israel, you now have the foundation for all eschatology; all eschatology. I asked Dr. Michael Brown, who is premil, in our debate about Replacement Theology how he reconciles his claim that God is not finished with Israel with Zechariah 13:79. There is another form of that view called amillennialism; amillennialism - and youve probably heard about that. John MacArthur laid down the gauntlet on the issue of prophecy in his opening talk at the 2007 "Shepherds' Conference" that was titled "Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist Is a Premillennialist." He was emphatic that only premillennialism takes the prophecies concerning the future of Israel seriously. Theres a recovery of premillennialism in the modern era, and the recovery of premillennialism in the modern era came from two very unlikely sources. Theres no sense in going in to all of that, except to say in both cases, they say there is no actual earthly reign of Christ fulfilling all Old Testament covenant promises. Its the whole point of everything else. They dont want to accept that the entire universe was created in six nearly twenty-four-hour days. Do not look down on others from your view of the end-times. In other words, Piper believes Jesus Christ will come on earth and reign for 1,000 years. MacArthur is a fifth-generation pastor, a popular author and conference speaker and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969, and as President of The Master's College (and the related Master's Seminary) in Santa Clarita, California. He confronts the views of covenant theology, historical premillennialism, ultradispensationalism, and, in this revised edition, the increasingly popular progressive dispensationalism. Help Grace to You bring important resources like this to people in your community and beyond, free of charge. Should We Cancel Karl Barth, Martin Luther, and Jonathan Edwards? It has to matter to us. Revelation 1:3: Blessed is he who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it: for the time is near.. Did God do this but somehow mumble? One calls it a kingdom and says it will expand and expand and expand - thats the positive spin. The preconception is that we cant allow this to happen. You can choose Him and then not choose Him, and then choose Him again and then not choose Him, and you make the decision; and so, all of the promises of God are conditional on you. How do you explain that? If this is a future event, why arent premillennialists warning the Jews in Israel whats about to take place? Dispensationalism continues to provoke heated debate within the Christian world. You would assume that they are confused because the Bible is confusing, and if the Bible is confusing, then God Himself is confused, and so, working hard - and it is often hard work - to understand prophetic passages is needless. Ridgeleys original work was titled A Body of Divinity: Wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are Explained and Defended, Being the Substance of Several Lectures on the Assemblys Larger Catechism and was published in 1731.)) So, it is really one of the strange ironies of Reformed theology, and therefore its a strange irony in the church today, that those who love the doctrine of sovereign election most - that would be Reformed theologians - those who love the doctrine of sovereign election most supremely, and who love that doctrine most sincerely and - this is going to be a long sentence - and who are most unwavering in their devotion to the glory of God, the honor of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, the veracity and inerrancy of Scripture , Those who are usually the most fastidious in Bible interpretation - yes, those who are the most careful and intentionally biblical regarding all categories of doctrine, those who see themselves as guardians of biblical truth, those who are passionate to get it right, those who are not content to be wrong at all, and those who most heartily agree on the essential matters of Christian truth, so that they labor with all their powers to examine in a Berean fashion every relevant text to discern the true interpretation of all matters of divine revelation, are . Israel crucifies the Messiah, thats it. Only now has it happened, and so His promises may not be trustworthy, since they were given in the past, before so many things happened that He didnt know were coming to pass. Let me condense that down, just squeeze it down to about 350 pages, because if people read this and understand it, theyre going to be blessed by God. And they said, Sure.. I said, Sure - Ill take all day Friday, Ill tell you the future. So, I just marched them through the order of the chronology of eschatology as its laid out clearly, both in the Old and the New Testament, and I finished. And I can only tell you I am unwaveringly committed to the sovereign election of a future generation of Jews to salvation, and the full inheritance of all the promises and covenants of God given to them in the Old Testament. He and his wife, Christie, have six children. You can believe and be saved and then you can forfeit your salvation. In the mid-seventeenth century, the Westminster Larger Catechism, in the answer to Question 191, displayed the hope for the future conversion of the Jews. So here, we are living in the view of our eschatological triumph in Christ: the glory of the Rapture, the last trump, rising from the grave, made imperishable and immortal. But, you know, of all the people on the planet who should be premillennialists, it should be those who believe in divine sovereign election, of all people. I recently read this great article and would recommend every professing Calvinist to give it a read, I believe John MacArthur's arguments for Pre-Millennialism are biblically irrefutable, mainly because the traditional Reformed view (Amillennialism) does away (Replacement Theology) with future Israel (God's Elect) and that is far from the truth A Review of Dr. John MacArthur's "Why Every Calvinist Should be a Premillennialist" Sermon. Israel sinned, youre out. Please respond to confirm your registration. 11:12; 12:29; 13:19; John 10:12, 28, 29) and removing (John 6:15; Acts 8:39; 23:10; Jude 23).There is a third use, which focuses on being caught up . In fact, some say nearly one-fourth of Scripture is prophetic. Turn to 1 Corinthians 15; 1 Corinthians 15. They dont want to accept the fact that Adam and Eve were created full grown, male and female, not the result of an evolutionary process. Turn to 1 Thessalonians chapter 4; 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. Short Response to Dr. MacArthur's statement. That's OK and no one is surprised or upset about that. Now, I've been telling you for a number of months that we were going to get into the subject of eschatology, the doctrine of last things. He even went so far as to say that the Amillennial position is more consistent with Arminianism After clicking 'Register', you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. His contention that unless you see Scripture through dispensational eyes, you cannot be a "self-respecting Calvinist" surprised many-Reformed amillennarians and historic premillennarians alike. This morning John MacArthur opened the 2007 Shepherds Conference with a loud blast that will no doubt be heard around the Reformed world in the coming weeks. This is why the Church is so weak in our day. Amillennialism really seems to fit them. I saw it in Scripture when I was young; I saw it in Scripture because it was so crystal clear. The Rise of Philo-Semitism and Premillennialism During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. But not us, who live and breathe the rarified air of sovereign grace and election; it makes no sense to me. MacArthur insisted that we should be able to preach the whole Bible without changing the original meaning of the text or abrogating promises. Select Bibliography. They didnt really get to the front of ecclesiology either, the study of the church, but those two kind of go together - as well see in this study - in some very fascinating ways. Not that they were the end, but they were the means to the end. The books and articles that make this case are not obscure or difficult to find. iii.16. God promised him the inheritance of the land. Its there. Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. Premillennialism (3) Pretribulationism (1) Pride (3) Priests (4) Princeton Theological Review (1) . I couldnt help but wonder what the other guest speakers might have been thinking as they sat in the front row. The reasons are simple enough: this classic work is forthrightly Biblical. Cause what that means is God does know the future; God has set the future, and the future involves not only the glory of His church but the fulfillment of His elect people Israel with regard to everything that He promised that nation. You can follow him on Twitter. This year they upgraded some snacks and are handing out Zone protein bars, a major enhancementhowever, I am really missing my family. For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here: https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/90-339 To receive John MacArthur's monthly l. John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American Protestant pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program Grace to You. Now, the only thing that I ask is that you read it, and the only reason I ask you to read it is so that you may be what? I have - they can try to terrify me with all this stuff; I am unmoved. by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue (Chicago: Moody, 2012), 24. I think He cares that we get it right, thats why He wrote it, and I think He understands that His glory is at stake, and our hope and comfort is at stake and the evidence of Gods massive moving in history is at stake with regard to the future. Anything to avoid premillennialism, even if you change the rules of interpretation. Well, this is such a great chapter - verse 51: I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep. Christ will return, He will come in a glorious second coming to earth - but not to establish His kingdom, but rather after His kingdom has been established. You have this hope as a purifying hope. Major proponents J. N. Darby, C. I. Scofield, John Walvoord, A. C. Gaebelein, Charles Ryrie, Lewis S. Chafer, J. Dwight Pentecost, Charles C. Ryrie, Even His promises may not be valid, because He made them with inadequate information. And so, I think its a fair test to see whether eschatology holds up. He made an interesting connection between Genesis and Revelation. John MacArthur claims to be a Dispensationalist in both The Gospel According to Jesus (GAJ) and The Gospel According to the Apostles (GAA). Moreover, John, as again stated by Papias, ascribed the origin of millenarianism to Christ . And Im not into all kinds of complex charts, and Im not into all that is traditionally known as dispensationalism - seven dispensations, two kingdoms, two New Covenants, two ways of salvation, discontinuity between the Old Testament and the New - Im not talking about that.