I was at Udorn from 1970 1971 Civil Engineers Also many of us flew from US and landed in Vietnam for aircraft refueling enroute to Thailand. After many denials and appeals, and taking it as far as I could with my Vet Rep, I contacted the Veterans Consortium online who works with attorneys who work pro bono for veterans or their survivors. Kind of enjoyed the early part but was worried about being attacked. Depending in what shop your Father was in Im sure that I had to run across him in that hangar we worked out of. I understand the rules on this site prohibiting direct contact between vets posting here, however, I belong to several Facebook groups dedicated to vets who served in Thailand, including one specifically for personnel who were based at NKP. The O2A was cut up and loaded on a C130 back to NKP. Itincludes, on its reverse,amap of American installations within the Thai capital of Bangkok. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB all of 1973 with 8th SPS-K9. Do ever give up, keep fighting, Good Luck, i was tdy between jan to mar from cck to takhli 374th supply sq trying to find a way to prove my presence because tdy records arent kept i was told. Flying backseater in an F4D he became Missing-InAction & has not been recovered for slightly over 48 years. TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. I was an aircraft electrician, only 10 months in the air force when deployed. I was billeted at a small camp near Udorn belonging to a pole linemen company. Their Search Radar was in a tent very near the Mekong River, that is where I spent most of my time while visiting Mukdahon. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), Herbicide Tests and Storage Outside Vietna, Call TTY if you I was there 1969-1970 as hydraulic mechanic. I was a grader operator, then a low boy driver. Was stationed with the 355 Field Maintenance Sq at Takhli Thailand from 24 Nov 1966 to 23 Nov 1966 as an Aircraft Fuel System Repairman. We walked the perimeter with our dogs every night. The 1969 map you found, a great source, lists the UTM coordinates for the facilities, but not in a format Ive ever seen, two letters and four digits (e.g. have hearing loss. Lived and jogged on perimeter everyday. But my Rabbi, has already received his disability rating and we were stationed at the same location and we were all around the base and community. Explore the I was there for most of 1967. I was at Takhi from July 66 to July 67. I was at Udorn in 67. I was tdy to Nam and Laos. Was TDY with SAC to Utapoa in 1968. We had a large latrine/shower room, as well as a company office where the officers and first sergeant had their offices. I was 1st Cook, 738 Eng, camp friendship. records,clipping from newpaper and was turn down. Yes they would send you to Vietnam on Christmas. Our aircraft U21 LE and LJ were returned to the States. Perimeter duty station is required for AO at Tahkli. 386. titled Phan Rang Air Base PP431-433. VA wants to deny my claim of exposure to Agent Orange present there and my exposure being the cause of this disease and disability. (page 1). I was first with the 35 FMS and finished with the 352 FS doing periodic maintenance on F-100s. We dated and she Loves me And I her. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin; Influencers; Brands; Blog; About; FAQ; Contact It took me a number of years and appeals, but I finally received a rating of 100% for Prostate, bladder Cancer, & Tinnitus. The disagreements outcome became known as Palace Lightning, and I wound up at Kunsan AFB. This too was patrolled by K-9 units. I also was a staff sergeant and we lived in the airmen barracks at the front of the base. Whether you were working F-4s at the trim pad or working AC-130 Gunships at the other end of the ramp on the perimeter. There was a small detachment of Army Trac 97 electronic technicians next door to the Quenset Hut where my electronics was located. Larry. Was assigned to 432 AMS. Dates of service: (actual or approximate) He says they were near the perimeter where AO was sprayed. I have been diagnosed with ischemic heart issues and a number of issues concerning bodily inflammation. His mother passed never telling him who his father was . 3. When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. The base consisted of a mess hall houtches and the air strip and planes that were frequently flew missions Im pretty sure that agent Orange was stored there and that the jungle was sprayed around the perimeter of the camp. Working on his 2nd now. I would like to personally thank the United States government for treating the Viet Nam veterans with the respect that we deserve. Served at Korat RTAFB from late January 68 til 17 November 68 . However, I get discouraged from all the horror stories Ive heard with claims being denied and dont know who could help me file? Have had a heart attack. Please join our FB group: Happy Valley Phan Rang AB, Vietnam I have type 2 diabetes and have had for quite a few years now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. I was at Takhli from Feb 1973 until Mar 1974 as a Jet Engine mechanic and worked at the trim pad. In April 1975, the Peoples Army of Vietnam seized the base, and today it is used by the Vietnam Peoples Air Force. The station facilities are located near the base of rugged jungle-clad mountains to the west. On the bottom of the map is a list of U.S. installations and facilities, broken down by service branch. Painted F-4s. Then all hell would break loose and Id have to shut down the conversation due to explicit language. What a great touch to a horrible time!!!!! The homecoming ceremony at RAAF Richmond on 31August 2009 was a momentous occasion for Squadron Veterans. Spent 7 months in country. I have several of the illnesses associated with AO. I have many of the problems associated with the use of chemical clearing uses. I spent all my time working along the flight line and travelled all over that base for 46 days. Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. My medical history includes platelets count over a million per microliter of blood, had my right kidney removed due to cancer, had heart surgery and currently dealing with skin cancer. He has been asked to get buddy letters from people who may have served there with hi to get VA Benefits. I have successfully filed for service related disability due to agent orange exposure while I was with the 6908 security squadron at NKP Thailand July 74 to June 75. no mention anywhere of U.S. marines at airbase in namI liphong , Thailand. He did live off base with my mother when he returned in August of 72. Station NKP Thailand 74-75, trying to find out if anyone knows how to get the Security Police daily logs on manning towers and flight line, was augmented to that duty but of course no record of such action. I remember your beer cans were of steel and could not be bent over like Americas aluminum beer cans! Was volunteeredto crew a ORH C-123 through UDorn eventually to Buen Hoa and others in Vietnam. Ive had progressive peripheral neuropathy not experienced by other family members, since at least the early 90s, which recently required amputations. Does anyone have any information on a Joseph Burton or a Charles Edward Drumm?? I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. Now and then a troop who been at Phan Rang more than two or three months would hear his wife or girl friend start crying. I was so happy. Still fighting agentorange heart surgery 2007. I was also stationed at Korat in 1972-73. Response to Bob Morgan: DPAA plans to return to the sight in 2021. My husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months teaching at Korat Technical College. I wish he were still alive to see this. I served with 355th out of Takhli 1969-1970. Any recalls would greatly appreciated. If you have a detailed map of UT, look to the south end of the runway for the aircraft ramp numbered 5060. clickfraud.ru. Served 98-70 NKP. We also ate nothing but WW11 and Korean War C and B rations. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. I do believe that every Service Member who was Deployed to Thailand was affected in some fashion medically and health wise. God Bless u all! I am trying to file one more time. Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). When I told him that my brother would not disclose anything this fellow said my brother displayed excellent loyalty and discipline. I have heard of other guys having missing records from military. 135. have filed for AO exposure. Was a clerk in Enarie, at 4IFD HQ Casualties 5/69-~9/69, then 29 MH as combat artist to 4/70. Can barely walk because of the pain. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. To Pat Kearny I was stationed at Phan Rang AB from May 1968 to May 1969 with the 35th Field Maintenance Squadron. The VA has turned down my claim now three times. Is there any chance I was exposed to Agent Orange? I cannot confirm that the list is exhaustive, but it is significant. Of course parts in excess of TO&E and that B model had to leave when the IG showed up. I researched found nothing about that so called event. Still waiting for service connection. Hope to hear from you. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) Every one of them. Korat AFB in 1973 and Utapao AFB in 1974. Someone with more rank and better pay than me always seemed to say the paper work was filed. If you havent found the RoseGarden website, I encourage you to. Phan Rang Air Base was quickly expanded in 1965 to accommodate both United States and VNAF fighter and helicopter units. I was in the 35th SPS from I am 75 years old and not sure how much time I have left. And everyone at work!!! While at the Sacramento VA in December 2013, having receiving my laboratory test results, I was informed to drop by my VFW Veteran Service Officer (located on the first floor of the Sacramento VA) to file a VA Claim. Told I was not boots on the ground. Once little more than a provincial airfield, the base expanded to 2350 acres (95 1 hectares) with two 10.000 ft (3048 m) asphalt runways with concrete touchdown pads, parallel taxiways, and a heliport. Was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from May 68 to May 69. To all my brothers,WELCOME HOME!! Finally, today, 02-12-2020, I spoke with an ADVISOR at the Federal Bldg in WLA and felt good about what he told me. F4 instrumentation. Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire video, or to see movie. have fingers crossed but at 75 believe my time running out. I was in the 1890 Comm. I was stationed at Udorn in 1967. Several trailers congregated together and aircraft parking ramp. Counted 20 drums on one trip. Thank you in advance . First in perimeter towers, then bunkers , mobile and control desk. THE OIC IN CHARGE WAS , WAYNE L COTTRELL. 2 Operations. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. God bless to all my USAF brothers that served in Southeast Asia. If anyone has information pertaining to AO being sprayed within or near Nakhon Phenom (NKP) i would love to hear from you. I dont remember landing in Vietnam. How will I replace you. I smartly saluted the Major and assured him my mission flying times were over. Our work shifts were 12/7 during my time there. I was in the Air Force in Thailand from May 66 to May 67. I still have the copy of the order if anybody needs it that is on the list. Melvin A. Bosch Msgt Retired. Home I am receiving 40% disability for prostate cancer and diabetes type II from Agent Orange exposure. Welcome home boy you guys are men and have be enjoyed for years, it was a pleasure serving with you guys from the sea. Been turned down for compensation for Parkinsons Disease and Diabetes several ties. I served at Udon, Thailand from 1967 to 1968 in the engine shop. Regarding post #170- I served with Marvin Parker 1970-71. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. I never heard that on be. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. Served with the 432nd MMS in Udorn from September 1966-67. We protested but accepted the fact drink or die of dehydration. Could be mixed up on Battalion designation, not sure. The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. https://vvabooks.wordpress.com/2019/05/01/the-grotto-by-harold-g-walker/, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1894942467450627, Identifying Military Personnel: Decoding Serial Numbers, Reconstructing the Past Part II: The National Personnel Record Center Fire of 1973, 75th Anniversary of the First Veterans Day Celebration and Free Access to Fold3 on Veterans Day Weekend. I served in Tahkli Thailand, I have peripheral neuropathy, I have had it for 11 years now, it continues to get worse in my feet and hands. This is a very sad state of affairs!!!! visit VeteransCrisisLine.net for more resources. We also rehab the existing Phan Rang airstrip for air crago use. Its a declassified document on how every base in Thailand was established from a security perspective. I was a USAF captain assigned as an advisor to HQ RVNAF at TSN 1972-1973 for anything electrical, especially power plants. My original records were burned in a Saint Louis fire and my copies were lost during a flood. The building now used for my restaurant was built in 1966. our base was clear of all vegatation, but surrounded by thick forested jungle. Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems and brain damage. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. I applied for AO service connection, but was denied because I was not stationed on the perimeter of the bases. Do not give up on your claim. aviation supply till they moved back to Japan 73. rats n tower with bug. I have numbness in my hands and feet Im healthy physically, blood pressure etc just nerve damage. He was my brother. I served 30 days as an Air Police Augmentee. IBM, they do assist me in getting the disability essentials needed to help my wife and Primary Caregiver take care of me. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. Media in category "Phan Rang Air Base" The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total. My father Joseph Kauten was stationed at PeaseAFB in NH then went to U-Tapao as a Weapons Maitenance Technician in Jan 72-Feb 73, (on leave for a few weeks in August to get married) he was then in Mountain Home, Idaho. This past year, I had my mitral heart valve repaired due to 40% back-flow. [14][15], Based at Phan Rang Air Base in Ninh Thuan province, the unit became part of the United States Air Force 35th Tactical Fighter Wing (35 TFW) and between April 1967 and June 1971,[16] the Canberras flew approximately 12,000 sorties. I served in USAF at Sagion Tan Son Nhut AFB in 1964,I worked in large tent about a 100 yrs from the pad where an C123 transport was maintained and I pasted by the plane twice a day if it not out spraying Agent Orange.The plane nose was named Old Patches because it fly low ans slow over the tree tops doing its mission.I remember men would stand in the back of a duce and quarter filling the planes tank with agent orange by using a hand pump from a 55 gal drums.I remember seeing the stuff over flow from the drums and pump onto the ground.These men wore no protective gear the fuseledge of the plane would covered from spraying runs.Back in the 60s there were no Hazmat warning,and no one knew a lust green jungle one the day,a few days later dead.I remember taking Hughy out along the Makong river and both side of the river were dead seems like a mile on each side.The stuff really works.I my heart I feel those men are not with us today having working in those conitions.I was told Agent Orange was shipped to war in Cargo ships by the the thosands of drums.Udorn AFB was the same around the base on a fly in there.By now all those Airman are dead and I guess there still a need for more proof. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. 3 years in Thailand, A-O was used, no exposure? The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. That was my base camp, but I hauled supplies to almost every other base in Thailand. The VA (NOTE: Prior to my assignment at Ubon, there were two Sapper Attacks and during my assignment, there was one such incident.) One was brought down by a surface-to-air missile from which the crewmen one of whom was the squadron commander, Wing Commander Frank Downing safely ejected and were rescued via helicopter, and another was lost during a bombing run around Da Nang. I suspect I may have diabetes, not sure yet, how will all this all come into play, will I have a claim? How do I post an official U.S. government map of Udorn RTAFB on this page? Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. On the bases themselves because of trip flares, barbed wire and such, they sprayed because they couldnt mow. I was told my illness are not connected to the military. I was with the 331st Supply Company. My husband was there as in 1966. You served our country over there in a foreign land, were exposed to that horrible AO while doing so, and the VA should be paying benefits to any veteran with any cancer that can be linked to any exposure to AO while serving. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. I got that VA letter in the mail, the DVA in Oakland sent me the result, and told me to see my local DVA Rep and he would type me another letter to try again , I ended up with 20% had VA Health Care, free eyeglasses and free hearing aids, free doctor appts, but wife got sick to I was OK with 20%. Later moved to barracks next to gunship barracks. I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. Note: This does NOT include US Army helicopter or ground applications, or any form of the insecticide programs by the Government of Vietnam, or the US military. Couldnt talk about the kid I left on a Thai flight line. Other branches of the U.S. military also made their way to Thailand, which the map indicates. From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. If you were stationed at Takhli or Korat, you were exposed to agent orange. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 KEEP THE CLAIM GOING SO IT WILL BE RETROACTIVE BACK TO THE POINT OF YOUR FILING. I was stationed at Udorn RTAFB in 1967-68 in the USAF. Even I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . I remember Thailand being one of the enlistment options at that time. he came hone, and finally retired after 28 years, in 1979. I would like to get contact with anyone who was stationed there. I then informed the Manila VA Claims Department that I was going to file a new VA Claim and submitted that on March 8, 2021, which came back approved on March 22, 2021.) He now has memory problems. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. may result in removed comments. We all lived in the NCO barracks across from the mess hall. From 1976 to 1 May 1979 I served at Fairchild AFB, Washington, and retired from the USAF. I check on many of them and what I could find all led back to Agent Orange issues. Lt Col Joe Jackson, MOH was my squadron Commander. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. Returned on a 30-year non-disclosure for witness to Genocide. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. Heart attack and by-pass in 1999,Gaul Bladder removal,Prostate cancer,Rheumatoid Arthritis,two operations for blocked arteries in leg,Cysts in groin. Told I qualified d not to worry, they still refused and said his opinion was just that an opinion and the VA doesnt have to follow his recommendations. Why shouldnt I. I was there at the same time. The base there had a beautiful new hospital which had been constructed as a triage for wounded soldiers air lifted out of Viet Nam before being sent back to the states. I was in the airforce 1971 to 1975. Anyone else reading this pleaseet me know on here. Any base names (or state) that he may have been trained or stationed: Thank you for your service! Was stationed at Udorn 621st TCS from Feb 69 to March 70 Did a month as Security Police Augmentee. So, I saw my primary Philippine Care Physician (taking in a bottle of water with an empty glass to perform a show n tell) and she knew right away what I had. Stationed at Takhli RTAFB 1970-1971. VA has denied a claim. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68. I was stationed at Korat, Thailand in 1970-71. 5 way bypass pass. We were also stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines from 1964 to 66. However, there was a terrible consequence:Exposure to Agent Orangeresulted incancer, birth defects, and other significantailments. LUCKY! You fought for this country; if Agent Orange and combat stress disabled you; then our country needs to step up to the plate and provide the benefits you need. Christmas campaign. hw-pr-swartz-17-op-nui-dat-1966.jpg It wasnt a us base then. Worked on the trim pad. There were canine units there. Crew Chief on F-4. Please share. Ive had two heart attacks before the age of 50. heart surgery and placement of a stent at the age of 55, My hearing was damaged at the time and has growing worse over time, My shoulders and joints have progressively deteriorated, I had left shoulder surgery at the age of 58 and still need surgery on my right. My Dad (David) was there from 66 67 as an Air Force medic, he worked for a small group commanded an Army COL Salucci. Nkp June 67 June 68 munitions bomb dump special project seeding trails south with bomblets and sensors.ao used to clear diagnosed with prostate cancer. Installations and Facilities in Thailand. Over the years i have developed. Yet I still languish on appeal. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. He was a star athlete & coached high school track until 4 yrs ago. Many things have started happening like Parkinsons decease, neuropathy, He was 72, far too young to die! I only have a couple of pictures from that time. I just scanned these messages, hoping to add something that is useful. I was working the morning that the EB66 crashed off the end of the runway, killing all aboard. Would like to contact you. We arrived at Phan Rang in Nov. 1965. I was assigned to the A Flight unit assigned to Danang airbase, Nov 1968-69 as aircraft maintenance and crew chief on acft 43-49211. https://www.disabledveterans.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Project-CHECO-Report.pdf. I was 20 years old and after Thailand I had acne until I was about 25 I develop hypertension and hypothyroidism at about 40.I will be contacting my VSO as soon as possible to the inquiry about a claim. Try it. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! VA denied my DIC claim (no boot on the Vietnam land and no evidence of herbicides during duties). that was a hectic night as i was on CQ that night.I submitted written and photo evidence to that fact.. The arrival of the 614th TFS (F-100Ds) at Phan Rang and a day in the life of F-4C fighter pilots (366th Tactical Fighter Wing) at Phan Rang.Also includes ground shots of base barracks, messhalls and numerous buildings and areas. I showered from old tanks the mommasoms had no.idea where water came from.but got infections . I didnt know what it was back then. His reply was always that he was required to not discuss his duties. It was very early in the process so we did a lot of working making hooches out of tents. And who knows, maybe AO has no effect on roses. Any duty on or very near the base perimeter might also qualify.Good luck and God Bless. I remember entering the gate and to my left was that klong and frequently smell the odor of chemucals. I started taking my medications and the A1c was not coming down. Ive studied the recognized dates. June ,1965 for 6 months. My husband James Corwin Page was stationed there with the Idaho 116th engineer battalion somewhere between (1966-69). I was stationed with a USAF Communications Detachment at the Chang Mai Airport in 1967 thru 1968. Nor can I find any mention of the USAFSS. Couldnt your hand in front of your face! (70-71) FLEW 50+ MISSIONS OVER LAOS AND CAMBODIA. I primarily worked the flight line. This is so interesting. April 5, 2018. Do your homework before writing articles. Then in 2015 Lewy Body Dementia, with Parkisonism showing up as the primary symptom. Some of us rented bungalow downtown as well. God Bless All. I was there when the Thai workers and an airman arrived in a pickup truck and pulled what was a converted Water Buffalo tanker. sp 4 Army stationed at Camp Friendship (Korat) 1967. Williamson) Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. First trip to SE Asia was Oct/Nov 1968 in the Coast Guards EC130E CGNR 1414 to survey and monitor LORAN signals transmitted from various USCG sites in Thailand and Vietnam. we supported lima site 11 in paske laos and were the main relay tropo communications station between vietnam and thailand. Im not trymg to blaim anyone because it was their job. Those of us that lived in the hooches while there we were in the AO drift zone. Im surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the impact of Agent Orange on the Thai public. Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. Infantry. Let me put in a plug for a book, The Grotto, about life flying helicopters out of Phu Bai. MOST WERE TYPHOON RELATED. But, Diabetes is on the list. Any number of clues that you might have, or can get, may trigger better questions or hopefully answers! Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. 180 ".keeping the memories "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB, RVN The History of Phan Rang AB and the stories of those who served there. Agent orange was sprayed on us while doing a preflight inspection. He is also gone now. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. Ive had prostate cancer, heart disease, heart attack, COPD. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. The following 59 U.S. military bases were suffering from significant water or soil contamination a year ago, according to the Department of Defense's interpretation of its latest hazardous waste survey. Walt C passed away 2020 from intestinal cancer. Id like to know if I qualify to be a voting member of the VFW Salute, Great blog and great info. He only disclosed that his duties caused him great stress as how well he did his job could determine whether men lived or died. we lived in the contonment area which is where i got bladder cancer from AO. Going to start my investigation into applying for AO funds before things get worse and its too late. I am 70 years old now. Cree una base de datos de empresas y crguela en formato de Excel. Note: As many of you probably know many of the guys that were there with us are no longer with us. Does any one have any advice on how to proceed with yet another appeal. Welcome home vets. Even cancelled my C & P appt. We provided: "Sorties for ground support, night interdiction on supply/truck routes, logistics, and C-123 Ranch Hand Operations (Agent Orange)." Phan Rang AB was particularly vulnerable to off base interdiction because the base water supply and jet fuel was piped in. My dad was there just after you, in the Red Horse 12/69-12-70. I want to be independent. given the vietnam service medal and our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross. 5. Anyway. I was in the 417TFS. I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. Find the document CHECO. I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). Have fun fighting the system. there were also rescue misssions being conducted daily for downed us pilots. The record shows I filed on 02-25-1971. Sept. 70-Oct. 71