The uses permitted within this district are meant to serve the retail and personal service needs of residents in adjacent and nearby neighborhoods (1/4 to 1/2 mile). Also applies to all effluent carried by sewers whether it is sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, or stormwater runoff. A. The notice must be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. A. Applicability. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of laundering, dry cleaning or dyeing services other than those classified as Personal Services. The landowner or developer shall be required to comply with all the requirements for Fiscal Surety relating to Construction and Maintenance as detailed in Chapter 7. The subdivider shall pay the record filing fee and the City shall file the final plat with the County Clerk. Up to 40% of trees under 19" in diameter can be removed. A. The owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with removal and disposal of the sign. Open-air storage, distribution and handling of materials and equipment. Such legal lot shall have safe and reliable street access for daily use and emergency purposes. D. Effect of Council Approval. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall refer the Annual Update Requests to the City Council with recommendations for amendments to the Code by December 1st of each year. Download PDF file Ladd's Addition Conservation District Design Guidelines (1990) 25.66 MB. City of Liberty Hill PPC Rating is a split 5/5Y classification. 1.1 Purpose and Scope . Residential Land Use Report Future Development Projects Under Review Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies Recent Resolution Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PID) City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards View All Contact Us 512-548-5519 Pay Online Utility Billing (PRIVATE). It is designed to allow its patrons to be served or accommodated while remaining in their motor vehicles. F. Routed, embossed, or raised messages or sign copy must not be visible to the ordinary observer, if the face or message is blanked. The instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space as produced by sound energy. F. Navigation lights (aircraft warning beacons on water towers and wireless transmission facilities), notwithstanding the terms as may be set forth in licensing agreements with the owners/operators of such lights. See Section 6.11 [6.13] of this Code for lighting standards. D. Signs Exempt from Regulation. 1. All lots must be numbered consecutively within each block. A. Applicability. Digital maps, created through the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology, may be used in the administration and enforcement of this Code, but will not replace the paper originals of official maps required by this Code. Marquee. C. A development for which an approval or permit has been issued pursuant to this Code shall be considered to be in process as set forth below: D. A complete building permit application has been submitted or, if no building permit is required, a certificate of occupancy has been issued. Any stripping, excavating, filling, including hydraulic fill, stockpiling or any combination thereof. Maximum Development Density. A binding Site Plan for the Conditional Use Permit must be approved by the City Council in order to approve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. A change in ownership of a property through inheritance or the probate of an estate. 100-Year Floodplain. An applicant may only appeal the specific reasons given for the administrative disapproval or denial. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably should a variance be granted may not be considered grounds for a variance. Not capable of being put into practice or of being done or accomplished. Also, a strip of land used, or intended to be used, wholly or in part, by said governmental entity. Approval Criteria. Traffic Circulation. Note: Williamson County has review authority in the Citys ETJ until the City and County have entered into an interlocal agreement which defines the authority and procedures otherwise. All plan sets shall meet the minimum requirements as established within the Procedure for Public Improvement Plan Submittal. B. Typical uses include truck repair garages, trucking yard terminal, tractor and farm implement repair services, and machine shops (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvaging of vehicles). However, the City Engineers review is limited to facts as presented on submitted plans. The City Administrator shall create a file of all certificates issued pursuant to this Section of the Code that will be available for the publics review during regular business hours. The administrative official for the purposes of this Chapter shall be the City Administrator and his assistants, deputies, and department heads insofar as they may be charged by the City Administrator and the provisions of this chapter with duties and responsibilities referenced in this Chapter and Chapter 3. 4. It also includes, but is not limited to, the activities of feeding, housing, and maintaining of animals such as cattle, dairy cows, sheep, goats, hogs, horses, and poultry and handling their by-products. Nonresidential subdivisions and residential subdivision of four or fewer single-family lots shall not be subject to the parkland dedication requirements of this section. Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance, or window cleaning services. A. Applicability. (h) When an area is required to be dedicated, the city may require a cash payment in lieu of dedication or parkland. Chapter 3 provides supplemental information to the review procedures described in Chapter 2. Excessive glare can be annoying and may cause safety problems. The scoping meeting may occur during any required preapplication conference, but may also be scheduled after an initial preapplication meeting. If such a resolution is not adopted by the City Council, then the authority of the City Administrator to set aside standard review periods for this exception is no longer valid. Merchandise displays shall not be considered window signs. Nonresidential Development uses Maximum Impervious Cover only. Preliminary Plats are required for land being divided into separate parcels, plats with six or more lots, and any plats that require a dedication of land to the City. A written statement or certificate issued by the City Administrator (or his designee) authorizing buildings, structures, or uses in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance Code [sic]. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. L. Duration. For the purposes of this Ordinance Code [sic], noxious plants include: poison ivy, poison oak, kudzu and other plants that cause harm either because they are capable of causing harm to humans and animals by chemical reaction or are nonnative invasive species which that [sic] overwhelm native species and determined to be undesirable by the county or the state. Developable Land (or Area). EngineerING Design Standards Engineering Design Standards. Sound Level. C. Modifications to nonconforming lighting fixtures shall also comply with this Chapter. Conditions and proposed decisions regarding rezoning shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Substantial Improvement. Family. 5. MILITARY INSTALLATIONS. If the landowners determine to either fund in advance or fund more than their pro-rata share, the City shall credit the developers future fiscal posting. Modifications of the application during a public hearing may be made if assurances can be given by the applicant that the changes will be made. Uplands Zone. Code Ann. At a minimum the file should contain all certificates issued for a three-calendar year period and should be reviewed annually to remove certificates more than three (3) years old. 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council who is responsible for final action on a Code Text Amendments. Standard Specifications ManualSupplement 12 - 2022Online content updated on February 14, 2023. Net floor area shall be used for calculating parking requirements. Exceptions to these requirements include the following: 1. D. New development must occur in a fiscally responsible manner for the City. Comprehensive Plan. D. No person shall transfer, lease, sell or receive any part of a parcel before an administrative plat or final plat of such parcel and the remaining parcel have been approved by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of these regulations in this Code and filed of record with the County Clerk of Williamson County. Minor subdivisions in which all lots are fifteen (15) acres or larger. Intermittent Stream. Typical uses include auto rental agencies, trailer rental agencies, and taxicab parking and dispatching. A site plan will be approved and a site development permit issued if the development is in compliance with the general criteria for approval of administrative review procedures, the requirements of Chapter 5 [6] of this Code (Site Development Standards) and the following additional criteria: 1. A region measured outward from the trunk of the tree representing the essential area of the roots that must be conserved or preserved for the trees livelihood. Development is required to provide a higher level of amenities to its users or residents than what is usually required under the normal standards of this code. Under Canopy Sign. Chapters 211 and 212 of the Texas Local Government Code together with the general police powers of municipalities empower the City to adopt this Unified Development Code. Uses conducted within an enclosed building. Accordingly, it appears that the provision of parks can best be accomplished in conjunction with the platting and development of new residential areas, which increase the need for parkland and whose residents will be direct beneficiaries of the provision of such parkland. Where a subdivision contains sewers, sewage treatment facilities, water supply systems, water quality protection facilities, streets and other transportation related improvements, parks and grounds held in common, park and recreation improvements, drainage easements and/or drainage improvements, landscape improvements or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare of the area, or that are of common use or benefit which are not or cannot be satisfactorily maintained by an existing public agency, provision shall be made, which is acceptable to the City Council, for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance, and supervision of such facilities. Assurance of a variety of housing types, employment opportunities or commercial services to achieve a balanced community for families of all ages, sizes and levels of income. It is primarily intended for use in high-traffic areas adjacent to arterial streets and highways and is appropriate for relatively high-volume commercial centers. A. The City Administrator must make any submission requirements and applicable fee requirements available to the applicant as a part of the Administrative Procedures Manual. Compliance with rules and regulations that were enacted after the application for recognition of vested rights would cause a substantial economic hardship to the developer/property owner that would preclude the capability of completing the project in a reasonable and prudent manner. Typical uses include television studios, telecommunication service centers, telegraph service offices, film recording, sound recording, and cable television operations. (f) All land proposed for dedication as parkland that is located in a floodplain area shall: (1) Be easily accessible and have adequate street frontage; (2) Have any alteration of its natural character and that of its waterway approved by the parks board and city; (3) Be at least 100 feet in width, or of a width acceptable to the parks board and the city; (4) Have a configuration and topography suitable for placement of facilities such as playgrounds, picnic facilities, and open playfields. D. The final decision on the application was based on a material mistake of fact. The certificate issued by the City Administrator or designee that permits the use of a building or premises in accordance with the approved plans or permits and the provisions of law for the use and occupancy of the building in its several parts, together with any special stipulations or conditions of the building permit. E. The City Administrator may develop administrative rules or additional procedures to clarify implementation of this Code, provided that such rules or procedures are approved by the City Council prior to their implementation or enforcement, and provided further that additional procedures do not violate any other provisions of this Code. During the course of installation and construction of the required improvements, the City Administrator or his designee shall make periodic inspections of the work to insure that all improvements comply with the requirements of this Code. H. Reinstatement of a lapsed approval shall require the applicant to pursue the same submittal and to obtain approval as an original application. (e) Land dedicated for park and recreational purposes shall be of size, character, and location consistent with the standards outlined below: (1) If necessary for optimum park placement, large dedicatory requirements under this section may be accomplished by dedication of two or more separate park sites as long as each size meets the requirements set out in this section. A. Computation of Area of Individual Signs. Administrative decisions. The notice is deemed delivered when deposited in the United States Postal mail, with postage paid to the last known address of the party responsible for such sign. Applications submitted to the City for consideration of a permit for construction. F. Applications must be made in a format consistent with requirements determined by the City Administrator. Floor Area Ratio, (FAR). Typical uses include occupancy of fraternity or sorority houses, dormitories, residence halls, halfway houses, or boarding houses. A transfer of development rights from a transferor parcel to a receiving parcel by instrument(s) of transfer. Current practices of the City of Liberty Hill. Design Standards For your downloading convenience, the Design Standards have been broken up by section. A copy of the notice will be filed at the Office of the City Administrator, where it will be available for public inspection during regular office hours. Any sign erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of this subchapter[.]. The adopted City of Liberty Hill Drainage Master Plan. Any questions regarding the Design Criteria and Technical Specifications, public works projects, or this process should be directed to the Engineering Division at 816.439.4500. B. Adult-Oriented Business means, but is not limited to, an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult lounge, adult novelty shop, adult service business, or adult theater. When two identical sign faces are placed back to back, so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time, and when such sign faces are part of the same sign structure and are not more than 42 inches apart, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of one of the faces. Such business may also be designed to accommodate pedestrian traffic. EngineerING Design Standards | Liberty Lake, WA - Official Website A. Wholesaling, storage, warehousing services within enclosed structures. Doctor, dentist, veterinarian or other medically related office; or. This section shall not be applicable to any ordinance that concerns the development of real property; as adopted prior to the adoption of this chapter and is exempted by 245.004 from the protection provided by Chapter 245. The City Administrator shall review all certificates prior to issuance to ensure it clearly indicates the term and conditions (indicated above) required for the continuation of the recognition of the vested rights. A sign displayed inside a building that is not within five feet of windows or doors. The bond sale was done on Feb. 23 and City Council approved it the same day during their regularly scheduled meeting. To promote and protect the safety of persons and property by assuring that signs do not create traffic hazards or impair motorists ability to see pedestrians, other vehicles, obstacles or read traffic signs; B. City Council approval of a PUD also constitutes final approval of the binding PUD development ordinance and PUD general development plan that were attached to the PUD application, as modified by the City Council. The applicant shall provide a written guarantee that all litter generated by the event or use shall be removed within a reasonable and appropriate timeframe at no expense to the City. A historic resource comprised of 2 or more properties which that [sic] are significant as a cohesive unit and contribute to historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural values, which has been identified by the Historic Preservation Commission and duly classified pursuant to the procedures of the Texas Historical Commission. A. The applicant is responsible for submitting an application for a PUD that must include submission of a proposed development ordinance with an attached General Development Plan. F. One permanent benchmark must be installed and referenced to the North American Datum 1983 and the State Plane Coordinate System (Texas State Plane grid coordinates, Central Zone, Feet). In the event an applicant for recognition of vested rights is denied recognition of a vested right by the City Administrator and is aggrieved by such action or by the application of the above requirements, the applicant may appeal the decision of the City Administrator to the City Council by filing a request for appeal with the City Administrator within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the applicant is notified of the adverse decision or action taken.