},"Augment TempClass": {"action": "augment","parameters": {"left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies","right": "Add Temp Class","relationship": "Climate","operation": "LookupSingleValue","left_key": ["ShippingCountry"],"right_key": ["Country"],"right_select": ["TempClass"This is not correct. The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. This would take away from the purpose of the superbadge. Salesforce: Trailhead : Data Integration Specialist Challenge 5 (2 You, my amazing reader, get more than tips for a Salesforce Superbadge. Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5 - Not Completing Unsolved Questions This Question David H 18 Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5 - Not Completing Hi, I'm currently working through the Data Integration Specialist superbadge and my attempt throws the following error when I check the challenge: The ProjectTrigger does not appear to be calling 'BillingCalloutService.callBillingService ()' and passing in the collection of old and new records. Hi,Can you please let me know the correct values of both lens. You are responsible for your own actions. (full disclosure-- I did this superbadge twice because I didn't fully understand the first timeso don't feel bad about being lost! Processes. Challenge 5: Test callout logic. No. These challenges are super tricky with syntax! Key value should be the same. You signed in with another tab or window. Slack to Salesforce Integration using Apex Trigger, Test Class Not Covered. If you are up to a challenge- I'd do the Process Automation Specialist. I have higher numbers for all. Tonight's challenge involves the creation of two processes. If someone could guide me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. You also get personal insight into the life of a Trailhead Baby! I am stuck at Challenge 6,7 . },"Augment TempClass": {"action": "augment","parameters": {"right_key": ["Country"],"left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies","left_key": ["ShippingCountry"],"right_select": ["TempClass"My "left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies", is different plus several additional right select items. Please reference ID: UAPSIKJH. Something that helped was saving the report frequently. When I made mistakes, I simply reverted to the last saved version. i was doing a silly mistake. And correct me if i am wrong any where.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. Executive Report Tips: SolarBot Loyalty Revenue This report is tricky, but I don't want to give away the solution! data integration specialist superbadge challenge 5 Salesforce Trigger not Saving (Data Integration Specialist Superbadge Hello,Step 6 :When running my My Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Dataflow in the Monitor, this warning message appears : The dataflow was completed, but the Augment TempClass node didn't augment any columns. I was able to complete Data Preparation Super badge, now I am doing Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist and stuck at step # 3 (Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs)Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. },"CreateSeedBankAgencies":{"action":"sfdcRegister","parameters":{"name":"SeedBankAgencies","alias":"seed_bank_agencies","source":"AugmentTempClass"I have different spacing in the name.My original thought was with the "augument" step- because I have seen this throw errors a ton of times if "account number" was not explicitly selected in both data sets. If you need more help, leave a comment! Can anyone please help on Step 4. In the superbadge there's no indication of what naming convention to follow. I am stuck at step 6 of Einstein Analytics Data Preparation Specialist super badge.Message:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm these are the correct values in the lens. Making dinner for Mom! I guess I am glad I am not the only one? . I haven't done that superbadge yet! "Awaiting a helpful response.Thanks,Mithilesh. please help, I have tried everything but getting the same error since 3 days now - Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. { "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acerage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acerage" } }}It will be helpful for me if someone tells me why I am getting this. Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge.Here is the JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Load_Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "precision": 18, "scale": 6, "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "alias": "CreateSeedBank", "name": "CreateSeedBank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }}, "Load Seed Chart": {"action": "edgemart","parameters": {"alias": "Load_Seed_Chart"- Change the alias name to "Seed_Chart" - Don't ask me why. :) "Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"alias": "CreateSeedBank","name": "CreateSeedBank","source": "Calculate Acreage"- Change Name and Alias name. JSON:{ "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}, Techforce services is a Salesforce Consulting Services in Australia Specializing in delivering end to end Salesforce solutions ,Consulting, Implementation DevOps partners in Australia We deliver applications and services more rapidly and reliably, but its more than a methodology it cuts to the very core. thank you for the light, tried the below ways nothing worked "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "seed bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }. I am getting this error despite all the dataflows successful. Define Temp Range- I needed help to figure this one out as well!string_to_number( substr(Temperature,1,2)) for Lowstring_to_number(substr(Temperature,-2,2)) for HighAdding the Temp Class: The SAQL starts with casewhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp < 25 then "Polar" - then you define the rest of the ranges. Trailhead Superbadge: Data Integration Specialist - Forcetalks September 11, 2020 18088 0 Challenge 1 Configure Outbound Application and Integration Security Install the unmanaged package from the prework if you haven't already. (IE- I don't see it in your right select) I also have one additional character in this SAQL"saqlExpression":"casewhenPhoneisnotnullthen\"TRUE\"else\"FALSE\"end", Eureka! @Maulik Vadodariya Just follow instruction .My issue been resolved .https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=9063A000000lixEQAQ, I am so lost on step 6. "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date_Year:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Country", "Date", "TempClass", "Temperature" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}I had to copy in two comments, it was to large. I solved this by putting the opportunity record and project record into separate list and performing DML on the list. Salesforce: Trailhead : Data Integration Specialist Challenge 5Helpful? Copyright 2000-2022 Salesforce, Inc. All rights reserved. thanks a lot. thanks.~. Trailhead Superbadge: Data Integration Specialist - Forcetalks The superbadge is specially designed for learning and testing integrations between different systems. created a dataflow with name "Load Seed Bank" . Have you guessed the theme of the photos that go along with the Trailhead - Process Automation Specialist Superbadge series?They are a few of my favorite day to day processes! Check the challenge and confirm required field setting." Just in case my JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "alias": "Seed Bank", "name": "Seed_Bank" } }}.