I was thinking of you and just wanted to call. While we cannot take its response at face value, it nonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. That is why Gun culture is pushed hard in Texas and up through the middle of the country. [ link to www.deagel.com (secure)] (I believe the former location of the 2025 per country forecast data) [ link to www.deagel.com (secure)] (2019 data with no link the forecast anymore) I can't find the 2025 forecast on deagle.com anymore. And they have come up with specific values and specific data. So while these projects and forecast’s maybe in some part wishful thinking or modelling to compel some other field of human depravity and criminality, it’s important to note that they come with enormous costs and implications for the rest of us. With this in mind, let’s revisit the frightful Deagel population and output forecast from 2014. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War-Liberty or Death Press on and accomplish your goals. Breaking down the casualty figures of the 2025 'Deagel' Forecast in Such as this, Heres some of the very specific data that they have come up with. 99,553,000. Oxford/Astra Zeneca one was not a for-profit endeavour, as witnessed by the propaganda campaign against it in the U.S. So what is driving this entire event sequence? Fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $32,486,160 are being obligated at the time of award. Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation? They updated their report last year (exactly last year 25SEP20) to compensate for the changes in the Geo-political environment since President Obama in 2012. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. The world seems to be going into a tail spin. The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast and Remote - Metallicman Take your loved ones out for a nice meal. Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. If they switch to China they can get a chance to stabilize but will need to depend upon the management of their own resources. Except, Way Back Machine is here to tell the truth: (and BlueNarwhal) I especially appreciate the message at the end of this post. Deagel Doom: Mysterious Website Reveals More About 2025 Mass - TruNews The Boeing Co., Newark, Ohio, has been awarded a $1,620,707,490 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for missile guidance repair. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear warnew zealand citizenship by grant. Our insider investments also did not work out in the Middle East with oil pipe lines and lithium (Afghanistan) as a rare power source for powering batteries. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Nevertheless the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more. You just make it happen. The date and timing all agree with the Strauss and Howe model for America. And in the midst of all this unreported turmoil will be the grand American military strategy. Its not America first but America, England and Australia (it is one entity), can never be second. Which is very strange. Last available archive of Deagel 2025 forecast(April 17, 2021), 2014 disclaimer about forecast(the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct), 2021 disclaimer about forecast(Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.), Is this leaked info really Trudeaus crazy COVID plan for 2021? Thank you for this, MM. So far the few cases of Ebola-infected people have enjoyed intensive healthcare with anti-viral and breathing assistance but above all with abundant human support by Physicians and nurses. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. Are the predictions real? When it comes to the delivery of this program, I indicated that we anticipate being able to commence build this year and the first of those submarines would be in the water, we believe, before the end of next decade and all partners will be working to ensure that that is achieved at a date as soon as is possible to achieve, he said. The ones that insist on mRNA vaccinations, The ones that give dead host traditional vaccinations, This came in this morning just before I published this article. The acquisition of Australias new capabilities will come as part of the countrys 2024 structure plan, and the missiles will be fitted on Australias Collins-class submarine fleet. Agreed, but still, one Doctor spoke about the FAKE plandemic and howthe pcr testers that only give false positives, and another Doctor spoke about the useless and needless masks, and other fake news "they' have lied to the public about. And people, the USA is very balkanized. Deagel is a military contractor that in 2014 published a forecast of massive population reductions out to the year 2025, when America would be down to just 99 million people from over 330 million in 2014. . The quality factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario from the stated 50-60% rate. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. The split will fill with water from the Atlantic Ocean effectively creating separate land masses right through the United States up to the Great Lakes. The danger is that the USA will decide to proceed directly to more of its costly war crimes of military destruction and occupation. Massive failures in Western Intelligence Agencies. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war Truth is we are a debtor nation and the FEDs a private bank, that is not going to let the USA out of its financial obligations to the international banking cartels. The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. (Did not happen.) There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. From the last 2017 forecast of countries populations, Australia's population at the time was 23 million. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. It will be out next week. With this kind of pedigree, Deagelshould be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely adisinformation asset. A Necessary Collapse underway by 2025 - parracan.org Ive stumble upon this poem by Theodore Roethke, In a Dark Time And where did it go, anyway? deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear waretwas schnes gro oder klein dudenetwas schnes gro oder klein duden Which pretty much explains the Evergrande collapse, the arrest of Jackie Ma, and why George Soros is having a fit that he cannot buy up China like he did with Russia. The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is overconsumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries wont be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. Desmond Boylan/Reuters Russia's nuclear-weapons infrastructure is spread across a vast geographic area. name: "amount", Subtotal: SRD 0.00. pizzeria la lanterna, crevalcore men . List of Countries Forecast 2025 by Population, Gross Domestic Product GDP, Military Expenditures and Purchase Power Parity PPP Western intelligence had no clue. So that the fishing rights of Vietnamese fishermen next to Indonesian waters will be policed, and secured? A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. AUKUS is kind of an eye opener for the real power structure, which hides behind the camouflage of the sovereign state and so called democracy. That is why there are so many rules, regulations and laws in the USA, and the vast majority of people are in great debt. I obtained their forecast data before it was taken down in April of this year. Which are, Here are some suggested candidate combinations that allow us to better understand how those enormous population causality figures could be reached. They wont be answered one by one but below you can find some explanation, thoughts and reflections. Which would leave orphans which would defeat the purpose to pay down the nations debt using SSI. The Deagel population forecast of 2014. . The death casualties in todays World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. margin-bottom:10px; Deagel's Mysterious Forecast for 2025 - The White Rose By Bill Sardi. Chania stole our tech and undersold us in manufacturing. Might we say Twice the pride, double the fall? Deagel.com JUST REMOVED 2025 FORECAST - Seemorerocks Mr. Daegel died just before the site was taken offline, and reconfigured with the 2025 forecast removed. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP stor y, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got ' nuked ', disappearing from the internet, though . The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel(as per 2014), are: Deagel published a statement under the foreboding spreadsheet table of gloom and doom. But no matter how the MSM news tries, we cant seem to get ourselves to fight ourselves except for fringe groups on the street level. United States of America. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. Payment is due. Its placing very serious offensive weapons off the coast of China. | JP Sears, Why the Calendar Makes No Sense | Dave Gorman, Alistair Williams: Im a Fisher of Men Now | The Delingpod, Use of Sacred Symbolism In Modern Times | Michael Tsarion, Sandi Adams: Agenda 2030 Conspiracy in Plain Site | The Delingpod, Google Panics Over ChatGPT The AI Wars Have Begun | ColdFusion, Gates Behind The Bars | Five Times August, Entering Neverland | Hibbeler Productions, Inside The Freemasons Oldest Grand Lodge | Business Insider, Humanity Celebrates: The Georgia Guidestones Are No More | Special Report, Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones, Black Sun Spheroid Theory Freemason Reveal, Satanic Theatre Bidens Full Fascist Speech | Opinion, Patrick Lancaster: The Only Honest Journalist In Ukraine | Feature. Broken American government systems on all levels. Just say Hi. I hear my echo in the echoing wood Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. It was clear then and today is a fact. That money is kept by the US Treasury until your death. The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel, hat the Deagel projections have a strategic military purpose and should, hat the sharp division between Table A+B and Table C has a strategic, hat the worldwide Covid vaccine program is a cover to deliver a fatal or, harmful vaccine to the population of a selected list of countries (those, hat the countries in Table C will become the new axis of the world, economy, centered on the Belt & Road Initiative, which has been under, hat the vaccines produced by the Big Four are especially dangerous and, should be avoided. Its in the Pipe. Provide nuclear basing and deployment options for second-strike nuclear SLBM systems. But perhaps the most dangerous is makes it far easier for a major nuclear conflict with China. margin-top:0px; US contract I believe ran out in 2013 and now struggling to pay off the amount due. In fact, it might as well happen, million of people die, and then be over before anything is actually reported. It does not matter. The forecast used to exist at [link to deagel.com (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page. Frightening Forecast Predicts 70% Decline In US Population by the Year 6) The SIXTH EVENT is New York City being hit with a tsunamis from an asteroid in the Atlantic Ocean. But like Ive been saying all along, the cattle dont need to know what the farmer is planning on having for dinner. Indeed, these are truly shocking numbers and values. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. On The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. You all can thank me later. As well as pointing out the obvious; that Australia is not a democracy. 2025 Deagel Forecast: 70% Population Reduction in USA - Humans Be Free The Australian prime minister went on to issue a public apology to Naval Group, the French government and French President Emmanuel Macron. As of Friday 25th of September their statement read as follows. Deagel did NOT change their forecast for 2025. Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive A global pandemic that America is just fucking up royally. I dare you. You can also ask the author some questions. Not everybody has to die migration can also play a positive role in this. The vax enhances your response to coronaviruses, so what would be a routine infection that you wouldnt even notice, turns into a major problem. Which is why Nixon took us off the gold standard. 85 percent of the population in the Hutu ethnic group. But the population left in what is left of the USA will be better off once the dust settles. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war The death casualties in todays World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. var other_amt = form_obj.find("input[name=other_amount]").val(); Its just that the potential futures are frightening. Will I regret having taken it? Then take your loved one to a movie. The reason being the new Australia-USA nuclear submarine agreement forged earlier this month. That there is a direct correlation between the nations that are giving mRNA vaccinations, and those that do not. That means that almost 230+ MILLION people would be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT from the American continent. The demographic crisis will hit the World in the near future and is projected to last between three and eight decades more or less depending on technological breakthrough and environmental issues. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink. Now clearly this is . projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of, population and output figures. Maybe we deserve it. Stratfor has 11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like This will happen every time coronaviruses come around, until you finally croak one day. The most likely candidate is a combination of two (or possibly more) contributors listed above. Nothing to do with the Bible. Their choice. I am putting the final SEO touches on it today. Archives indicate that the website started with no such forecasts in2007. Anyone can do it now. Letter to the Editor. In summary, the USA (and the West) have a system of government based on profit. My Children, I AM wants you to know that it is time for events to begin. Looming bubbles in just about every facet of American life. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. Russia considers their use the same as detonating a nuclear bomb, Why We Should Stop The Reincarnation Cycle while the year of the Rabbit is cooking, https://www.archives.gov/declassification/iscap/redaction-codes.html, https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/the-order-of-events/, https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/28/us-needs-to-work-with-europe-to-slow-chinas-innovation-rate-raimondo-says.html, Special forces / Black Ops Submarines (SSGNs): 4, Nuclear-Powered attack submarines (SSNs): 52. It has to do with the collapse of the United States Empire, and the desire of the ruling oligarchy to hold on while it goes down the tubes. It actually cooling off. Dont quibble. But the question remains, what is in that vax? Deagel Is Gone Now, Wiped Off The Internet - SGT Report It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. Their primary reason for predicting a colossaldrop in the population of the US by 2025 a fall of up to 70 percent is the scale andseverity of the alleged pandemic. This is big news. Deagel - Wikispooks This is a unified Asia.). In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. Enjoy the time that you have with them. In addition, participants of the meeting observed the Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise and all agreed that this exercise has improved the coordination capacity of the militaries of the SCO members in fighting against the international terrorist forces. I have been thinking a lot of the Deagel Forecast for 2025 lately. margin-top:0px; September 24, 2021 Lynne Johnson. Heres a map showing the predictions made in the forecast. An only one of them remains The United States. Japan will lose 1/5th of its population! https:// , lol i just saw this bot chat. Heres the 2025 Deagel casualty figures for the three mighty members of AUKUS. For the past six year since 2014, a mysterious clandestine website called DEAGEL [www.deagel.com] has been predicting (or foreshadowing based on hidden plans) that America would have a population of 99+ MILLION people left in the year 2025. I live between the heron and the wren, Theyalso take into account a pandemic scenario their term caused by Ebola or asimilar pathogen. But mostly the latest decisions by the Untied States to create a QUAD alliance, armed with nuclear weapons, and threaten China, or if that fails, to launch a first strike nuclear salvo against China to destroy it once and for all. background-color:#f0f0f0; And this is not an exaggeration at all. PROPHECY UPDATE: Deagel's Forecast Revisited - Blogger Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. Evacuation Vehicles, Military Trucks, Mine Clearance Vehicles, Missile Launching Vehicles, NBC Reconnaissance Vehicles, Nuclear Trains, Recovery & Repair Vehicles, Reloading Vehicles, Surveillance Vehicles and Tactical Vehicles . A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. Great for geothermal power though and and natural gas production. And the top nations are the most Western nations in society, governance, and banking. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War (As of August 13, 2020, revised 2025 forecast US population drop to 100mil. Never the less, here is the complete tabulated data in a nice convenient PDF for you to download. Please be cautious when dealing with folks who promise things at a cheap(er) price. Do not get caught up. Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. Hardly. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Thus they reasoned that since the 2020 pandemic wasnt that bad, and the drums of war were beating so loudly, that it must be nuclear war and bio-weapons used simultaneously.