No amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial. How many mg were in each pill? My energy levels have been extremely low, and Ive gained 30 pounds. Interesting that we are Copper deficient since we were weaned away from Copper Pipes. Ty, The way to efficiently extract from star anise is to grind them in a spice grinder, and using a 15 bar (Pressure) espresso machine make a water extract from them. It took 2 wks to heal. Ive been wanting to forage pine needles to make tea for a long time now (maybe one day lol). Brian, thank you for creating this blog, and for sharing your own important story. Strategies towards Targeting Gi/s Proteins: Scanning of Protein-Protein Interaction Sites To Overcome Inaccessibility. Basically digestive enzymes taken on an empty stomach, they get in your blood and digest up proteins/fats. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Learned of the spike protein towards the end of April/beginning May. All I can do is read, learn and hope the problem is resolved for good and the new prophylaxis treatments prevent it from ever happening again. I am so sorry to hear about the health issues going on with your brother and his family. Slice the needles at least three times so you have smaller pieces. The method of transfer is unclear at this point, but is certainly happening. Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. A newer strategy for drug development is to target a downstream signaling element, such as the G protein associated with a receptor. I wonder about your measurements 1/4 cup of needles tightly packed? Suramin, pine needle tea possible antidote to current spike protein I dont know where to get the pine needles. When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have five needles per bundle or clump (fascicle). The reason Im sharing this is because most good doctors believe that the best defense against all this craziness is keeping your body, mind and immune system in top shape. The first is a balsamic fir tree. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. The spike protein itself is a toxin and a preprint study has identified the S-1 subunit of the spike protein still remaining in the bodies of LongCovid survivors - as much as fifteen months after their apparent 'recovery' from having a SARS-CoV-2 infection or 'COVID-19' illness. In fact I cannot remember the last time I had a headache at all prior to this. At least that is what many good, reputable, non-compromised doctors believe is happening. Fortunately, we had enough food in the house that we just didnt go out. Suramin indiscriminately hindered the dissociation of various guanine nucleotides from the G protein, implying that its action is not allosteric. Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. The breathing issues resolved, but the swelling continued. In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created. Ive read that spruce needle tea also works for this. PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission I also have put it on my granola-its delicious! An analog of trypan blue,suramin, is used pharmacologically againsttrypanosomiasis. I think it is $90 dollars or in that ballpark. Aileen, I probably speak for many when I say that my prayers are with you and yours, that He stands by you and provides. My wife uses organic unadulterated turpentine once/month following Dr. Daniels protocol. This is THE most important antidote. !Best wishes, all!, Tank you so Do your part. In what amounts/frequency? Its offical: its us vs them. Proverbs 23:20-21Be not among winebibbers Spike proteins are small mushroom-like bumps on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That is the easiest way to identify white pines (aka Pinus strobus). I drove 90 minutes to get to 6000 feet. Its when someone abuses wine, using in excess, that it becomes an issue. I totally agree with you. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. How many did you get? Thank you for sharing your story. Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus - bioRxiv 16 minute video explains the vaccine forward to those who need to know. Hi! etsy Has a lot of wonderful sellers of pine needles etc. There is one primary American supplier (Etsy) for the pine needles (besides harvesting your own) that I am aware of at this point with 3 quality listings, each from a different East Coast wildcrafter: Dosage:3 cups per day or more of any desired strength (based on the quantity of needles added to a french press or teapot) with an approximate 1-3 tablespoons of needles per cup of near boiling water. vitamin D, C, etc to strengthen immune system. The price has now gone up at CVS. Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. But Im 95% back to normal now. It prized as incense too. I already eat fairly healthy and take several dietary supplements. I pray alot about remedies and try to hear the Holy Spirit. That was tedious indeed as they didnt want to drop into the blades. Why are we finding this OK? The pine needle tea is taken before the water boils.Food grade turpentine is never taken by the cupful..only 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon on some sugar cubes (remember the song just a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down?). Have you tried fasting? I filled three large freezer bags with white pine needles from a huge pine forest, which are everywhere in the Midwest. I am praying everyday that I will find a way to undo what I did to myself., Youtube videos: You will then pay for the Rx separately. The Bible warns about drunkenness regarding wine (Isaiah 29:9 amongst others). Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Sometimes I feel a little stress pressure in my head. My friend takes it and says its fantastic. I pray for them to get thru this dark time. Still wasnt sure, but increase in pain threw uncertainty out the window. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. Granted, Im not going to go out and start taking tablespoons of turpentine. If God is opposed to wine, Jesus would be a kind of hypocrite to manufacture it. I give them slips of paper with the info to clerks, folks 7Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Thank you for your blog! Symptoms were shortness of breath, fever, chills, and SWOLLEN TESTICLES (this was a red flag for me recently after hearing this swelling was a symptom of the vaccine/shot one report of an ER doctor seeing 30-35 men per week coming in with swollen testicles). Never got covid. My brother And wife and 2 daughters and their husbands all too the double vaxx and 2 took boosters too. Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. How can this simple remedy work so well in the face of such a seemingly insurmountable condition? I start all clients with a Functional Genetic DNA test this test goes way beyond 23&Me or nutrient/fitness gene tests. It was used then, as was Pine NeedleTea. Theres more than one reason they are pushing forward with this forced vaccination agenda. If you have a conviction, fine, live as you are convicted, but beware the Bibles warnings about the Judaizers. The site is secure. Everyone was packed in like sardines. Where did you purchase the pine needle oil capsules? Suramin has also been used as a treatment for potentially deadly African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. It is true that many will go with the passing night, yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter. That had to stop immediately. get drunk. Are you someone who believes that Jesus enjoys communing with you while you are on a buzz? Garlic and onions are already staples in my diet. Thespike protein contagionnow being experienced in large numbers by those who did not take the serum, but just visited with a relative or friend who did, is entirely new and unprecedented. The process goes as follows: Fill out medical questionnaire. You both went through so much difficulty for 2+ years. Against Foodborne Bacteria, Antibacterial activity of water-soluble extract from pine needles of Cedrus deodara, Volatile components and antibacterial effects of pine needle (Pinus densiflora S. and Z.) Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dyetrypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via and transmitted securely. These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when Im around vaxxed, GMO humans. Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike 4! All he can do now is be hopeful. Vaxx vs non vaxxed. I personally wont use anything that looks like the following. Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid. They make Mullein Tea for congestion and Lung Issues and add a pinch of Coltsfoot if mucus does not budge easily. MeSH At least that is what I hear from friends and acquaintances. It has a trans human code dna in the spikes The genome project mad scientist worked in this for decades since he conspired with them president Bill Clinton James Watson has denounced him. We know this because why? NAC is said to work detoxing the poison from vaxx But the twitching and feeling of my head being full of liquid persisted. This happened several times. What about personal devotions and daily communion with Jesus, is that not enough?, Spike protein/Piikkiproteiini: Reverse the damage with the antidote Suramin! The vet simply told him what dosage to use for himself. Shikimic acid is also found in white pine and red pine needles. Its essentially the same medicine as that used for humans, just packaged differently and is cheaper too. Still studying though. Now, take note what Paul says in 1 Timothy 3, Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to **much wine** or greedy for money. I am a functional health practitioner specializing ingenomic analysis ofcthe inflammation (oxidative stress) and detoxification pathways. (even with my ladder) Then I drove 90 minutes home. Molecule 205 wassuramin(Fig. And can pine needles teas to this too? Ill tell you my story because I think its important. COVID-19 Research: German Study Reveals That Spike Protein Nsp1 Of SARS-CoV-2 Responsible For Shutting Down Host Protein Production - Thailand Medical News Global H5N1 Avian Bird Flu Outbreak In Humans To Be Declared Soon In Coming Weeks! I get a nosebleed, it must be airborne. I love this article and would really enjoy if you posted more about prevention. Plavleisel cancer grows like a tree roots, you can cut it out, it keeps multiplying and grow further. Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin (the elists antidote to microbial illnesses) and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion (for reasons explained within the following data): Suramin is used for treatment of humansleeping sicknesscaused bytrypanosomes. You are taking it way past what it actually says, pulling verses out of context in an attempt to say one should never, ever have a drink. Some people get really crazy about this. Now read the following paragraph within the subtitle(Too) Many Targetsin the100 Years of SuraminPDF to understand its antidote properties to the spike protein contagion (derived from the mRNA that gives instructions to replicate a spike protein in other cells): Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved inDNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111). ones will be living without them! Just wondering as I am back at work with the GMO people. Its ok if you disagree. COVID-19 "Vaccine" Bioweapons Update on Spike Proteins being In addition to my other regular dietary supplements (zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C) I added feverfew, turmeric, and started eating raw cayenne peppers every morning and night. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29. (Must be a 15 bar espresso machine) 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. Jesus is the great Healer, and we have to ask Him what to do, first. Store them in the freezer. But he is a genuine good guy, imv) has proteolytic enzymes. Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding from vaccinated people, and the potential suramin, shikimic acid, pine needle tea cure and prophylaxis, When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have. I am still doing research, but I am sticking to white pine for now. Next I started stripping the needles from the branches they were attached toa sticky sappy affair. I now cant see my mother in person because of my reaction. The dried one packed nicely from China and the fresh one was from Indonesia. Next post: 16 minute video explains the vaccine forward to those who need to know. Are you aware of anything? The bible forbids drunkenness, not having a drink. Their symptoms were very similar to mine. Im sorry I couldnt be more Help. What is a drunkard? I bought the fresh one just to see the leaves so that I would know whether it can be found near my place. These formulas(Serracor NK, Neprinol AFD, and many other brands) clean the blood of protein and fats. It's found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. Can you tell me which I should buy? My yard likely has a great candidate to make pine needle tea. I had to take my Dad to ER on Memorial Day for vertigo, head pressure, blurry vision and a headache. But the exhaustion was huge; sore throat, and a persistent cough.Then a couple days later, my hubby got all the same symptoms. Began heavy dosing of pine tea spiked with ginger, clove, cinnamon. You are doing such a wonderful service for humanity. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him. FOIA I begged all of my family and friends not to take the shots. I understand, but you took a verse out of context to try and show one should avoid alcohol, so it was necessary to correct that. 2007 Jul;51(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2007.03.009. (Sources for buying it are also listed below.). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal My husband is currently experiencing a significant headache so hes drinking the teas Ive been making for the last 36 hours. Suramin is a medication used to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-. So I figured it would just go away with time. Observations with a purified system of recombinant G protein subunits without a receptor yielded direct evidence that suramin suppresses the association between these subunits. Sobriety is a huge advantage, in my experience. I pray you will study these things out for yourself and truly seek, in full sobriety, understanding and clarification on this issue. Two major events I attended during that time had thousands of people at them. Suramin analogues as subtype-selective G protein inhibitors. The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea. Join the free Brighteon email newsletter. Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. I Chose NOT TOO, I have Had Both My Daughters , 42,a Nurse with a BSN, Did it To be Safe and Her Dialysiss patients. Is it for enjoyment? Do you have any info on this? When we stay alcohol free, in my experience, we break some of the legal right of the enemy and he has less opportunity against us. I just saw this article on using an espresso maker to steam star anise (ground up) because it has even more of that healing substance called shikimic acid, than pine does. How many star anise do you use per cup of water? By the end of April 2020 he was feeling great and his blood tests were showing cancer almost in the normal range. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. Elimination (regular bowel movements) is important, as are nutrients, and removal of other toxins (mycotoxins from mold, parasites etc) Dr Neil Nathans book Toxic has excellent information, as does Tennant Institute on the importance of voltage at the cellular level. 22! suramin cure covid-19 corona ade v-aids mrna spike protein pine needle Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. Yeah, were Screwed! They are thinking his cancer is back or even worse, leukemia. Or maybe theyre radioactive?? Many people get COVID-19 after theyre jabbed. Lowdose suramin in autism spectrum disorder: a small, phase I/II, randomized clinical trial, As suramin is a charged molecule and does not cross the blood brain barrier it exerts neurotoxic effects in the peripheral nervous system,,,,,,,,, Vliaikaistiedote: En lis tnne en suomenkielist tietoa sill tm j kansainvliseksi sivuksi ja suomeksi lytyy sivusto osoitteesta. ivermectin is preventative and cure for Covid. Suramin is approximately 99-98% protein bound in the serum and has a half-life of 41-78 days average of 50 days; however, the pharmacokinetics of suramin can vary substantially between individual patients. Red pine needle oil (or tea) contains something called suramin, which appears to be an antidote to spike protein contagion. Stronger amounts of needles to water can be used therapeutically. Ive been taking quercetin w/bromelain, eat pineapple regularly for years. I live in South Africa. Are you aware of anything? If myself, if Brian, if anyone enters in this spiritual war, you need to be healthy, you need your brain to fully function and you need to be physically and mentally SOBER. Also, this person has a cold which has turned into a sinus infection. Please pray with me that my daughter realizes the truth. This doesnt refer to drunkenness, it does refer to wine in moderation. I also found stirring it really fast causes the leftover needles to sink to the bottom of the cup. When will enough be enough? God Bless all your work! Suramin does not distribute well into cerebral . They're like a key that opens the door for the virus to enter cells, which are then infected by the virus. It was definitely a bioweapon, like nothing I ever had. WEST DES MOINES, IOWA One of the most-read articles on this site is about Pfizer admitting that non-vaccinated people can be contaminated (exposed) to experimental mRNA and its spike proteins simply by being near someone whos recently been injected. (Excellent info) and been doing it for like 10 yrs. In short, no amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial. Trypan Blue is a derivative of toluene which is a derivative of pine oil. This phenomenon is not an accident, these symptoms were known well in advance of unleashingthis serum on the public. Even though there was evidence for elderberry contributing to cytokine storm. Awe! I am ready. Safety/Turvallisuus(suramiini ei ole myrkyllist eik kerry aivoihin): >As suramin is a charged molecule and does not cross the blood brain barrier it exerts neurotoxic effects in the peripheral nervous system Just wanted to add a more recent study on the subject : Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle Mark 14:25Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God. Now I was very curious since big tech is suppressing this medicine. Closed down my massage practice of some 26+ years because did not want to be around vaxxed people. It seems like most suggest making the tea at much higher strengths 1-3 tbsp per cup, vs your 4 tbsp per 8 cups of tea. But I expect that the disappearing of upvotes with downvotes, a great tool for bots seeking to attack community morale, isnt a choice of the wonderful person who created and presents this website. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Suramin is an extract of the Pine needle oil. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Im not in the medical field but Dr. Bushs info is fascinating. We have been taking ivermectin for several months (yes = horse paste from local farm store). It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this pandemic, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions. Now the people have the antidote, and it is readily available in the form of pine needle tea. Thank you for sharing! Found some and only took a little bit from each tree as to not compromise the trees health. Its one who habitually gets inebriated, who purposely consumes alcohol until drunkenness sets in. suramin spike protein - I left work early twice. (And, I skip the elliptical when healthy and otherwise just tiredyoure near death and going to the gyma showoff, ha). Any way thank you so much for this article. He had his 1st Moderna Mar 11. Also I forgot to mention, as a Christian you cannot afford to drink alcohol. Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? Well, some pine needles are non-toxic. . The typical Christmas tree (Araucaria heterophylla) is not a pine tree. Targeting chronic lymphocytic leukemia with N-methylated thrombospondin-1-derived peptides overcomes drug resistance. If I have wrongly assumed this, I sincerely apologize. My message is that when in a spiritual war, use every advantage you can to win! The compound was first isolated in 1837 through a distillation ofpineoil by thePolishchemistFilip Walter, who named itrtinnaphte. Hopefully your country has dandelions growing in the early spring. Hello! Multiply that by 5 days and he took 114 mg of Ivermectin total. household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. Im drying mine, like dried herbs, and keeping in a mason jar in a cool, dark place. None of them would have been able to do two-hour cardio and weight workouts in their last days. I wish we had known more a year ago. God bless you. My feeling was that some vaxxed person/people transmitted their spike proteins to me and my days were numbered due to blood clots in my brain. How are you using the red pine oil, topically or internally? I honestly dont know what was wrong with me and/or what happened. EMIGRATE WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Pramil E, Herbi Bastian L, Denfle T, Nemati F, Xiao M, Lard E, Maloum K, Roos-Weil D, Chapiro E, Le Garff-Tavernier M, Davi F, Decaudin D, Sarfati M, Nguyen-Khac F, Merle-Bral H, Karoyan P, Susin SA. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. So the total amount of Ivermectin he took daily was 22 mg. In Jesus holy name, Amen. [10], It has been used in the treatment ofriver blindness(onchocerciasis).[2]. But Twitter made him delete his tweet because he was spreading disinformation. Let that sink in for a second. also has forms to download if youre being threatened with loss of job, school etc. Maybe you had no choice in the matter. Thank you for all that you do!! Wow, this is fascinating. Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea: This has been my experience for 30 yrs. Suramin is also used for treating Autism." But I think now Im just paranoid and any little abnormality creeps me out. Hope you get well soon brother. Perhaps we can live in our freedom in Christ as Paul mentions. Glad you are better toooh, and yes we take all the same supplements, but we also take zinc and Quercetin, alpha lopic acid, berberine and many more. go to bitchute and search for Dr. Tenpenny. Print 2020 Feb 21. 2005;135(1):247-61. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.06.003. This is what He will be drinking at the wedding supper of The Lamb. Will I need to take the tea indefinitely? I do this treatment with a deep understanding of my own immune/detox systems. If anyone here has some good info for me I would be grateful. Im glad your feeling better. This fragment is excerpted from his book Brief History of the Future, published in France in 2006.. Im muscular, but a tad overweight at this moment (yes, 59, 175 is considered five pounds overweight for a man). $90 is the initial sign-up and consultation by phone. Use the paste for animals What I used. Excessive coagulation causes blood . Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction. Next I loaded 4 trays with the needles and put in the freeze drier for the next 24 hours followed by powdering them in one of my blenders. Like when Covid first came to US, everyone was recommending elderberry. In 2018 I couldnt kick that illness and finally went to the dr. Luckily I saw a very cool dr, and first thing he said was, you havent been to a dr for 14 yrs based on your historyI laughed and said thats how I like it. ADVERSE REACTIONS: 4,682,268(as of July 16, 2022). I saw a lot of people on Etsy selling pine needles for tea., 100 years of suramin: I was at least going to die fighting for what I believe in and not living in fear. This has been my experience for 30 yrs. About the first week in May 2020 he came down with a virus (he was not tested for Covid). I also resumed bromelain/quercetin vitamins, and Ive been eating more pineapple since these contain digestive enzymes for proteins. Matthew 26:29. Suramin is a potent inhibitor of Chikungunya and Ebola virus cell entry Delivery of Suramin as an Antiviral Agent through Liposomal Systems Suramin Inhibits Chikungunya Virus Replication by Interacting with Virions and Blocking the Early Steps of Infection Anti-hypertension/Verenpainetta alentava: Its stressful for sure!! What a bummer. i have been taking it for 2 or 3 months, with no side effect. Protect Your Family from Illuminati Kill Grid! Out comes approximately a teaspoon sized amount of gel or paste. Its a natural (and free) vitamin c supplement : ). It reminded me of some lines in the first Alien has a funny way of replicating cells, or something like that. And slept a lotonly up for a couple hours in the morning and then not again till 2pm and then slept till 5 pmI also had the aches in the back of my knees that I get with a bad flu. Prparer 1 litre de th aux aiguilles de pin et buvez-en tout au long de la journe (toutes les informations : Parution N7 en page d'accueil et cliquez sur les . That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn. Theres nothing wrong with having a drink, however, that doesnt mean one can get drunk. Theres also anecdotal evidence that suggests cutting the needles releases all the goodness you want in your body. $20/4oz might be more reasonable than you think.