nous parlons avec nos amies (algrien). Shen Nong was the second of the Three Sovereigns. A simile is a figure of speech in which two essentially dissimilar objects or concepts are expressly compared with one another through the use of "like" or "as." Read the excerpt from "Binding Memories." It is fine to slightly modify your sentences in your answers. It's as tough as an old boot. Similes . p. 146 last paragraph . English, 22.06.2019 04:10 . Metaphor-a direct comparison between two or more unlike objects. Check all that apply. Answers: 2. a description of the Cyclops' eating habits a comparison between the Cyclops and a large landform an illustration of the Cyclops' cave a visual image of the Cyclops' size a comparison between the Cyclops and Odysseus p. 141: A final heave and CLUNK CLUNKETY-CLUNK the hasp and padlock, suddenly yanked free, bounced across the floor. the argument relies on claims that are not backed up by facts. everyone calls me Nohbdy. Jackson makes the prediction that Odysseus and Telemachus will take the suitors by surprise. Based on this stanza, how do the speaker's parents feel about her decision to pursue book publishing? Crouching low, my feet set, she asked him. p.14 and par.14 0. votes. Check all that apply. To the ancient Greeks, the gods possessed human characteristics, including their weaknesses, such as vanity, greed, jealousy, vengefulness, and cruelty. Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on English. In their stories, there was regular interaction between gods and humans, as well as demigods, who were the offspring of a union between a god and a mortal. Answers: 2. They drove away with six big loaves of day-old bread for $1.78. "I'd like to go home, too," I said, "but we can't." (2) For example, an estimated 83 million people own dogs and about 95 million own cats. Recently, I have noticed that our student body has adopted a practice that should be avoided. Loyalty = 45/20 He is savage and brutal like a wild animal. Which elements of epic poetry are shown in this excerpt? The men sent by Odysseus to investigate the land they had landed upon became forgetful after eating Lotus plants. i . But from the early scene where the two stopped to drink water, you can already perceive that George is the one who looks after Lennie. Someone said "shin" again, Gregory Djanikian Here are a few examples. Bound by a spinestrong enough to hold entire worlds I learned In which ways does Odysseus's character change over the course of The Odyssey? can you make this longer and wordier. Tugging at my cap in just the right way, Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Rina is, According to the excerpt, Odysseus believes his men were. Thursday night was bargain night at the bakery in nearby Lancaster. B. . what does the simile add to the passagehow to make an infinite block in minecraft. In the passage from "The Odyssey," the sea is being compared to a cauldron and its anger is being represented visually. The two similes in the passage present an image of Odysseus as elderly but lively. He wants revenge for the loss of his eye. Choose two answers. Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket, a human characteristic that is considered desirable. Check all that apply. "Ah, the romantic soul! (1) Owning a pet is popular in the United States. Lennie wants to keep the dead mouse in his pocket, but George throws it away. p. 146 last paragraph . Take all the fighting men with you, and arise, go up to Ai. Read the passage. The first thing we learn in "LAFFF" is. Onomatopoeia: a word(s) that imitates the sound it represents. Which is one similarity between the frame and the excerpt? Similes allow for interpretation and layer meaning in text. Study now. close your eyes and remember every detail. 50 points! These unknown consequences have kept many countries in need of a larger food supply steering clear of importing large amounts of GM food or growing the crops on their soil. Macbeth worries about getting caught, feels Duncan has not done anything to deserve being killed, and believes a host should not kill a guest. I would love a really good meal again." Page Number/ Example/ What does this passage add to the story? "No, Smee, she's a witch of a storm, and this here"he waved at the wind"is her broom." Grab a bunk and we'll help you settle in. " Simile Definition for Kids A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things. The squirrel reached for the birdfeeder, for he saw it was filled with an abundance of sunflower seeds. Distribute our Fiction Reading Kit, which focuses on key reading skills, including our featured skill, similes.Have students work in small groups to complete it. ''The . It helps to create an image in the readers' minds, often with the function of explaining a point or producing some kind of emotion. What is the best way to approach a dock when there is strong wind or current? A SIMILE is a comparison of two unlike things to illuminate a particular quality or aspect of one of those things; similes use like or as. Psychology questions and answers. English. there is no other meaning). Similes and metaphors are often confused with one another. Onomatopoeia - t he formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named Alliteration - repeating consonant sounds Simile - comparing two unlike objects using like or as Metaphor - comparing two unlike objects without using like or as Hyperbole - extreme exaggeration Personification - defining an object or idea with human-life qualities Complete sentence needs a subject and action We . The question is not complete since it does not provide the passage, here is the passage: In travail, sobbing, gaining on the current, we rowed into the strait Scylla to port, and on our starboard beam Charybdis, dire, gorge of the salt sea tide. Similes allow for interpretation and layer meaning in text. what does the simile add to the passage. Learning patience and humility is which part of Odysseus's epic journey. In the given excerpt from "The Odyssey" we can see an example of a metaphor that compares the cyclops with a shaggy mountain, this helps to create an image of the cyclops' size and form. Similies. Groaning, "Oh my shin, oh my shin," What does the simile add to the passage? Simile as a noun means A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or <.. Several of the characters in The Odyssey experience conflict. Examples of Similes Using "As". Check all that apply.-a comparison between the Cyclops and a large land form-a visual image of the Cyclops' size. 500-600 words a . Q. How does the word gaped add to the meaning of the excerpt? Which statement most clearly describes why an author creates a particular mood in a story? is something else; they do not use the words like or as. SURVEY. poetry, including simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, tone, imagery, irony, symbolism, and mood, and indicate how they support interpretations of the text. The Odyssey by: Linda J Flashcards | Quizlet what does the simile add to the passage - Mike is a chef when he's in the kitchen. For challenge, children could create their own character or setting and write a description using similes. Examples of Similes Using "As". Similes and metaphors are associations between something in the story and another object that emphasizes a specific trait. Check all that apply. Chase and his classmates are discussing local service opportunities. nora and doctor rank have to find a way to hide their love for each other from helmer. . English, 21.06.2019 13:30. what does the simile add to the passage. Using information from "Snowboarding," write an informational essay explaining how gravity, friction, and energy all contributed to the narrator's ride down the mountain. This simile compares the way Sam eats to the way a pig eats. Similes and metaphors are associations between something in the story and another object that emphasizes a specific trait. He does not have good manners. From the way that Agamemnon talks to Amphimedon, the reader can infer that Agamemnon. What does this passage add to the story? The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s2. Page Number/ Example/ What does this passage add to the story? 1 Hearken ye now what the Lord saith, Arise thou, and contend before the [] mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice. - "It's My Life," Bon Jovi. the argument relies on attacking a weak version of the opposition. It is fine to slightly modify your sentences in your answers. Question 1. what is your proudest moment interview question "I'm Asher. Share with children some simile sentence starters and a variety of endings and ask them to create their own similes. 20 Questions Show answers. Odysseus does not want to reveal their only means of escape. Check all that apply A prodigious man slept in this cave alone, and took his flocks to graze afield remote from all companions knowing none but savage ways, a brute so huge, [The cyclops] seemed no man at all of those who . That knife is as sharp as a razor. Level 5, Lesson 8 - Similes, Metaphors, and Personification 53 A. 100 points and brainiest for if u go to my previous questions u can answer the 100 pointers think of an intense argument you had or witnessed sometime in your life. Why is the simile appropriate? Take all the fighting men with you, and arise, go up to Ai. Because of the signal words like and as, students are usually able to identify similes better than other figurative language technique. Choose two answers. And that was important, as important Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? Both similes and metaphors take two concepts and compare them, drawing attention to the power of these concepts. If a simile is present, write a metaphor to take its place. . What does the simile add to the passage? battered but unruffled. For an extra challenge, have students race to see who can be the first to find five similes in the story. Similes and metaphors are often confused with one another. a comparison between the sea and a cauldron, Are violent video games bad 16 Now about the collection for the Lord's people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. Similes add layered meaning and interest to . What conclusion about Odysseus (the speaker) is best supported by the excerpt? A comparison between the sea and a cauldron. Read the sentence. I fell back, The sea is compared to a boiling pot, emphasizing its churning. "said my parents skeptically,worried that my business would fail,that I was behind the times. Should destinyintend that he shall see his roof againamong his family in his father land,far be that day, and dark the years between.Let him lose all companions, and returnunder strange sail to bitter days at home.' Jack London (1876-1916) based The King of Mazy May and other stories on his actual experiences during the Klondike Gold Rush. Share with children some simile sentence starters and a variety of endings and ask them to create their own similes. Both essays rely on logos and have a serious tone. In an era of still almost chivalrous rules of behavior, relationships between people are like contracts. What is a simile? B. That was the real power of Iqbal. - "Candle in the Wind," Elton John. Check all that apply. Odysseus's men are compared to caught fish, showing their helplessness. The description of the house in paragraph 1 adds to the development of the text mainly by __________. Guest and friendI say I am of yoursor do you not rememberI visited your family there?" Q. o It shows how amused the narrator is. rhyme, rhythm, and repetition of certain words. Which word from the second stanza of "The Bells" does Poe use to best convey the mood of the stanza? What does this passage add to the story? The difference between the two is that similes use the words 'like' or . The apartment shuddered under the onslaught of the howling wind. Complete la siguientes oracin con la forma apropiada del verbo entre parntesis. the discussion of lennie and georges contingency plan in chapter 1, Why does swift include details about the height of the empire heels ,what is swift satirizing. Look at the frame from Iqbal. Check all that apply. O It illustrates how utterly astonished the narrator is. Jack London was famous for portraying history accurately in his short stories. Dwaina asked. (3) However, only about twenty percent of people choose to adopt their pet from a shelter. Check all that apply. What does the simile add to the passage? It suggests that Randy's voice is and then, when i had made an opening sufficient for my head, i put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then i thrust in my head. fleeing the Lotus-Eaters Which excerpt from "Binding Memories" contains imagery that helps the reader understand why the speaker loves books? My notions of baseball and America The difference between the two is that similes use the words 'like' or . o It brings beauty to a passage dedicated to danger and fear. Which statement best describes the meter? I cherished the musty smell of the paper,the permanence of the deep black ink, Read the excerpt from "Binding Memories." The readers are thoroughly entertained asthe poem touches their five senses. It demonstrates the author's use of simile. Consciously or otherwise, this is one of the most commonly used figures of speech that has become a part of our daily vocabulary. What theme is Homer presenting when Odysseus has his men tie him so that he will ignore the call of the Sirens in Part 3 of The Odyssey? Whenever Joan reads, her puppy (lies, lays) down at her feet. "I hope you like comic books!" The simile in the passage from "The Odyssey " adds the following to the passage: A. Call on a volunteer to read aloud the Think and Write box at the bottom of page 11. Happy to see another redhead!" And dusting me off with hands like swatters, And though my head felt heavy, Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? Read the paragraph. Two of the most prominent are metaphors and similes, both of which compare one thing to another that seems unlike it but may actually be somewhat similar. Choose two answers. 4. the issue is resolved by the death of lennie. vous tes une tudiante (poli). I would like to come along with everyone, too. Psychology questions and answers. Break corpus into chunks of a few sentences each. needy but rude. But the threat of losing everything was even terrible. 3: Change the following sentence from the passage to include a simile A visual representation of the sea's anger. fat even as a boy, was on first, June 7, 2022 . Odysseus is the son of Laertes and is widely respected for his cunning. Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. The writer uses the first sentence to. o It shows how amused the narrator is. The whirlpool is compared to a mouth, showing its menacing threat. What is the symbolism of the new cloak in this excerpt? These tatters that he worehid him so well that none of us could know himwhen he turned up, not even the older men.We jeered at him, took potshots at him, cursed him.Daylight and evening in his own great hallhe bore it, patient as a stone. Isaiah has $15 to spend and must buy no less than 12 peaches and mangos altogether. c'est une musicienne (timide). What motivates Odysseus to reveal his name and put his men in more danger? c'est une actrice (mexicain). A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things. "We'll find somebody to help us. D. sawing machine. 0. votes. Log in for more information. In Rain Myths, what do the titles of the two myths imply about them? Simile Definition. With strength and planning, one can resist temptation. p. 141: A final heave and CLUNK CLUNKETY-CLUNK the hasp and padlock, suddenly yanked free, bounced across the floor. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. As gold was discovered in the Yukon region of Canada, various men tried to strike it rich. Which excerpt from The Odyssey demonstrate the importance of hospitality in Greek society? Check all that apply. What does the simile add to the passage? The main difference between a simile and a metaphor is that a simile uses the words "like" or "as" to draw a comparison and a metaphor simply states the comparison without using "like" or "as." Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on English. While Homer uses epic simile for a variety of purposes, epic similes can often be read with a view to larger narrative considerations, and the simile in Odyssey 23.233-240 seems especially suited to such analysis. The other two Chinese sovereigns were called Fu Xi and Yen Ti. A. simile B. repetition C. alliteration D. personification The type of figurative language that is included in this passage is Simile. What does the simile add to this passage? Check all that apply. A simile is a figure of speech that uses "like" or "as" to compare two dissimilar things. Similes and metaphors are associations between something in the story and another object that emphasizes a specific trait. Based on this passage of The Odyssey, one can conclude that the ancient Greeks greatly valued. Read the paragraph from a letter. dirty but amusing. Cumulative Exam. what does the simile add to the passage A simile can be defined as a figure of speech in which a comparison between two different things is made. The two similes in the passage present an image of Odysseus as, The Odyssey - Amphimedon shows that Greek society valued loyalty because of the way, Read the passage from The Odyssey - Amphimedon. what does the simile add to the passage what does the simile add to the passage Which statement best explains the metaphor in this excerpt? My forehead with a thud. Generally, the comparison is more obvious when using a simile because "like" or "as" breaks apart the sentence. by | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence Create a file with prompt-completion pairs where the prompt is empty and the completion is a few sentences from your text. what does the simile add to the passage. On a figurative level they mean that her name is like tin, hard and painful. Informational. Family. When I got to my cabin at camp, the other campers showered me with a chorus of greetings. Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis. What is a simile? The King of Mazy May," we can infer that the Klondike Gold Rush was brutal and that those who took part in it were in constant danger of having their lands claimed and taken away by others, The brutality of the Klondike Gold Rush and the continual threat of having their properties seized and taken away by others are clear from reading "The King of Mazy May.". Read the excerpt from "Dwaina Brooks." Relationship of Omar and Jhonny? In the field, a blue sky above them Examples Of Figurative Language In Romeo And Juliet | les professeurs de franais sont (intressant). A fourth boy, taller than the rest, walked up and shook my hand. Like also expresses a preference for something. This simile compares the way Sam eats to the way a pig eats. Check all that apply. An example of a simile is: She is as innocent as an angel. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Comparing the gun to a secret depicts her inherent fears in life which the gun reduces. Which excerpt from The Odyssey best demonstrates the importance of perseverance in Greek society? " 5. lennie suffers because of his death he will never be able to tend the rabbits. What is the best meaning of "deficit" in this sentence? "I'm Alex. (5) Finally, 6-8 million enter shelters. Knowing about different similes can be beneficial, especially for aspirants of competitive examinations such as the IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, etc. Which best describes what kind of speaker Chase is? Their dream is the central theme in the story. Like also expresses a preference for something. George is small while Lennie is burly in terms of physical size. The purpose is to convey how dangerous the sea was, how violently its waters were moving. 100 points and brainiest for if u go to my previous questions u can answer the 100 pointers think of an intense argument you had or witnessed sometime in your life. Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 33:8 - Amplified Bible See, () I have given into your hand the king of Ai, and his people, his city, and his land. Q. What textual evidence in Call of the Klondike, a historical account of the Klondike Gold Rush, supports or refutes the idea that London portrayed history accurately in his short story? the argument relies on claims that are not backed up by facts. What key detail should be added to strengthen the student's paraphrasing of this excerpt? Posted on June 16, 2022 by June 16, 2022 by what is the gravitational potential energy of a 1200-kg lander resting on top of a 350-m hill? Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? What does the simile add to the passage? Which would be most helpful when comparing Penelope with Odysseus and how they changed in The Odyssey? Though they knew it not, their baby's cries were lovely as jeweled butterflies. Now, as we read on into the book we can have a good mental image on how Frankie looks. What does the metaphor add to the passage? Q. Which best compares the authors' purposes in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods"? I am writing to you today to discuss the situation at the downtown park. I watched it closing in Read the excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey by Homer. Dwaina's uncle got them discount lunch meats from the store where he used to work. See answer (1) Best Answer. Micah 6 GNV;NIV;NKJV - An exhortation to the dumb creatures to - Bible And there I was, Simile Examples for Advanced Readers. This simile compares Randy's voice to melted chocolate. Antinous threw a stool, and banged his shoulder. 500-600 words a . Similes are commonly used in both speech and literature. a comparison between the Cyclops and a large land form Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders cite the source after the direct quotation is used Of laughter overtook me too, During the discussion, Chase offers information about his service project. What are they? Of these adventures, Muse, daughter of Zeus, tell us in our time, lift the great song again. A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared using the words like or as. write f if the statement is figurative (i.e. Why is the simile appropriate? explain using your own words , how the animal life responded to the heat . I wished to see the caveman, what he had to offer. Hair can never be perfectly straight. Which transition in the paragraph should be revised? How does this excerpt prove that Odysseus's men caused their own problems? Log in for more information. SURVEY. A comparison between the sea and a cauldron. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey. a difficult journey with trials. The Collection for the Lord's People. Read the excerpt from "Dwaina Brooks." He criticized the journey because at that time the Nautilus was stuck in the ice and could no longer move forward. . With similes, the comparison is easy to understand. What are Similes: Similes compare two concepts with "like" or "as." "And it seems to me you lived your life, Like a candle in the wind." il aime la musique (franais). like the mast of an enormously large ship. and every night, about midnight, i turned the latch of his door and opened itoh so gently! Synonyms: entanglement, jungle, maze, puzzle, warren, web Check all that apply. Write a short paragraph in which you evaluate what makes the poem effective and give your opinion of the poem overall. Hospitality Which sentence contains the best example of descriptive details? 1.Identify similes and metaphors 9JY 2.Identify sensory details 52H 3.Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source GZF 4.Interpret figures of speech FWM A simile can be defined as a figure of speech in which a comparison between two different things is made. A simile is a comparison using the words like or as, while a metaphor is a comparison that does not use the words like or as. In the region of Yukon, in Canada, as gold was discovered, several men tried to strike it rich. That is what occurs in the narrative. 4. the issue is resolved by the death of lennie. why is accuracy important in customer service. - "A Hard Day's Night," The Beatles. Page Number/ Example/ What does this passage add to the story? The apartment shuddered under the onslaught of the howling wind. Odysseus's men are compared to caught fish, showing their helplessness. "Yours" and "take it," but doing all right, The description of the house in paragraph 1 adds to the development of the text mainly by __________. Underline the adverb clause in each sentence. Lines 105-114: Explain the epic simile found in this passage. is something else; they do not use the words like or as. These worksheets consist of both reading exercises and writing exercises. This passage gives a good visual to the readers in how Frankie looks and dresses. Informational. "How I Learned English," Similes always rely on words such as "like" and "as" to make the comparison. It is their dream that brings them to the ranch, and that dream spreads to Candy and Crooks. The metaphors and similes on a literal level means that her name is difficult to pronounce and hard to spell. Facing Charybdis and Scylla. "I like your glasses, Javier," I said. Here are fifty examples of similes for advanced readers. Similies. Near the beginning of life on Earth, Shen Nong, who was the Lord of the Wind, made many journeys over our world. 'My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, How does the word gaped add to the meaning of the excerpt? "Javier," called the boy sitting next to him. Which sentence contains the viewpoint? "We are free!" Read the excerpt from "Binding Memories." Read the paragraph. doctor rank's admission of love prolongs the suspense because now nora cannot ask him for . George and Lennie dream ofgetting their own farm. Below are several sentences. User: She worked really hard on the project. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert, in lines 145-170 and describe the character of mrs. keeney through these two characters eyes. Let this new trial come". Why did the author most likely use dialogue instead of description? is prideful and overly confident. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? The first true machine tool was a ___. Read the passage from Heracles.Ancient peoples believed in a pantheon of gods. Odysseus and his men "slept again above the wash of ripples" (Homer 68). Dazed, clutching my brow, Simile: a comparison that includes the words like or as. Why do you think Peter didnt understand at first with the horn blowing meant? why is accuracy important in customer service. The Odyssey Flashcards | Quizlet Correct answers: 1 question: Ead the passage from the tell-tale heart." Select two options. Then one afternoon, Dwaina talked with a young man who had been without a home for a long time. , d aggression and decreased prosocially Behaviors. It helps to create an image in the readers' minds, often with the function of explaining a point or producing some kind of emotion. (4) Specifically, that's about 3-4 million cats and dogs who are adopted each year from shelters. Out there. What does the simile add to the passage? Check all that apply. a