Amy corrects him and says she never said "love" or "deeply. When Amy asks Jake why he didn't follow the plan, she asks if he is jealous of Vin, which Jake reluctantly admits to. Moments later Teddy joins them and Jake appears to become uncomfortable. Amy learns from Captain Holt that Jake refused the relief team to come to take over the stakeout. After Charles' food truck is burned down, Jake tells Charles that he may get money from the insurance, and then can pay off his debts, starting with Amy. Relationship: Amy, however, thinks it's a sign that their relationship is doomed and convinces Jake that they should go back to being just colleagues. It's been 8 months since Jake & Amy got married and everything is going smoothly until Amy realised that she's pregnant. He tells her it doesn't matter what Holt thinks and teases her about the weaknesses he found on a list she threw away. A flashback reveals a previous guarantee Jake made to Amy. Amy goes into labor during a city wide blackout when Jake isn't there. Keeping score, there is a heart containing each of their faces underneath Amy's tally. Jake says he cant tell guys not to ask Amy out because [he] likes her and [hes] too dumb to do anything about it. Rosa tells Jake to ask her out before the case ends. When Amy has the medical bracelet, Jake tases her with the pen he got her for Christmas that also had a taser in it. At age 21, Jake Peralta met Angelina Sullivan. Jake and Amy are forced to make a decision about their next step. He then officiates their marriage: Jake and Amy are officially married and they kiss as everyone applauds. She swallowed, focusing on his jawline, avoiding his eyes. Jake responds with a title of your sex tape joke and Amy smiles, happy to see the Jake that she knows. character a gets lost in the toy store. It is often Charles Boyle who seems to have high hopes for his best friend Jake to have children in the future. Jake pulls the pin and runs out with Amy, leaving The Vulture helpless as the can of tear gas explodes. He couldnt remember much , the rapid throbbing in his head and blood dripping down his neck could probably explain that. Jake meets Amy's father for the first time. Jake: [Shakes his his head but smiles at the same time] (The Tattler), Jake: The point is, I came to comfort you. Amy begins to have doubts & worries that it'll Just a small Jake and Amy fluff. He promises that working this case with him will remind her of how much she likes her current job and convince her to stay. Jake: Hey, should we make a left up here at you-used-to-like-me lane, or Neither think this evening is in the running. Amy ends up yelling at both of them to get out of the room. When Amy enters the venue with her make-up done, Jake says "Ames, you look beautiful." When Jake is about to slide across the waxed floor, Amy kisses him, as a sign of goodluck. When a van containing nine prisoners overturns Jake and Amy make a bet - whoever catches the most fugitives has to move into the other's apartment. Amy ssyd she got an alert that the Precinct is on lockdown and she is seen rushing from the dentist's office to get back to the precinct. Jake and Amy started dating sometime in late May 2015, during the events of, They got engaged on November 1st, 2017, right after. Jake goes to another resort employee and tells him if he can "get my wife some grapes?". Brooklyn 99 Amy comments that "That's nature's bullseye." I mean, sometimes it sucks. Role-playing, Jake calls himself "James Bond" and Amy his "femme fatale." As Jake watches Jenny slow dance with another man (again), Amy comes over to comfort him. He has provided Amy with an embarrassing dress and remarks that she looks like every girl he had a crush on at every Bar Mitzvahs in his youth. At age 29, Jake Peralta ended a nine year long abusive relationship with the mother of his child. She did have one guess as to what might be causing it, and, um, she was right. ", to which Jake responds "Oh my god, that's right. Pretty much self-explanatory. Ames, I love you. Jake: We're having a boy! It makes sense that the two best cops on the force would fall in love. He'll get sick of running and turn you in to Interpol. Amy: What? Jake: Surprise. Cut to: Jake and Amy break rule number 3, and end up in bed together. Jake goes to Rosa and offers to play for Katie's number in the Jimmy Jabs. Jake makes a Harry Potter reference, which Amy deeply acknowledges. Jake: Research burn! Jake and Amy relationship has changed through out the years from competitive co workers to becoming husband and wife now the pair lives were about to change forever. While Amy is taking photos in front of the Brooklyn Detention Complex where David is being held and before he's released on bail, Jake says he wants Amy to chill out, but can't help getting swept up in her happiness and also jumps into taking the photos with Amy. fayetteville state basketball; Tags . Amy is a French name (originally spelled Aimee) which means beloved. Season Two: Jake asks her if she is okay. Holt calls with news that he has found someone who can take over their stakeout so that Jake and Amy can go back to their extravagant date plans. Despite Jake's earlier objection to Amys request to dress up for Thanksgiving, Jake shows up at the second dinner in a suit and necktie, because she told him to. He says that it is on April 28th, 2017, while they are laying in bed. The past has moved on. Jake admits he hasn't and doesn't need it. (The Bet), Jake: The truth is our job isn't always great. Amy: [Chuckles], Jake: Amy Santiago Will you marry me? Jake: I could always just cut across at Amy-used-to-like-Jake boulevard. Age age 29, Jake Peralta's daughter was born. [Jake opens the box which is empty] It's empty, there's no cake inside. She asks Jake if he has told Charles about what they've been doing. Santiago The Fugitive Pt. 3 - When they shared an UberPool with [someone who looked like] Michael Caine. Teddy Wells has come to oversee whether or not the 99 is worth keeping around as a precinct, making it particularly awkward for Jake and Amy. Dave Majors), Amy: He makes me laugh. Amy: No, no, it's okay. That night at a restaurant, Jake and Amy's date is off to an awkward start. peralta. As Jake makes a toast using orange soda, he toasts to "sex with Amy". While hiding in Captain Holt's bathroom, Jake helps shield Amy from Holt's dog, When Amy unknowingly helps Jake figure out why. 21 times Jake and Amy from Brooklyn 99 made us believe in love Amy assures him that they are a couple, even if they don't work together. [gives Mac to Jake] Amy smiles, thanking him. Terry compliments their babysitting skills, saying that they made Cagney and Lacey feel safe. Jake: [Smiles appreciatively] Amy: I love you, too. Jake and Amy break into Jake's high school's Administration room to solve who might have set Jake up with the lifetime-regretting nickname "The Tattler." Jake: Yeah, seriously. Later, at the precinct, Amy goes into the break room and says "I'll love our little Shrek no matter what. Jake: Keep it in your pants, Santiago! Teddy says that both times Jake confessed to Amy that he liked her, Amy would "get confused" and their relationship would "get out of sync." Jake admits to his defeat to Amy, crowning her "Queen of the 99" and declaring everything she did was awesome. Amy follows up with a suggestion that there be a comprehensive set of rules. I just don't want to hold anything back. Amy finds out that Jake destroyed the cake and had to make a new one. Jake: [Big sigh of relief] I'll love our little shrek no matter what. a rewriting of my With Jake undercover with the FBI, Amy struggles to come to grips with the fact of her possible last conversation with him was so awkward. While talking to Amy on the phone, Romero comes up to him and threatens him. When Jake is in the lead during the heist, Amy tases Jake with the FitBit she got him for Christmas, having had a taser placed in it. Amy screams and her reflex makes her punch Jake in the jaw. Jake: I didn't notice anything. After being released from prison, Rosa Diaz and Jake Peralta decide they want to do what they were actually accused of doing but with a bit more theatrics involved. Jake is impressed she remembers the backstory he created, having only mentioned it briefly. Jake goes to meet Majors and Amy in forensics. I'm scared too. As he continues to rage, he's struck with a heart attack and dies in their presence. I mean, sometimes it sucks. When Amy Santiago dies in !discontinued! Jake does an announcement to the Precinct before going to his [and Gina's] high school reunion, where he says he has a super-smart, incredible wife. Amy: Aw, thanks. Jake asks Amy if she did like him, and she says "Maybe. "I just can't believe you would call me a butthead. Jake says that the reason he took the bet was because winning it would allow him to spend more time with Amy if they ever got pregnant. Season Three: Season Seven: Jake isn't sure how to tell Amy something important. (Casecation), Amy: Hey, so today was pretty intense. Read the full article on Charles Obsessing Over Jake and Amys Relationship. In the thirteenth episode of the seventh season, Jake and Amy's child McClane "Mac" Peralta is born. I know, it's a great story. Jake tells Rosa that its too late to do anything as Amy and Majors are on their way to the bar. Categories . Amy, I'm scared, okay? HalloVeenThe VenueTwo TurkeysThe Puzzle MasterDFWBachelor/ette PartyJake & Amy In the evidence lockup after finding out that Captain Holt is leaving, Jake and Amy kiss for real for the first time. But, they are already married?" She knows that Jake has been fighting with the Vulture a lot. They agree that after what happened with Figgis, they were back in sync again. As they are walking back to Holt's office, a drunk sorority girl in the holding cell tells Amy to hold on to Jake, and that they are both sevens. Amy: I'm so excited. First Meet: When a stripper shows up to give Amy a lap dance, Jake uses his body to protect her from the grinding stranger. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Im going to be writing one shots! It wont feel so meaningless. Jake kissed Amys cheek gently. David tells Jake to go break into the room that's not being guarded anymore, and then Amy says she's ". (HalloVeen), The Vulture: (about his fianc Jean Munhroe) Look, I love her. Jake verbally panics, but is relieved when Amy tells him she was kidding. He creates the scenario that he will pretend to choke so that she can give him the Heimlich and save his life in front of everyone. Someone is trying to blow us up. When their plan doesn't work out, they decide to hold their wedding on May 15th at a public recreation center. New CaptainThe FuneralHalloween, Part IIIThe MattressYippie KayakThe CruiseKaren PeraltaMaximum SecurityGreg and Larry At Shaw's, Jake offers Amy a drink with two alcoholic drinks inside. When they find the bellboy jacket in the dumpster, the mood is lifted and the detectives share their excitement over the new development in the case. Jake proposes to Amy in the evidence room on October 31st, 2017 with the "Amazing Human/Detective" belt altered to say "Amy Santiago, will you marry me?" Im going to be writing one shots! Youre right. Jake and Amy have a big talk about whether or not they want to have children. She defends Jake in how he wasted his entire honeymoon for Holt. Amy asks Jake not to say anything to Charles about the fact that they are trying to have a baby. When Jake tells her Teddy is coming to join them, Amy gets upset and tells Jake she was planning on breaking up with Teddy. But, I actually feel really great. Oh, thats your type, isnt it Jakey? He tells her that if the situation was different and if she weren't with Teddy and he wasn't going away for 6 months, he'd like the two of them to be in a romantic relationship. After Amy has a pregnancy scare, Jake and Amy decide to start trying for a child in the first episode of Season 7, Manhunter. Charles notes that there are some serious sparks happening between Jake and Amy, but Jake denies it. Amy: Yeah. Charles: You want to know why she went out with him and not you? Charles becomes upset and tries to point out how perfect Jake and Amy are for each other, but the two detectives deny any feelings, sticking to their first rule. "What's the guy's name anyway?" Having captured the perp, Jake offers to buy drinks for both he and Amy, but she mentions that shes still planning on going to the interview for the position in the MCU. Despite Amy's earlier dig at his make-believe personas, she recalls details of Jake's alias, Vic Kovac's past. For you to be the mom, I wasn't just agreeing with the nice thing you said about me. Jake uses his phone to play the sound of a donkey braying, but insists he meant for it to be a catcall. Jake says he wants to just chill by the pool or in their room, eat endless shrimp and see what happens. The Lake HouseBalancingThe Set UpRenewalThe Last Day Pt 1The Last Day Pt 2, ParentsBest FriendsPolice Colleagues Former Rivals, Operation: Broken FeatherTactical VillageCharges and Specs, The Jimmy Jab GamesThe Road TripBoyle-Linetti WeddingDet. Jake notes that it started off rocky, but ended up being fun. Amy apologizes for all the money Jake lost last night on date activities they never went through with. 2 - Amy's most-favorite moment of their entire time as a couple. Jake knows what Amy's going to get as food after work. At the beginning of Season 3, the two begin a relationship. Jake: [Stammers loudly] (The Wednesday Incident), Rosa: Look, if you want to give her a real choice, you've got to let her know that you are an option. Jake resorts to immature babbling instead of revealing how he really feels about her dating Teddy. Coral Palms Pt. He tries again to ask her out, but stumbles on his words, causing Amy to ask Why doesnt your mouth work? On impulse, he quickly replies Why doesnt your mouth work? Jake informs her that it was a good date anyway. Amy decides against this because she doesn't want to lie to Jake. When asked how they knew that they were each other's "the one", they reply truthfully with "he makes me laugh" and "there's really no one else's opinion who I care about more than hers". Their first, although not entirely real, date was on January 14, 2014, the night that Jake won their bet. Jake does so much for her, he is definitely the most thoughtful man on earth. After Jake, Sophia and Amy arrive at the bed and breakfast, Jake tells Amy that he has a "surprise" for her. Amy says that after all the drama with Teddy she doesnt want to date cops and Jake is clearly disappointed. As Jake explains a case, Charles points out that Jake tends to like Latinas. Jake and Amy argue about how the other's parents are at fault. 6 months later, Jake returns to the precinct from his undercover FBI assignment. When Jake is about to leave and let the ex-couple have privacy, Teddy tells him he should stay since he is the reason their respective relationships are having problems. When he attempts to dunk with the help of a ladder, it collapses beneath him and he falls to the ground. Jake says that he likes being underestimated and mentions how Amy's parents "don't think [he's] smart enough to learn another language" and how he's taken Spanish lessons and now understands "all the hurtful things they say about [him]". [Jake peralta x oc] Harper miller is a detective from England who has moved to new York to be closer to her brother ben who moved a while before her. Deciding they're okay with kissing in front of everyone, they lean in again before Charles appears beside them, ruining their moment. We walk down the hallway. UndercoverThe Jimmy Jab GamesThe Road TripBoyle-Linetti WeddingDet. They continue to misread what the other is thinking, proving they lost their sync since their time apart. Jake has to pick up the pieces that Amys kidnapping left behind. Jake: Did you? They agree that they would both like to explore a relationship, and to try to keep things "light and breezy." Jake: I absolutely do. Jake and Amy share their first night in hiding. Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago, ship name Peraltiago, are detectives and often partners at the 99th precinct. Jake's blunt response about Holt helps Amy realize that her biggest weakness is worrying too much about what the captain thinks of her decisions. Jake proposes to Amy in the Evidence Room on Halloween night. She freaks out about how she might never get to say the "so much" part to Jake. Jake goes into the kiss after Amy says, "So, a lot of change around here, huh?". At the airport, Jake is nervous about meeting Katie and Amy comforts him, saying he just needs to relax and be himself. After the fall of Casita, Mirabel felt so guilty she ended up leaving; the problem is that no one found her in time. Amy panics and just says grapes, then regrets it immediately. Season Six: Amy: I love you so much. I just care about being with you.". Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago, ship name Peraltiago, are detectives and often partners at the 99th precinct. Jake tells Amy that he does want to have kids, After Jake calls himself a debate genius, Amy replies "Debate genius? Jake's Sleeves, a brooklyn nine-nine fanfic | FanFiction Jake and Amy are officially engaged to be married. Jake shows an interest in finding out more about the guy with whom Amy had to cancel her date. Emphasis on almost. When Captain Holt calls Jake selfish, Jake takes it saying he doesn't want to get mad because he thinks of Amy's respect and worry for Holt. Jake suggests to Amy that they help David take down dirty cops and drug dealers of the Brazilian mob. in response. Charles suggests that if Jake wants to date Amy, he should try actually asking her out. Jake responds "Again, weird take on a very loving relationship.". There is a bomb at this wedding as well. They name their son McClane "Mac" Peralta after John McClane from Jake's favorite movie. 3Mr. Jake apologises for everything that has happened, not understanding how some people could do that to a woman. Amy gives Jake her grandfathers hangover cure, a cup of raw egg yolks. Jake: Love you, captain. A gift arrives on Jakes desk and causes some unwanted emotions, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (955), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (5), M/F Bracket 2A. Completed detective jakeperalta fanfiction +11 more # 2 Forbidden Love | Jake Peralta by b a i l y 55.6K 1.4K 18 A relationship would never work out between a criminal and a cop, much less a hitwoman. Jake attempts to interrupt their date by sneaking into the bar. Dave MajorsJohnny and Dora At the bar, Jake asks Charles what he thinks Amy sees in Teddy. We're here to keep you updated on the latest episodes, news, pictures and spoilers about them. Jake says that it's not possible to do that at the moment and motions towards Amy and Teddy chatting at the bar. In this alternative universe, Amy Santiago becomes the captain of the NineNine. (Operation: Broken Feather), Jake: What do you think Amy sees in Teddy? Jake-Amy Relationship Amy: I do. Detective Dave Majors invites Jake to an exclusive bar, Jake accepts under the impression Majors wants to be bros, only to find out Majors invited him for drinks to ask him if he was seeing Amy. Jake admits that he doesn't know why he keeps doing that. (Ding Dong), Jake: [about sex reveal cake] Hey, listen, I'm sorry the cake was green. Peraltiago Stories - Wattpad Amy asks Jake why he cares if she leaves the Nine-Nine. Amy is going to meet Jake's mom for the first time and she made a binder after researching her. When Amy moved into her quaint neighbourhood near her university, she wasn't expecting much. Peraltiago Oneshots [ Complete. [takes out positive pregnancy test and shows it to Jake]