Lincoln peeked out and saw that Zeke had reached his destination. Back in Royal Woods, Lynn, Luan, and Luna were watching a movie. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< Just admit it, you are wrong about Playstation and I am right about Xbox! (Much to what Luna said, Lynn in a more furious stat stands in front of the Arcade as she shouted in a demanding voice). He road to where Zeke was stationed, found an empty boxcar, lifted his bike into it, and jumped aboard just as Zeke was pulling out. I am getting A but hungry. ", "Indeed," said Mark, "all their sandwiches are good. THAT'S TAKING ITWAYTOO FAR! ", "Say all you want," said Lori, "but that won't stop me from doing this!". Lincoln: Well, I had a lot of fun milking the cows and so far that's the best job for me, but my least favorite has to be the chicken coop because of that rooster. "A skilled target." (March 02, San Francisco.) ", "Lori," said Lynn Sr., "don't be too upset at Lincoln for refusing to talk to you like your sisters did before. Simon: I really don't care about Gummy Bears or Worms, Gummy Dinosaurs are pretty much the coolest gummies to date. Lincoln: >points at Simon< I want Simon to stop arguing with me first and admit he's wrong! After Lincoln used the bathroom, he, Mark, and Butch went to the roundhouse, got Chuggie, hooked him up to a boxcar for Lincoln's bike, and, after Lincoln and Mark got in the cab, began the journey back to Royal Woods. Lincoln then put on his helmet and a reflector belt. Simon: But SpongeBob had better episodes than ours. He then heard a knock at the door. We could jam sometime bro! Luna: Oh no dude, looks like a brother protocol is firing up. Deviation Actions. Luna: Sam! It was the Loud family's new friend James. ", Lincoln took the envelope, opened it, and took out the letter. Simon: I could say the same, our argument is what caused our sisters to break up in the first place. Lincoln: Ugh. Lori is playing when Lincoln is wearing the squirell costume. Time 17m. ", "Alright," said Lincoln, "I love you, Lori.". (Credit to Yeguscus on DeviantArt for the drawing)Lori: "We have another brother?? 175 Best Instant Pot Recipes. "All of the sisters had jealous looks on their faces. Lori went inside and sat down on the bed next to Lincoln. "My baby," Rita shouted at the top of her lungs before breaking down. Lincoln: I know we hadn't had a good day yester---. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by. I enjoy using my phone and going on social media apps. Sam: >stops Lincoln and Simon< Guys, guys, stop arguing. Most of the smiles turned into frowns when she said that. "Typical," said Lisa, "he always sleeps in on Saturdays like a lot of kids do. Lisa Loud was a young girl who had an intellect higher than anyone else her age, it surpasses even the most brilliant minds in history. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< If you would have agreed with me, we shouldn't start fighting in the first place. In your face! Sam: >in thought< Oh no, you've got to be kidding me! Luna: >annoyed, to Leni< YES HE DOES, HIS ARGUMENT WITH SIMON RUINED MY FUTURE WITH SAM! Luna: HmmI think I have a better idea (The girls have taken Lincoln and Simon up to Lincolns room to check out some comics). "Luke: "I also like style. Synopsis The 12th Loud sibling is born, a boy named Leopold . Lincoln: I really don't know who to choose as my favorite, I used to think of Lori before you know she started dating, then I turned to Leni and Luna >to audience< which some people think I'm more closer too because of how nice they were to me >to Simon<, but now, I love all of my sisters in general, except of course Luan when it comes to April fools day. "You mean that Christian singer girl James likes," asked Lincoln. Parts 12. Simon: Sorry Lincoln but Ace Savvy is a good Superhero, but I wouldn't say he's the greatest superhero ever, that honor belongs to my favorite superhero >shows comic< "Scorpion", she's one of the greatest super heroines out there. ", "Please," said Lori, "I didn't do anything! "Lincoln's POV:Luke what A familiar name. #loud Lori then got a sheet of paper and a pen and proceeded to write a letter, then, after finding out Butch and Mark's address, wrote it down on the envelope and added "(P.S. "For the last time," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! Read to find out. And with that, Lori left, leaving Lincoln in a terrible emotional mess. With that, they all gathered up, bowed their heads, closed their eyes, and prayed for the safety of Lincoln wherever he was. In fact, it was the pillow decoy Lincoln had set up, along with a folded-up piece of paper on top. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Argh, Why do you have to criticize our own show, this will drive audiences away from us. Lincoln: I have a few consoles hooked up to the TV, I got a Super Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch and a PS4, and yes, I do have some portable consoles like a 3DS, well technically speaking the SNES and Wii belonged to Lori before she taught me how to play videogames when I was like five. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. The one who was most upset was Leni, who was crying hysterically into a pillow with Luna trying to comfort her and trying to hold back her own tears. Lincoln begins to speak to the audience watching, breaking the fourth wall of course. >to Luna< And that includes are relationship as well. Not wanting to disturb her brother, she quietly got in bed with him, hugged his sleeping body and kissed him on the cheek. #loudhouse. Sam: Look Luna, we can still be a couple, but sometimes a relationship isn't going to last forever, but I would like for ours to--. (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). ", Lincoln then places the remote on the table). She knocked on his door. Luna: Sounds good to me, I had a rough day. (It then cuts to Liam's farm where Liam is teaching Lincoln and Simon about working together and respecting opinions). ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. Butch saw this, came outside, and joined Lincoln on the branch. "Steve, chill," said James, "we're not escalating this any farther. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< That's right you two, so we are going to try again, now then, let me see if Clyde is available to help you two out. The Loud House Fanfic #21-Brother Bicker Add to Favourites Comment By jgodzilla1212 Published: Feb 23, 2021 Favourites Comments 10K Views (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone) Luna: Go for Loud! Luna: >to Sam< I'm sorry this had to happen Sam, maybe we'll see each other tomorrow. "Luna: "I'm way to confused brah. When that was finished, she rode her bike to the post office. Sam: >to Simon< Don't ever talk to her if she has a brother you can't get along with. S.M.O.O.C.H. Thankfully, Lincoln had remembered to bring a bike tire repair kit. ", "But how," asked Lori, "I bet he won't wanna talk to me either, not even if I contacted Butch and Mark somehow. "I'm ashamed to admit Lincoln ran away," said James. Simon >annoyed<: I'm not changing my opinion because I have my right to express my opinion better than his >points to Lincoln<. "Lynn Sr. (Dad): "Kids, Sit down. (For the next thirty minutes, Lincoln was continuing to play his game on the Wii, Luna was waiting patiently for Sam and Simon to appear, Luna even fidgeted her thumbs as she is constantly nervous waiting for them, she even had a thought bubble for Lincoln and Simon getting into a fight, but she eventually cleared it out of her mind, someone knocked on the front door, she opened it and at the front door), (She closed the door and walked upstairs to go to the twins room, later she came back the stairs as she sat back on the chair she usually sits in waiting for Simon and Sam, the front door was knocked on again, this time she opens the door to meet), (They both hugged each other and nuzzled each other, then Simon comes in), (Luna tousles Simon's hair, she then turns to Sam). Then, he got on his bike and rode away from the house. Lisa: >offscreen< I'm okay, just some split some atoms by accident. Just then, James' friend Steve came in the house, holding Lana. "Hey eldest sister," said Lisa, "I have some fantastic news for you.". Luna: Don't say that, you know I still have feelings for you! "Mom, Dad," Lynn shouted as she grabbed the paper and bounded down the stairs. This Old Gal's Pressure Cooker Cookbook . "Wow," said Lisa, "then I assume you know how to fix a lot of things. Simon: >to Lincoln< SpongeBob in the modern world is good too. "Phew," said Lincoln, "that was a close call! But I'm more comfortable with the Playstation controls than Xbox, besides, these controls aren't that good anyway. My overall favorites are soccer and basketball. Lana just got up and ran out of the house crying. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. Sam: Please, stop talking to me, I want nothing to do with you. "What do you want," asked Lincoln. After events of "No Such Luck" Lincoln is treated by his whole family as a living talisman. Votes. lincolnloud. "Don't worry, Lincoln," said Lana, "your secret is safe with me.". "Oh, what the heck," cried Luna, "I guess big girls docry after all! Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Cool, nice to meet you! Clyde: Interestingnow your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Not including our own show. Luna: I tried, but she turned down my apology, she blocked my number and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, now I can't talk to them anymore. Luna: >to Simon< Dude, that's even more harsher than what Lincoln said. Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. (Lincoln and Simon just looked at each other, without saying a word, they turned their heads away from each other, Luna and Sam were worried that it wasn't going to work well, they waited patiently for the Tea, Cookies and Muffins to get done, but in exactly thirty more minutes, the snacks were ready). (Fiona who was working on hanging up jeans answered to Leni). ", "I knew I said I wasn't going to be speaking to you," said Lincoln, "but then I remembered James telling me how God wants us to forgive one another. ", "Oh yeah," said Lana, "not even refusing to accept Lincoln's apology about breaking your phone and calling him a mistake?". Our Brother is a Delinquent By: NoSoul01. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln Loves his younger sisters and the feeling is mutual so much so that they'll do anything to see their big brother happy even if it means making his Harem even bigger. "Sheshe," stammered Lincoln, "shedoesn't love me anymore.". "Luan: "Then you're in the right family! The Loud House: The Black Figure The CasaDemonios - Deathy Intro The Loud House (2006) The Loud House - Lincoln the Attacker (Old version) The Loud House - Two's Regret The loud house - You're adopted The Loud House 888 The Loud House Lost Don't Text And Drive PSA (2015) The Loud House Lost Episode: The Mishaps of the Loud Siblings "Last one to James & Co.'s house is a rotten egg," said Lincoln. Luna: Dang it, it didn't work, Lincoln is getting triggered. "I brought you some pizza in case you got hungry," said Rita. Just then, they heard the mail slot open and close, meaning that got mail. ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. Luna: I know but, I missed talking to you, ever since we broke up, I've been miserable without you.