Y/N!!! Because you definitely werent ready for any of that. ! Oh shoot. Asked Deidara. Ive been working on this for like two weeks straight! you exclaim, astonished. He pretends to brush dirt off his shoulder. He always had such beautiful hands, despite the hours of practice he dedicated to his sport. You're more of an idiot than Naruto." What? you turn around and scream. Me too. He seemed to notice since Akaashi dropped his hands to his sides. Its okay I guess, but it could really use some work. What do you mean work?! Yet he couldn't help but find beauty in the tears the way your eyes would glisten, the shade of your irises brightening, the pink in your cheeks and nose. He smiled as he walked over there, he saw you and smiled more but it faded after hearing you sniffle, you were sitting crisscross with an elbow on your knee, holding up your cheeks as you gave slight tears. Blonde Chain is a 5-star ground unit based on the character Kurapika from the anime Hunter X Hunter. Preference #34 He makes you cry but then regrets - Tumblr Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness A/N: Honestly, I dont think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. You and Deidara got up, glanced at Naruto and Sakura, then left. You lay down on your bed in the hideout of Team Taka, sadly. rea do cliente. It was only for you that he showed his soft side and only you were the recipient of his loving gestures. How long had this been going on? You turn your head to face the window, and put you put your hand up to cover your face. You sniffled, Kakashi's eyes slightly widened seeing you with puffy eyes when you stood up. "I would kiss you but there's a student outside." Gabe! you scorn, Brandons right there! you say. He was the captain, after all. You both laugh the entire time. There was no rising panic this time, nothing inside you screaming at you that something was wrong. 26 Sasuke + You lay down on your bed in the hideout of Team Taka, sadly. He helped you with everything. Please just listen to me.. Naruto columbus high school basketball schedule. This is my very last semester of graduate school and then I am DONE in May, forever! When you sit back down, Will opens his arms, so that you can rest on his chest. Regardless of what had upset you, he would hug you to his body and calmly ask what was wrong, guiding you through your emotions and encouraging you that it was okay to release them. You shriek and jump back. A month after your break-up, you started seeing someone else. "Sai let me go." He had fallen asleep, and he looked so peaceful. "I know. The voice that rang out froze you in your actions. Im not coming in here again. You grab basically everything you could want for the night, and run back to the living room. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you crycampbell smith kalispell mt. coppell city council members. Listen babe, its not what you think. Kuroo was reaching for you, taking steps to close the distance before you fled away entirely. You were surprised to say the least, this was one of the members of the volleyball team. He stuttered over your name, before asking,Ah, you and um. He was such a kid sometimes. You actually really wanted him to help because he was good at this type of stuff. He urged the phone back to your ear, reminding you that Nekomas ace was still on the other side of the line. You pushed open the door to your bedroom and attempted to slam it behind you, but a simple kick of his foot and it stayed open. )Naruto "(Y/n)! Sasuke His grey-eyes surveyed you silently, not a single word uttered, as if it would break this unmoving conversation. Suddenly, he trips over the carpet and you are sent flying behind him. He leans over to kiss you and then asks how your day was. Cheered the children. Y/N, its okay at least you know now, and youre here and we can go out and celebrate together. "Yeah bitch I'm coming." You sniffles and pushed your hair to the side, you gave widened eyes soon after you felt Jugo's arms wrap around you and his forehead resting on your back. He'd question you about everything. You couldnt help but smile, and think that Gabe would make a great dad, if you got to that stage. *I do not own these pictures! When youre finished, you hug him as hard as you can and thank him a billion times. You go out and have a nice dinner after that. Bokuto-san. You stated, looking him in the eyes head-on. You looked up at Kuroo briefly, the middle-blocker staring at you right back. #boyfriendscenarios Gabe- The day you broke your collarbone, Gabe did everything you needed for you. His hand reaches its destination. Naruto walked back to you with a bunch of f/f (fav flowers). "See un! You're not eating anymore un!" Yes, you are. He says and pulls the car over. You thought about it a few times over the past few days, why Bokuto? Alright, lets get back to the movie, and uh, pretend this never happened? You nod, but tweet after you sit back down Haha just witnessed what happens when @GabeIM5 sees a spider, lol! He screams as you both jump up the stairs. You make them cry | Boyfriend Scenarios | MHA ASMR - YouTube Why dont I show you what I was teaching him?. You and Kuroo-san are spending your day off together?. Ok we got messages and stuff and it looks like you want us to start writing again! Skip it. The middle-blocker stated harshly, cutting off the ace. In the end, you started dating Naruto! Oh nothing. He says, blushing deeper now. So why was Yamamoto on the other side of the line? He was just looking at you, like he expected you to say something. Creds to whoever made them! I bet youll never find me! Brandon calls out, and turns the corner. fz. "You're such a drag." Sometimes he would speak gently with you to determine what was troubling you and how to resolve it. You punch playfully at his back and kick your legs around in attempt to get down. , naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry, vanderbilt baseball recruiting class 2022, Mastergrip Laser Distance Meter Instructions, harrow council garden waste collection payment. It was no surprise that Fukurdani was progressing to the Spring Nationals and everyone at school were quick to congratulate various team members on their victory. I'm completely obsessed with reading the 'Boyfriend Scenario' stories, so I decided to write one myself. Author's Note. You watched how Akaashis gaze would sometimes linger on Bokuto, long legs guiding his stride to a spike. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry Phew, he says, and cleans off his shoe. I love that youre already thinking of our future. He admits. Woah woah woah, Y/N are you crying? And this was not something that could be as simply waved off as teammates. DALTON! you scream. You walk over to the couch, and turn the TV on. Your attention was caught and you needed confirmation, scrolling up through their conversation and seeing similar words spanning the last few hours alone. But only for a little, Im shiv-vering. You say. No matter how busy his schedule, he would take as long as you needed to pull yourself back together following whatever had upset you in the first place. Hey Will! What are you doing with my phone? He asked, voice promulgating the silent room. ;). Asked Sasori. I know youre thinking about something. he says, lips inches away from yours. Stop, you know I would never do anything to hurt you., It looks bad. He chases it around until its on the floor and he stomps on it. When You Are Assigned On A Mission Together, when your child ask you what you thought of their dad/mom when you first met, When he trys to kiss you with a messy face, what he did when he became sick for the first time, where he takes you for vacation/he gets a boner, when his family ask him uncomfortable questions/you meet his parents, When Your Child/Children Come To You Crying, When Their Female Friend Insults You [Part Two]. "Don't expect me to do that again. Dalton- Whenever you get worried, you twist your hair around your fingers and it ends up looking crazy and it always makes him laugh. . And now, you could only imagine what he was truly thinking throughout your relationship. sweet potato sushi roll calories. "Neji You gave sigh to Tenten, she was about to grab your shoulder but you walked off, making her look down with a ground then over at Neji, who pasted her just in time to grab your wrist. "Y-you mean Karui-chan?" "SaiYou gave narrowed eyes towards Sakura, she gave you a confused look then looked down with a frown. #shikamaru Why you? Ill read the questions you answer, and Ill tweet them. He hands you his phone. What was I thinking? "Oh nothing nothing! You run over and open the door. Your relationship was built on a mutual friendship, going from casual classmates to one day dating when he had asked you out. Before you were even dating, you remembered that Kuroo particularly agreed with many of her features: long-hair, mild temper, and good grades even in college prep classes. Naruto was there for you helping you get over Sai. How I would yell at you, curse you to your face But now that I see you, youre pathetic.. You held the phone to your chest, there was no way you could feign a reaction now. The rare times that you did, Sasuke would always sit quietly beside you no speaking, no touching; just a comforting presence to offer you an ounce of strength as you sorted through your emotions. Not a bit. Oh I will find you! Gabe calls back. Is it true?, His voice trailed, but you held in your chuckle. You smile as he puts you down. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. But, if youre willing to let me, I can help you. Kiba When Kiba got home, he was expecting to see you waiting for him on the couch, asleep or not, he gave a frown seeing Akamaru walk up to him with a small whine. Ow! you yelp quietly. "Suigetsu You stayed in the room most of the day with the door locked, Hebi stayed at a cabin once more. You smiled and hugged him back, he gave a small smile too, hugging you more, when he pulled back, he wiped your last tear, kissing your forehead before standing up, holding onto your hand to lift you up. He warns as he runs past you with the blankets in his hands. So you were more than happy to babysit him. And yet now you had in your hands evidence that none that was true. #gaara This was no longer the simple interaction that you could pretend would pass over, the adulterous text was still open on the screen, open for both parties to quickly see. ! Gabe exclaims, hurt clear on his face as he realised you were leaving. But then his hands start moving, close to where they shouldnt be. He was just looking at you, like he expected you to say something. oop lmao hope you enjoyed these short stories! You bit your lip, asking. Try and answer them all, I know how it feels when you dont get noticed. You point out, remembering the days when you were just another fan. Well, Ill leave you two alone now She says sort of awkwardly, backing out of the door. As if he had no idea, no reason to truly think that he was the cause behind your unease. Hey look, Im a little busy with this project, so if we could hang out later or you could stay here and help me. You smile. He hovered above you, placing a light kiss on your forehead and then trailing down the side of your face. Alright, let me walk you home?. You just stop, and start thinking about what you couldve done that would put him in this mood. ), Random Scenario: When He Gets You A Stuff Animal, When Another Ninja Confesses Feelings For You To Him, Random Scenario: When You Get Him A Hoodie, When You Catch Him Staring At Your Breast, When You Don't Return Back From A Mission/Go Missing, Random Scenario: When You Get Him A Plushy, Random Scenario: His Quote For Describing You, Random Scenario: The Picture He Relates You To, Naruto Boyfriend Scenarios *Discontinued*. Said Sasuke. You then started dating Sasori a month later. When you finished, he would brush his fingers gently across your cheek maybe even place a kiss on your forehead before giving you some space until you were ready to either talk about it or do something to distract yourself from whatever had upset you. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry . You start backing away, COLE! ARE YOU OKAY?! His lips are on yours in an instant. He was so impatient. "If you think I'm just going to let you cry alone. You werent even looking for me! Brandon exclaims, almost angry but upset. "DALTON!" you scream. El IAT International Architecture Training, es un evento profesional inmersivo en arquitectura, promovido por la Academia de Arquitectura y Diseo que se desarrollar cada ao en un pas distinto correspondiendole en el 2019 a Rionegro en Colombia, en el 2020 a Mxico y en el 2021 a Per. You giggle quietly to yourself. Was Akaashi really setting a ball for five hours straight after your last mid-terms? "Yeah baby let's go! You laid it all out to your best friends at lunch then, all of you sitting under the apple tree and quietly listening to your story. You nodded in agreement, not trusting your voice. Oh no no no no no no. "How about stomach tickles?" You stood up and grabbed Hidan's hand. She hands you the money rapidly, moving towards the door. "You can be sweet some times." You were his girlfriend, but how could that possibly matter when his heart continually lingered on the ace in front of you. You knew from the beginning that Akaashi always had a special connection to Bokuto. Bokuto crossed his arms, his athletic duffel pushed to the side of his body. ;) -Tamia (gabes is coming next :p), youre old enough to pay for your own things. You gave a small giggle and wiped your face, you pulled back to see Sakura, you gave her a wave as she did the same back. Often times, he would sit quietly beside you, swiping away the tears as they fell. Hes lifting your shirt, when you hear, HEY GABE YOU STILL HAVENT FOUND ME!! GaaraGaara looked up from his desk after hearing you get back from training with Temari, he heard his room door shut, making him give a slightly confused look and stand up. Deidara sulked. Whats going on?, somycrushgavemehernumberbuticanttalktogirlsandididntwanttomessupsoiwaspracticingwhattosayonkurooandtherestandthentheygotmadsosometimesitextmyselffromtheirphonenumbersaspractice!. When Kakashi peeked into the room, he saw you wipe underneath your eyes, he tried to move the door knob but it was locked. The spider crawls down the wall to the floor and starts running almost at you. His gaze never wavered off of yours, eyes boring right into you as you wordlessly sized each other up. Kakashi was not one to smother you with affection at the sign of your tears. All their little volleyball antics - it was always about Bokuto. As soon as he saw tears on your face, he'd immediately fire up and ask whose ass he was kicking today, all whilst enveloping you in the tightest, warmest hug you could imagine. ? Gabe says, coming closer. I brought food. he lifts up the bags. "Bye y/n! "Hey..why is (Y/n) crying?" He walks over and sits beside you to help edit. That would be great. You walk back over to the computer where you had spent all day in front of. Dont worry about it. The one and only beautiful girl in the world." #shino. I came to see if (Y/n) sensei would like to join us but." Why would Akaashi do this? "Sakura." ! he exclaims, looking worried all of a sudden. Youve won? You trusted your boyfriend of the past year explicitly. Yamamoto-san? You near-whispered back in recognition. #narutoxreader But when he was headed to your room, you came out to see him, you had puffy eyes from crying when he approached you. "Hey..what's wrong?" It might take hours though. "What's wrong un?" naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry Most of the other students had already filled out of the gymnasium, out into the streets on their way home as you leaned against the cold railing. Bokutos voice reached you mid-way through the steps, his words low but aimed toward Akaashi. You blushed with a sniffle and hugged him lightly back, he knew you had a small smile so he gave a small side rock into it. He throws you over his shoulder and keeps spinning. Your eyes slightly widened and you gave a small smile, shutting your eyes and leaning more into Neji when his chin rested on your head and he placed his other arm around you, his eyes shut as he gave a deep sigh through his nose. I missed you! you say and hug him tightly. Kuroo pulled away and whispered against your lips, I know itlooks crazy, but please trust in me - in us.. Theyre all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. You blushed and placed your arms around him and sniffled. Why are we whispering? he says back, smiling. Kiba gave parted lips and slowly made his way to your room. I want you to leave.. Get out! You settled on that and yelled behind you, your voice weak as you sucked in air between tears. You and Will had both been so busy in the last few weeks that you hadnt seen each other much. You get up and set the baby back in his crib. Bokutos raised an overjoyed fist in the air in his excitement over the single point. "You know. Mature. Akaashi stopped in his stride the moment he saw the both of you, not moving closer to you or Bokuto and simply guarding his expression from leaking any of his inner thoughts. The interaction was so strangely intimate and yet public for any spectator the game. Dont smile at me like everythings okay. You started,I know.. Finally Ino noticed you and gasped. Suggestions are unfortunately closed because the stories are actually . We love IM5 ok. Colmia & Datyana forever<3 Cole ~ Dana. Light bl- He cuts off his sentence with a yelp. You want take-out food? Dalton- After 3 of your fingers were broken on the same hand, Dalton made sure to carry all of your things, even though you had another hand. You look up and see the hint of scarlet cheeks. You open the door and plop down on the seat. The baby stirs, and his eyes open. His arm wraps around you, and his hand rests on your bottom. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. Gabe! you say. #narutofatherscenarios Was my text really bad that you had to call?. Tears were bothersome, and you had always been one to well regulate your emotions. Naruto walked over to Ino who was behind the counter at that time, and you were drawing, ignoring the world. You blushed and took it. But dont let that creep you out! Bokuto kept your question rhetorical, for once staying uncharacteristically silent. You turned around and saw Gaara and Matsuri. You saw them, preening around the lunchroom as the student body wished them luck. The next day at school neither of them were present. Your friends warned you ahead of time, that the two had a strong bond despite being separated by a year and not even attending the same junior high. I hope you all had Happy Holidays this month and that you have a positive and prosperous New Year as well! Um. Oh Im babysitting Jordan! you say back, giggling quietly. The fond expression Akaashi had only brought up his earlier words to mind -I love watching him play. "Break free again I'll bite you. Dana- You were lying on Danas bed with him, checking his twitter, and answering some questions. ! Your voice was raising with every word, anger seeping through toward the middle-blocker. You gave a small laugh, he pulled back then took your hand pulling you into the kitchen with a small smirk just to pull you into another hug. He turns to you. "You'll be fine." "ShikamaruShikamaru opened up the door to your house with an eyebrow raise seeing not seeing you, both hands were on his pockets as he gave a small sigh thinking you went out to the village already. Hey! Were you going to accuse him, then and there? You smiled a bit and placed your hands on his, interlocking your fingers together when he kissed the back of your head. Captain! Your eyes kept following the scene, the game playing out while you stood stock-still among your friends. "We'll see. You plop down on your chair and get back to work. You and Suigetsu were in the water splashing each other, when you saw Sasuke and Karin in their towels. You lay him down in his little playpen you had set up, when you hear knocking at the door. Never! he jokes. And youre going to ask me not to make you do it again?. You can borrow my shirt. He says and winks. You cant help but start laughing your head off. Sasuke gave a confused look then walked over to you with a grunt, pulling you to the side. You dont think I could get into those universities?? Two hours pass of you editing and revising before you hear a knock at the door. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry . ImIm s-such a terr-rible girlfriend you mumble, I didnt even remember my own boyfriends birthday for gods sake, and youre all I-I think a-about. You wail. GET IN HERE NOW! you call out. Wh-HOLY AHH! he screams when he sees the spider. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. BNHA: multi characters x Listener asmr | You make them cry | My Hero AcademiaBoyfriend Scenarios | MHA ASMRMulti-characters playlist: https://bit.ly/3kPiQawS. I dont want to know why you led me on for so long. You balled up your fist, ready to just turn and punch him, but that probably wasnt a very good idea as he was driving and could crash the car you were in. You walked down to the wooden swinging bench on the back porch, but saw this little white patch. Im sorry if thats weird.. you say quietly. I might not even get to spend time with you. Okay, let me help. Get what you need and lets get out of here! Listen to what? You were trying to push him away, but Kuroo refused to budge against you. You both yelled. Uhh, oh my go-, no. Gabe starts freaking out. Naruto saw Deidara kiss your lips and he growled. You walk into his large kitchen flip the light on. You quickly step back and follow him. There was so much you wanted to just yell at him, but at the same time you knew this was the man who held your heart. Boyfriend Scenarios | Quotev Dana sings alon to the songs he knows and you both pretend to be the people with terrible voices or acts crazy. But then, a month later, you started seeing someone else. The one time you text him, saying you need some painkillers, he buys all different brands and brings them because he didnt know which ones worked for you. You started to date Darui. No problem, and could you grab me another Coke please? Cole says and then changes the channel. The mere process of talking with him as he comforted you was often enough to pull you out of your tears. You can pick him up. You say, smiling. I'm back." Things start getting really heated, his hands moving all over, your hands knotting in his hair. Ah! Naruto smiled as he stepped into your house with a to-go back of ramen cups, he smiled and went into the kitchen, then gave a confused look and went to the room to see you shut the door, you on the outside of it. fly now pay later no credit check canada. You jump up quickly and run to the door. You felt your eyes comically widen at his boldness, any hint of your previous teasing falling away as your boyfriends sly smirk crawled further and further down your body. You honestly hadnt believed it. Home; About. [10] Under the mistletoe {Christmas Special #1}, [11] The gift he gives you {Christmas Special #2}, [14] You wear their clothes // You dress like them, [26] Song that describes your relationship, [30] 150k Special - Your first time {Part One}, [31] 150k Special - Your first time {Part Two//End}, [34] Quote that describes your relationship, [40] When you do something stupid {Contest Winner}, [41] Date night preferences {Contest Winner}, [42] Perks of dating him {Contest Winner}, [43] When you shower/bathe together {Contest Winner}, [45] He catches you dancing {Contest Winner}, [46] How he likes to cuddle {Contest Winner}, [47] Where he likes to leave hickeys {Contest Winner}. His expression changed to Are-You-Serious, but then he just shook his head. You and Hidan were just hanging out, when you saw Shikamaru and Temari come over. Sp-sp-spider! No! When he opened up the door, his eyes widen seeing you sitting back against the bed with your hands to your eye, when you removed them you gave parted lips and looked away. ! He just stares at you blankly. Let's take a walk. You smile, What? you say. A few tears escape and fall down your cheeks. He reaches his hands out to Will. And here you were, pointing a heavy glare with your chin held-high at a man who could very easily over-power you. Its pretty cute actually. Your shirt is covered in blood by now. Will- It you four hours to make them, but it was worth spending the time together! You grabbed your clothes and so did Suigetsu. #narutoboyfriendscenarios Fine. He says and leaves. And so it broke your heart to find out that you were not the only one he was saying these words to. You are rocking back and forth, cradling the little baby boy you were babysitting for a neighbour. You grabbed it half-mindedly, original intention to bring it to him and maybe leave it at the door in case it was some type of volleyball-related emergency. I lost the file that I had started this on and I cried and started over, whatever. Shikamaru gasped seeing how close you were to Hidan. A month later, you started to date Suigetsu! Also Team Hebi included in this one! ! you shout at him. You then were pulled into Kakashi's chest with both arms, he hugged you tightly after getting off the desk, you smiled and hugged him back.