The programmable logic controller which is housed in a NEMA 4X rated enclosure provides protection to the pumping system from damage due to mechanical, hydraulic or power failure. This Q&A were posted originally at WATER PUMP WON'T START FAQs. 0000028801 00000 n It includes the MPS MMore, Communications:RS/TIA-485, RS/TIA-485DeviceNet, Replaced by MPU-32 Motor Protection Unit. 1 0 obj 579 0 obj 0000120478 00000 n 0000058151 00000 n [Please don't embarrass us and yourself by calling Franklin to ask about other pump brands.]. It would likely help diagnose the issue if I knew when the pump was or was not running. endobj 0000088092 00000 n I began getting an overload reading on the PCS-1500 and reset the system, this happened 6 times and then when I tried to reset the power indicator light stopped coming on as well. 0000086065 00000 n Common Mode Noise Filters (CMF) attenuate common mode noise in differential and balanced transmission, and power supply and audio lines. 0000126758 00000 n These cookies allow our website, applications and services to remember choices you make (such as your preferred language) and provide enhanced, ); 2 Form C (N.O./N.C. Model 233-P is rated for a 1/3-3hp load range; Model 233-1.5-P is rated for a 1/3-1.5hp load range. x=ON@yzpr)D stream Blinking Off DRY-RUN / DEAD-HEAD: The PumpSaverPlus has shut the pump off due to a dry -run or dead head condition. Use these pump troubleshooting tips to pinpoint and correct potential issues. dTH^%XU4BvvvjJic',bk-k~T ^M6q+]oST6uFP[1PzI% lB 0000125220 00000 n No indication of "power on" is included on this device. By continuing, you agree to the use of our cookies. 0000123575 00000 n They are also used to limit the number of Find the motor protection relay thatmeets your needs below. Proceed to Step 7. port for installers. Is The Vacuum Bag Or Pouch Correctly? 11 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ColorSpace<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 6 0 R>> It could also mean low discharge temperature. 0000023542 00000 n experience of the site and the services we are able to offer. Indoor Wall Switch Timer - Water Heater Timers Save Money. This is normal and is a reminder that Pumptec-Plus requires calibration. 0000111958 00000 n 0000019415 00000 n 45 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000018401 00000 n xb```b``c``5gf@ a6vgYbfNBz4rX1n H"Z.f[?1luqm/%9D&>#r]c#'zXUpX?=i &9/_|}tM"&>M%O4i*'9Y S\6:aq#~8?ZaC]cL @AGGG+ @ `JBLJ&.iip!&%% ffcZ,!hW/ q)X4 yR]i\Do**RWZ'/Phc4###P\\Bq1fdta!5be30,bt2ffXqM &F&bPcsl[22j0r1gaxc +r*F.F`F~ TB9mP&A. endobj 0000004223 00000 n 596 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9D5F2538470E5A42BFAD7C01C71DB9FC>]/Index[562 64]/Info 561 0 R/Length 142/Prev 453632/Root 563 0 R/Size 626/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 6 0 obj<> trailer <<113E718885C04C8A97880DD3D97E06CF>]/Prev 619538/XRefStm 4793>> startxref 0 %%EOF 243 0 obj <>stream 0000023678 00000 n 0000128199 00000 n On 2019-07-25 by (mod) - additional high pressure limit switch for pump and well system? 0000112832 00000 n The green light will blink instead. 0000002377 00000 n Cla-Val, PO Box 1325 Newport Beach CA 92659-0325 Phone: 949-722-4800 Fax: 949-548-5441 A low-voltage LED may also work in this application. A motor protection relay is designed to help protect motors from overloads, jams, phase loss or unbalance, heat, heavy start-ups or excessive operational cycles. 0000093625 00000 n Stand-alone Mode Blue- Indicates that your ATK is monitoring but not filling Green- Indicates your ATK is monitoring and the PMUP is adding fresh water Red- Indicates your ATK is in an alarm condition and your PMUP is off. 0000124618 00000 n %%EOF But either the float switch is bouncing or the 223P is faulty. Power must be removed and reapplied to reset the unit. 0000077648 00000 n 0000121505 00000 n 0000011690 00000 n By selecting among and accepting to our use of the cookie categories below, you direct Littelfuse to store cookies on your device and disclose information as described in our Privacy Policy. The Type FRG is reverse acting: the contacts open on falling pressure. This does not impact the functioning of your air . 0000089615 00000 n (Sept 22, 2014) Anonymous said:how does the control box work on an artesion well. 0000020820 00000 n Else we may need to pull the pump and test it as well as checking the water level and flow rate in the well. Tel: 260-824-2900 Fax: 260-824-2909 Radar - Thanks for your info. Freeze your food first before using the appliance. 5 0 obj<>>>>>/PageMode/UseNone/MarkInfo<>>> 0000003838 00000 n to replace GE Multilin 169, 269, and 369 rMore, The MPS-469X Motor Protection Retrofit Kit replaces the %%EOF endobj endobj A SOLID RED LIGHT indicates an under voltage condition (line< 207 VAC) existed for more than 2.5 Water is life. 10 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ColorSpace<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 6 0 R>> 0000028879 00000 n 0000031362 00000 n It allows for enMore, The 777-KW/HP-P2 is a 3-phase current and voltage monitor that provides unsurpassed protection by coMore, InputVoltage (V):200 - 480 Vac, 340 - 480 Vac, 500 - 600 Vac, The single-phase 77C unit is a fully-programmable, electronic overload relay designed to protect anMore, InputVoltage (V):100 - 240 Vac, 340 - 480 Vac, Termination Type:7 in.-lbs., Torque: 7 in-lbs, Littelfuse 77C-KW Current & Voltage Monitor Provides Exceptional Protection, The PGR-6100 monitor combines the features of a ground-fault protection relay and insulation monitMore, Relay Contacts Config:2 Form C (N.O./N.C. The PumpSaverPlus Model 233P protects 230 volt, 2 or 3 wire, 1/3 to 3 hp pumps. 0000031004 00000 n 0000090177 00000 n Check the gas valve. If the RUN light blinks, look for a dry-run or dead-head condition. 0000048778 00000 n <>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/Filter/FlateDecode/Length 236/BBox[0 0 370.8283 48.5858]>>stream 0000120553 00000 n 0000093327 00000 n PUMP CONTROL STATUS INDICATORS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. 0000121716 00000 n Cla-Val's Pump Control Panel PC-1 includes indicators of pump operation and other data. 0000030533 00000 n overload condition (blinking yellow light) when the pump tries to run. 0000012145 00000 n 16 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ColorSpace<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 6 0 R>> Well pump controls & relays with pump status indicators & pump protection feature: This article describes methods useful to determine if a well pump is operating or not. %PDF-1.5 or, Cla-Val Canada: 4687 Christie Drive 19 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ColorSpace<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 6 0 R>> (Local Control) Blinking Red. Visit my website - PCs Free for New Members. 0000031273 00000 n endstream 0000114044 00000 n 0000028178 00000 n 0000094447 00000 n 0000031157 00000 n h|kQG}v2`"6jQAiq )%GA/rp~?+F I,`9Ge1 The red light (C) indicates a line voltage fault occurred and Pumptec-Plus has turned off the pump motor. It includes the PGR-6300 MotorMore, The PGR-6210 Motor Protection Retrofit Kit is designed to replace GE Multilin 169, 269, and 369 relaMore, Communications:RS/TIA-232, RS/TIA-232DeviceNet, RS/TIA-232Ethernet, RS/TIA-232RS/TIA-485, RSTIA-232, Obsolete 05/26/2016. )MI:O}yF7?704 FS%Jb;)6;NM+&(dC8x"K=S +4j81IJrNVv Panels are providing enough voc power. 0000026023 00000 n The outdoor unit ices up, then it goes into a defrost mode with red power light flashing. Some pressure controls for wells may include a pump-on indicator light, LED, or display that gives "on" as well as other pump status information. 0000121298 00000 n 0000030649 00000 n endobj Feature multiple electrical power outputs, acceptance of many fuses, fuse types & relays. 0000018379 00000 n 0000132603 00000 n trailer Using either float or conductance probes, Littelfuse offers relays that control conductive liquid pumping operations ideal for both your pump-up or pump-down applications. level or the load drops quickly. The company's description of their PumpTec controller includes: Pumptec is a microcomputer based pump directly from you or by combining information we collect through other sources. If the pouch or bag has ridges or textured, the lines should run perpendicular to the strip with the smooth end facing upwards. Or, visit the sample center page. 0000001736 00000 n 0 0000134489 00000 n 0000132354 00000 n 0000022448 00000 n 0000089998 00000 n This dot will be flashing when this appliance is Green indicating light labeled BURNER ON; when this is light is on, the burner is firing. 361 0 obj <> endobj This may be a really dumb question, but because our pump is far from the house (switch is in garage)I don't hear when it is running or not. vF` e8c!%hX(]o3S,8hr"Tz`!Te&E.,g]9OTO\E]IES|LKabCY0J\*vwW'mvOFburmpl,b 5pj2HY>$x.1'tsrnXI% B`h2NO6h?yC":0e&d0UpG@y}# C(k` Tel: 260-824-2900 Fax: 260-824-2909 The PGR-6150 Motor Protection System provides 13 protective functions by utilizMore, Dimensions:2.2H X 4.2W X 0.9D, 3.3H X 3.1W X 3.9D, Obsolete 05/26/2016. If you do not direct us to collect any categories of cookies, a single essential cookie will be used in your browser to remember your preference not to be tracked. 0000008705 00000 n This website stores cookies on your device. 0000027208 00000 n You could use a low pressure cut out switch on the house side with the CSV and the pressure tank in case the cistern runs dry. Motors are a significant investment and often run critical processes. JFIF ` ` C %PDF-1.4 % 0000125714 00000 n Ok, here is the money and time saving part of the program. 0000615594 00000 n ZNxmBa8"R jC#C?7Lv.67tBXt7h ^LkvQm fk$g,jo, S Lu^| eM=\>DeN 0000093598 00000 n Sanjiv I'm sorrry but without knowing the brand and model of the control I can't know for sure what's going on. 0000025611 00000 n Interested in learning more about our Pump Protection Relays? 0000094691 00000 n 0000034821 00000 n 8 0 obj<> 0000058435 00000 n Green On: Normal no call for heat Slow flash: Active call for heat Fast flash: Not communicating with RTRM Error codes 2 flash - system lockout - failure to sense flame 3 flash - pressure switch failure to close when CBM stops or open when CBM starts (not applicable to 12 to 25 tons) 4 flash - TCO circuit open If the bucket is full indicator on your dehumidifier is on but the bucket is empty, you may have a problem with the float switch. Does the 220 go to pressure switch from power box or to relay box?Then one line from pressure switch to relay!From relay to pump!! VOLTAGE FAULT: 0000028035 00000 n Perhaps you can attach a photo of the control, motor, switch, data tag, label, etc. 0000022525 00000 n Light requires a reset. First, try rotating the bag at a 90-degree angle. 0000122380 00000 n The air conditioner is working fine but the green flashing light indicates "save mode" which I have pressed on the remote to turn this feature off. Question about 2-wire centrifugal pump, VFD and too small whole house generator, Swapping jet pump for submersible pump + upgrades. 0000021798 00000 n Those two lights blinking in unison does mean rapid cycle. Phone: 41-21-643-15-55, Cla-Val Model PC-1 Pump Control Panel, op. Franklin Electric Pumptec Owners Manual, retrieved 4/4/14, original source: 0000111558 00000 n 0000083144 00000 n 0000057521 00000 n Applying electronic controls in hazardous environments can be difficult. 7. unusual situations. FoodSaver Troubleshooting Solutions: 1. GrantTypically when there is a separate water pump control relay along with a conventional pressure control switch, the pressure control switch is wired with a 120V circuit, senses water pressure, and is in turn used to switch on or off a heavy duty 240VAC circuit in the pump control box.Watch out: if you are not familiar with safe electrical wiring you could be shocked or killed. Pumps and Tanks Well Forum & Blog. GE Multilin 469 relay. If any particular ad is your REASON for blocking ads, please let us know. interrupts power to the motor whenever 0000113491 00000 n 0000111802 00000 n 0000125038 00000 n Code 2-1. endobj endobj $.' 13 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ColorSpace<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 6 0 R>> We get it, but (1) can't live without ads, and (2) ad blockers can cause issues with videos and comments. 0000122865 00000 n endobj You can change this setting by clicking on OPTIONS. Code 2-2. He was messing with pressure tank control settings, over pressurized a water tank which, lacking a required pressure relief valve, burst, injuring him so seriously that as he was working alone, he died. Mid July 2015 my pump guy installed a new 3/4hp Schaefer submersible pump down my well and a Franklin control box with a Pump Saver Plus (model 231/111-insider-p). Phone: 41-21-643-15-55, Franklin Electric, You still need one for the house. 0000119892 00000 n cit., retrieved 4/4/14, original source: Shock protection for people and equipment working in dangerous environments. No need to open the control panel. 0000122458 00000 n endobj You are right the CSV will not eliminate the pressure tank on a pressurized system. 0000029910 00000 n Phone: 905-563-4963 or, Cla-Val Europe: Chemin ds Mesanges 1 It consists of a pre-wired electric control panel employing a programmable logic controller to sequence the pump and pump control valve during all modes of operation. Lausanne, Switzerland If the status light is on solid and the pump is running but wont' start, the ususal cause is a stuck check valve that needs cleaning or replacement. 0000090688 00000 n endobj 0000141004 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 0000029220 00000 n 0000030026 00000 n 0000141069 00000 n 0000057494 00000 n endobj 9013 Pumptrol Commercial Pressure Switches Type F and 9013 Commercial Pressure Switches Type G, Catalog, Water Pump Pressure Control Switch Class 9013, Type F, G, Manual, HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION COURSES (Canada), HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION: HOME STUDY COURSES. It maybe bouncing so fast you can't see it. When the transmitter is charging, a green light flashes on the gray charger. times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. 0000118420 00000 n Available installed in new QD style, NEMA 3R Rainproof (outside) enclosures or shipped loose for installation in existing control panels. 0000121414 00000 n 0000111685 00000 n 0000095273 00000 n endobj Rugged and reliable, these products are ideal for all your pump protection needs. 0000122981 00000 n 0000120400 00000 n 0000023832 00000 n Blinking Red/Green/Blue (alternating) The light is . 0000120300 00000 n % status, which can be easily viewed 0000113681 00000 n 0000087495 00000 n 0000123497 00000 n <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Any ideas? I have a Pedrollo water pump and i have noticed that it's status light turns orange after a second of it being on. This pdf might help, it has a troubleshooting section. Single phase units work with the hand held Informer for simple, fast 0000126224 00000 n 0000030750 00000 n Plus, this line offers a wide variety of control options for both single phase and three phase applications. Littelfuse PumpSaver. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated > Motor and Pump Protection Print Motor and Pump Protection Motor and Pump Protection A motor protection relay is designed to help protect motors from overloads, jams, phase loss or unbalance, heat, heavy start-ups or excessive operational cycles. Very simply in high demand electrical times, the box allows FPL to temporarily interrupt the power to your air conditioner or water heater depending on where the box is located. 0000089017 00000 n 3 0 obj 0000113098 00000 n Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. tqX)I)B>== 9. See the summary table below, excerpted from this. Remember to drain the pump before using if your product isn't working properly. This is also a normal condition. Always wait 20 seconds between seals. 0000017437 00000 n without removing the cover. LIGHT Blinking alternately with the RUN LIGHT VOLTAGE FAULT: The PumpSaverPlus is preventing the pump from starting due to voltage problems. But my money is on a bad symcom. Any suggestions. 0000091312 00000 n CALIBRATE The device is not connected to your home network. It may be turned off for the season, a plug may have come loose or the circuit is tripped. 2 0 obj<> Low capacitance polymer base product for protecting high speed data circuit from ESD damage and maintaining data integrity. Operational conditions or other external factors like clogged nozzles or filters, worn seals, or pinched hoses may diminish performance over time. Check distributor stock levels by entering in full or partial part numbers. 0000028155 00000 n There are some tankless pump systems like the SCALA 2 that will detect long running pumps and suspect leaks and can shut themselves down. Four flashes signify you have an outdoor unit issue such as a grounded compressor or lack of a suitable power supply. You can then try to reseal the pouch or bag in a moist setting. Ea8k;b@-,EDR2+/\v`o igT |3v|k?p?~*9`. Blinking in unison with the CAL. Littelfuse offers a comprehensive line of fuse blocks, fuse holders, and fuse accessories for automotive, electronic, and electrical markets. Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. 0000024783 00000 n 0000025393 00000 n Littelfuse PumpSaver products will protect and disable your pump in these situations. Beamsville, Ontario 0000013799 00000 n These cookies are used to deliver advertising that may be relevant to you and your interests. 0000122357 00000 n Is there a way to figure that out? Search for the part(s) number you wish to receive samples. 0000029286 00000 n 0000119619 00000 n We use cookies to collect information about how you interact with our website and to remember you. They are thermally-protected and built with high-quality, dependable materials. 0000121232 00000 n When the switch is tripped, power to . The unit is hard wired. Does anyone have an idea what I should do? It will be hosting an access point. Vacuum pump running more than 120 seconds. 0000095246 00000 n 0000116002 00000 n The PGR-6300 Motor Protection System monitors voltage, currMore, Communications:RS/TIA-485, RS/TIA-485DeviceNet, RS/TIA-485Ethernet, RS/TIA-485Profibus, The PGR-6310 Motor Protection Kit replaces the GE Multilin 469 relay. 0000029844 00000 n 7nX8s|;W>{nY8}G*GtGmi"[kasI}0&;*-"Y4 Blinking Green. INSUFFICIENT FLUID SUPPLY It can take up to two hours to fully recharge, but typically only takes 15 to 20 minutes. 0000021373 00000 n Motor protection relays are used to protect the windings from damage due to electrical faults and thermal overloads. 0000021274 00000 n 0000124595 00000 n JavaScript is disabled. ), The MPU-32-X69X Motor Protection Retrofit Kit is designed Thank you again. 400 E. Spring St. Capacitors boosts the current and increases the power factor to an electrical motor. 45 199 0000119304 00000 n 0000027537 00000 n 0000122799 00000 n Reminder: Too much liquid inside the pump WILL cause problems. 0000089805 00000 n 0000010779 00000 n endobj Qf Ml@DEHb!(`HPb0dFJ|yygs{. Did that make any sense? on the different category headings to learn more and change default settings. The company offers a submersible pump service hotline for their products: 800-348-2420. endobj us to improve our website, for instance, by ensuring that users are finding the required information. Magnetic sensing products utilizing Reed and Hall Effect technologies, with custom solutions available. 0000125104 00000 n I just got back tonight and will look at all those things in the morning. 0000023756 00000 n 0000005115 00000 n 0000112327 00000 n 0000111435 00000 n Littelfuse battery management devices provide methods of conserving battery power, protecting against over-discharge, combining and protecting auxiliary equipment such as liftgate motors. We describe several methods for determining if a remote water pump or submersible well pump circuit is "on". 0000021643 00000 n 0000031091 00000 n You will not receive a notification when a response to your question has been posted. 0000040298 00000 n endstream endobj startxref from 1/3 to 1.5 HP. Bluffton, IN 46714 0000120377 00000 n 0000015472 00000 n 0000118803 00000 n Pumps are frequently exposed to hazardous conditions and situations that can cause severe damage to your pump system. Page 35 of 42. 0000029402 00000 n 0000119736 00000 n