All About The Hierophant Tarot Card - The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning A hierophant ( Ancient Greek: ) is a person who brings religious congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The Hierophant is known as a yes card when upright, for he is the spiritual pope of tarot, blessing the seeker's journey with sound and wise advice. Consider the help that can come from giving of your time, experiencing the perspective of understanding that there are others in this world that have it worse than you do so that you can be grateful for what you do have. This imagery speaks to a shared group identity and a rite of passage to enter the next level. The Hierophant Tarot Card Love Meaning - You only need to cast one glance at the Hierophant Major Arcana Tarot card to gather that The Hierophant is a powerful male archetype, a much revered leader. The message of this pope-like figure is to seek a conventional, "by the book" or tried and true approach. Love and Sexuality is a common part of every human's life. He acts as a medium and translator of sacred mysteries. You may be destined to be a master in your realm. And if you love enough to give love, then you will receive more in return. Hierophant in love readings | Page 4 | Tarot Forum The Hierophant (aka The High Priest or The Pope) is one of the wedding cards in a love and romance reading, especially together with the 2 of Cups or The Lovers. The Hierophantdepicted as a robed figure on a throne in traditional tarot decksrepresents authority and tradition, usually of a spiritual or religious nature, explains author of The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot Skye Alexander. As Alexander explains, this card here can mean you're likely to choose jobs that offer security, status, and moneyand will garner conventional respect or authority. Here's our Tarot Cards guide for The Quarry to help you find. He, in turn is her masculine counterpart, the High Priest. When you start to feel pressed down by the shoulds in life, remember to listen to that higher source energy, or teacher that will show you the way. The Hierophant: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? - Edelwyn Let me know whats your thought about these cards. When the Hierophant appears in a tarot spread for love reconciliation, it often suggests that old systems are coming into play, I always see this card as the I will marry you tarot card. Or whether the relationship is vaguely based on sexual attraction. The Hierophant reminds us to celebrate our culture and heritage, for it is through this that we are able to coexist with each other and make meaningful connections. The Hierophant, although he is depicted as a pope-like figure in the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck and many others can easily be pigeonholed as a symbol only of the Christian religion and its influence in our lives. The Hierophant Tarot card does not only represent the rules and regulations officially enshrined in law, but the ethics and morality underpinning them. Don't let overbearing teachings or ideals overrun your inner haven; rather, rely upon the power held in veracity and the deeper sense of self that can be found within. In business, readings can imply that if you have a trade or business this indicates that traditional techniques will win over clients. So, instead of being innovative, you will be adapting to certain beliefs and systems which are already put in place and are existing. Beneath him, two acolytes are seated, representing the transfer of sacred knowledge within institutions. Ultimately, this is where this major arcana card speaks-- you are in need of a mentor or another traditional educational structure. If it is a female consultant, it is replaced by Card . All Rights Reserved. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. In this way, you can slowly and steadily establish real credibility in your field or chosen subject. An entrepreneurial endeavour, freelancing, starting an unusual business, disruption and risk taking. The hierophant tarot card meaning is a symbol of traditional values and the important role that religion and spirituality play in our lives. An exciting, unusual or eccentric personality. The Hierophant Tarot card represents law and order. In most iconographic depictions, the Hierophant is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing Law and Freedom or obedience and disobedience, according to different interpretations. Earn respect and recognition by completing your education and broadening your experience. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. You check their boxes. The Hierophant is a deep and complex teacher, worthy of his title, The Hidden Teacher. All shamans of any tradition draw upon this archetype. If you are going through an exceptionally difficult time in your life it is okay to ask others around you for assistance or find ways to learn new coping skills so that you can grow and move forward. That of doing unto others what you would have them do unto you. This is the love of charity, of helping your fellow man. The Hierophant Tarot card meanings are not complete without this interpretation. When it comes to your finances, the Hierophant can suggest that your money should remain safe in traditional, established institutions. This is a reverent love, almost sacred. It is not the same thing as sexual attraction, although the two can often occur at the same time. Information on this site is provided for entertainment only and should not be taken as genuine medical or financial advice. The Hierophant may call you to honor family traditions or sacred rituals that sit neglected. At the foot of the Hierophants throne are two large golden keys. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. The Hierophant with Winifred Tannetta Costello | BiddyTarot Blog This card will usually come up when it is time for you to focus on helping one another. Order my full book on Amazon! The Hierophant as a religious leader can be interpreted both literally and metaphorically. Hierophant for me,is one who knows how to get the right lesson across without being too bossy/assertive,and if hes shown as a 9 swords type,hes obviously anxious/worrying about something.Theres nothing more helpful than meeting someone who's struggled somewhere in their life with similar problems to what you may be experiencing,thats a real This may be a time of transformation, when we allow ourselves to break free from our preconceived notions of love and instead create something beautiful and unique out of our relationship. The Hierophant Meaning In A Tarot Reading. The Hierophant's message is for you to take your concern to God and to pray, and to allow the stillness and peace of your prayers to bring calmness to your heart and intuition to your mind. The Hierophant Tarot card is the fifth in the Major Arcana. The Hierophants task is to pass down his spiritual wisdom and initiate the two into the church so they can take up their appointed roles. He brings a sense of belonging and is the one charged with passing down spiritual knowledge and tradition. The Quarry: Tarot Cards guide - The Hierophant card and Eliza - PC Invasion In summary, the Hierophant tarot card depicts a powerful figure who represents religious authority and knowledge. So lets get into this. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. I cant say attraction. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. We come to them because of an ego-driven hunger to switch our lives - to be breath away from a social stranglehold. The Hierophant Tarot this card refers to a master and the learning of practical lessons from the study of natural law. Also, other tarot card decks call this card differently. Because monasteries were the only places a person . The Hierophant card is there to ensure that we learn how to read and navigate the traditional social code of the society we live in. The Hierophant is a tarot card in a spread about family or friends shows the importance of social conformity and traditional values. You might be involved in certain ceremonies, rituals or other religious trappings, for instance. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings | Biddy Tarot Often pictured with the right hand raised in blessing, the Hierophant is linked with the ancient lineage of Melchezidek, initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, the one who passes on the teachings. Stubborn like a bull, open-to-life like a baby. The hero of the Arcana is the Hierophant - a spiritual mentor, a high priest. If you pull this card in reverse in a reading about love or relationships, Alexander tells mbg you may be questioning structures or traditional beliefs of some kind that no longer serve you, your needs, or your spiritual journey. Celebrating over 15 years online. With the Hierophant, youll find success from working with others right now. The Hierophant has a talent for gut instinct that can cut through any mental chatter and get to the heart of what is troubling someone. Hierophant :: This card also represents a male consultant. Pulling this card as feelings encourages us to vibrate at higher frequencies of understanding and compassion with others, and to recognize the beauty in all forms of relationship. Or can't find what youre looking for? In his left hand, he holds the Papal Cross, a triple sceptre that signifies his religious status. By moonlight, our intuition is amplified while our deepest desires and most powerful, Three card Tarot spreads are some of the most popular and commonly used by Tarot readers everywhere, and with good reason. These are the symbols you will find in most depictions of the Hierophant. The Eight of Wands And The Hierophant Tarot Cards Together - Because monasteries were the only places a person could learn to read and write in the Middle Ages, a Hierophant was one to whom a student would petition for entry. The Lovers The ultimate card about Love. This card means that you know how to solve your problem even though it isn't very easy. Even if the free spirits among us dont fully embrace the current rules and traditions of society, we still have to accept that they are there, and that we have to learn how to navigate within the framework they provide. It won't give up on what it wants, yet it's also flexible enough to adapt to the environment. Click Here For Timestamps~ A SPIRITUAL message for YOU! The Hierophant Reversed, with its boundless energy and infinite possibilities, encourages us to think outside of the box when it comes to health and wellness. The Hierophant represents tradition, authority, and conventional ways of lifestyle or behavior. October 2022 Monthly Reading, Pick a Card. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning | Major Arcana Cards - askAstrology What people always want to know is that whats truly infused with Love as well as balanced sexuality. This allows us to connect to an established, internal compass; like a living portal that navigates through the seas of knowledge. Usually dressed as the head of the Catholic church, he is seated in the middle of the card, on an ornate throne at the top of a staircase, between two pillars. The High Priestess is sometimes referred to as the female pope, or the female Hierophant. Hierophant is an aquatic creature with sharp teeth, gills, scales and a long tail. It may be through a traditional nuclear family, it may be through a chosen set of friends, or it may even be through a rotating group of strangers that we draw support from. eben etzebeth harry etzebeth. You have a particularly strong will and desire to go ahead and regain control as well as to break free from the shackles of convention. This card is about identifying with others and a way of thinking that will prompt further learning. Hierophant Meadery (Mead) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Consider exploring your spiritual or religious heritage. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. This card isruled by Taurus. His writing on divination, magic and creativity has been published in Sabbat Magazine and on Medium. His arms are raised up, as though he is receiving a transmission of energy from above. Even in todays world, gatekeeping is alive and well, even if it has become less tangible. He was the one to set the curriculum for the neophyte's course of study. The Hierophant is a special Tarot Card in The Quarry. Or it may be that "your relationship feels too limiting and you are reevaluating your role in it," Alexander explains, adding, "One person in the relationship may be expanding beyond the conventional roles, and that might feel unsettling or threatening to the other partner.". All prices in USD. The Hierophant is a card in the Tarot deck that represents wisdom, spiritual guidance and religious leaders. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! It represents commitment, spirituality, and tradition. He is wearing three elaborate vestments which are designated to represent the three different worlds. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. The Hierophant - Wikipedia 2022Auntyflo. Independence, breaking away from the status quo. The fifth card in the Major Arcana, this figure is akin to a high priest or. Without status or health, there is no attraction. The Hierophant cardsuggests that its better for you to follow social structures which are established and have their own traditions. We might encounter him as a formal mentor, for example a university professor, a spiritual leader, a boss or a conservative father figure, or he may simply be the presence of norms and traditions in our lives and relationships. The Hierophant I always feel reminds us to take a step back from the status quo, to break away from traditional or restrictive teachings. By paying attention to the feelings that someone has when pulling this card, we can open our hearts to a greater sense of understanding and marriage. Yet the parallels between friendship and family, where values are shared and cherished, and bonds are forged through trust and understanding, are rarely recognized. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations - Kasamba He is the embodiment of the patriarchy, of tradition, of the dominant values in our culture, he is the head of every institution. The Fool. The roles of the Hierophant : 2021222 : The Hierophant is also known as The High Priest or The Pope. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. Many who experience some level of religious or spiritual restriction in one way or another are suffering some kind of energy block within their body. When the Hierophant shows up in a relationship, it often means a marriage is on the horizon. Upright, our Hierophant represents externally established beliefs. Hierophant | The Wiki of the Dead | Fandom The Card of the Day: The Hierophant (Reversed) - Elliot Oracle The Hierophant Angelic Tarot Card Meanings - Angelorum A reversed Hierophant can indicate that your relationship may have become rather stale or boring. His dedication to the passing down of spiritual wisdom and the customs of spiritual practice had to be complete. Though there can be many relationships that begin with Love but they do get to an extent where they get sexually obsessed. The first card in major arcana not representing an individual like the child, mother, father, creative force. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, Feelings - AuntyFlo If you pulled the Hierophant in a reading, there is likely some sort of tradition or structure in your life that you're either embracing or resisting. Whether that be in your job, your relationship, or the larger path of your life in general, this card encourages you to dig deeper into your spirituality to figure out what works for you. No matter how much freedom and fluidity your life contains otherwise, encounters with the Hierophant are unavoidable. To understand the Hierophant better, it helps to reflect him in other Tarot cards. The Hierophant could also represent a relationship counsellor, a priest or a wise teacher. The Hierophant features some of the most traditionally religious imagery of the entire tarot deck but that doesn't mean its message is religious.. For those who've never heard this word used in a modern sentence, the Hierophant can be a tricky and sometimes confusing card. This card can imply that you are networking or that you will soon meet someone that can guide you through the tradition of a company. In a reading, his presence suggests that it may be time to seek out wisdom from a teacher or mentor. He sees to it that we are initiated into the established belief systems, rules and institutions. And of course, the trinity and the three layers of consciousness are once again implied. Privacy and Terms. What people always want to know is that what's truly infused with Love as well as balanced sexuality. It also suggests that you want to stay within certain conventional bounds of what could be considered an orthodox approach. In its most positive form, The Hierophant Reversed reminds you that you are your own teacher. Reversed in a career or money reading, the Hierophant can mean you're questioning and/or resisting authority and structures in your career or workplace. When this card appears we may be struggling to overcome terrible impulses brought about by psycho-chick love or other difficult emotions, but we must always remember that the Hierophant is pointing us back to where we should strive for; true understanding and higher understanding that will illuminate those dark times. This might be new or re-kindled relationships. All the wisdom you seek comes from within not from some external source or power. Yes dont be shy to comment first, or think that you are just a beginner. This card can also signal that group cohesion rather than individuality can be more important at the moment. Hierophant definition, (in ancient Greece) an official expounder of rites of worship and sacrifice. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning - Major Arcana He is not like a "pope" but he is a "hierophant". If he represents the romantic interest of a young woman, it could be her university lecturer . Unlock the mysteries of Tarot:The Complete Guide to the Tarot: The Tarot Bible: The Definitive Guide to the Cards: See more. Another role the Hierophant plays in our lives is that of a gatekeeper. When drawn in the past, the Hierophant can indicate structures have been built and created in order to fully move forward. The Hierophant as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed You are not yet willing to go out on a limb or offer any new and innovative ideas. It can be read as a sign of struggling to conform, often ignoring the torturous successes along the way. The two share both similarities and stark differences. You could be feeling a desire to mold the existing rules and ways of working. But many do think it as Love initially. Even the location of the main figure and his wards hints at a strict hierarchy - the character is one step higher than the others. 2023 Biddy Tarot. You may feel restricted and confined. This card is all about deep and passionate Love. In his left hand, the Hierophant clutches a triple cross, also known as the papal cross. In readings, it can indicate debt reduction skills are needed or even issues concerning the court systems. The reversed Hierophant is a sign of free thinking and subjective beliefs. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings | The Hierophant Tarot Card: What It Means For Life, Love & More Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. The word hierophant meant priest in ancient Greek. Making a wish for another person puts divine power into action. With patience and determination, we can all make the most of this new life-affirming chapter in our lives. The Hierophant Card in Tarot and How to Read It - Exemplore To that end, pulling the Hierophant can actually sometimes mean you want or need to break free from those structures. Sometimes I think Hierophant means it is a "respectful" relationship, where maybe someone respects you spiritually, socially, culturally, etc where they may be afraid to have a relationship with you that my involve sex, or sexual lust. In this case, there is an openness for lovers to explore their passions freely, with no restrictions or judgements from outside sources. The Hierophant tarot card is the symbol of traditional values. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Two students kneel below him. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning | Love, Reversed, Yes, No On the Hierophants brow rests a tripe crown in gold. And in some cases, she adds, this card can signify an actual person, namely "someone who is a leader of a spiritual groupand that leader may be you, whether or not you realize it yet.". Because people depend on him and turn to him to seek out his wisdom and lean on his strength, he can never falter or express himself frivolously or spontaneously. This will greatly improve your health. Love and Sexuality is a common part of every humans life. I dont see him as being a lover at all,the attraction (2 cups) will probably be his wisdom and knowledge,nothing physical at all. The card is also representative of education, meaning that a time of learning, whether through a school or vocational training, can be helpful for you. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning - Major Arcana - iPublishing The Hierophant reversal meaning is mostly about questioning certain traditions and making sure that whatever it is that you do is the right thing for you in this certain moment. The triple cross designs on the robes of the Hierophant represent spiritual respiration. Thinking of buying a Tarot Reading? You may have the itch to take risks and try new ways of earning your money, whether that means working on a side-project in your spare time, or learning about cryptocurrency. The cycles of nature are fundamental truths. When the Hierophant appears for feelings --- it may suggest that this person is looking for a deeper level of understanding and connection with you. As these both energies are inter-related. A strongly bonded physical relationship. The Hierophant literally means "to reveal the sacred." He is represented by Taurus. Another Major Arcana Tarot card in which it makes sense to reflect the image of the Hierophant is the Star. If you already have all the necessary experience you need, then rewrite your resume so others can appreciate who you are and what you can bring to a situation. [1] As such, a hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. The Hierophant tarot card is sometimes considered the male version of the high priestess (and vice versa) but the tarot card meaning is quite different. The card is about rituals, prayers, meditation, mental energy, and studying. Reversed, the hierophant speaks of a rebelling against rigid Enlightenment thought, embracing instead a journey without walls or boundaries - one marked by curiosity, creativity and mindfulness that leads to higher truths. While at first glance the Hierophants primary function is to uphold tradition and ensure the continuation of established societal rules and values, he also presides over the knowledge handed down through the aeons. It can also indicate new methods of working, as well as openness and freedom. A Hierophants would be chosen from one of the original clans of the Ancient Greek city of Eleusis. This imagery speaks to a shared group identity and a rite of passage to enter the next level. The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning - Tarot Flower His function is to ensure that it prevails, that it is handed down through the generations. An unconventional partner or relationship style, one that breaks societal norms and expectations. As many of us is vary of the fact that such a relationship loses its lusture very quickly. The counterpart of The High Priestess, The Hierophant tarot card symbolizes tradition, conformity, religion, and institutions.The systems of belief of this archetype provide comfort and security to the collective. He is the point of contact between humans and God. When it comes to relationship tarot readings, the Hierophant's upright love meaning can point to the effects of conventional religion on love and choosing partners.