The Bringing Families Home (BFH) program serves homeless families involved with the child welfare system and is Some of the major uses of housing and homelessness funding in the state budget support the Homekey Programs acquisition of properties for use as permanent housing, provide flexible aid to local governments to address homelessness in their communities, provide funding to address the backlog in affordable housing development, and help local governments plan to meet their housing production goals. Required Documentation Of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity And Expression (SOGIE) Information In The Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS), ACL 21-148 (December 6, 2021) In 201920, the budget provided $250million one-time General Fund for this purpose. 21-117 CalFresh Standard Medical Deduction Demonstration Project Extension Approval For Elderly/Disabled Households, ACL 21-117 (September 30, 2021) The HDAP requires that participating counties offer CalWORKs families may be eligible to apply for Homeless Assistance benefits to assist with the payment of rent arrearages. Generally, services are available to: Apply online: orcontact your county social services agencyin yourcounty. As of January 1 . HCD is required to develop and administer the program in collaboration with the Office of Planning and Research, Strategic Growth Council, and California Air Resources Board. Approved Relative Caregiver (ARC) Program For Out-Of-State Children And Nonminor Dependents (NMD), ACL 21-140(November 18, 2021) Director, Agency Contract Support Division. Before entering United Friends of the Children 's housing program in May of 2021, Brittianna was homeless. Population will be based on the 2019 homeless point-in-time count for Round 3 and the most recent homeless point-in-time count for Round 4. Funds should be expended by June 30, 2024. Implementation Of The Statewide Learning Management System: The California Child Welfare Training (CACWT) System, ACL 21-93 (August 18, 2021) Child care is provided for children through the age of 12, and for exceptional needs and severely disabled children up to age 21. Posted: February 28, 2023. Treatment Of Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC) Payments In The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CALWORKS), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA), And The Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Programs (TCVAP) Pursuant To AB Bill 81 (Chapter 5, Statutes Of 2021), ACL 21-21 (March 16, 2021) Instructions On When To Offer And How To Complete And Document Form CR 6181 Regarding Interpretive Services And Confidentiality Agreement, ACL 21-126(October 19, 2021) The 202122 budget provides HCD $50million one-time General Fund to the Golden State Acquisition Fund, which will be matched by various community development financial institutions in a revolving fund to leverage additional capital for the acquisition or preservation of affordable housing. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . Errata To All County Letter (ACL) 21-24CalFresh, California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids, Refugee Cash Assistance/Entrant Cash Assistance, And Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program Implementation Of Assembly Bill 79 Sections 36, 37 And 86, ACL 21-24 (March 4, 2021) CalFresh Employment And Training (E&T) Program Implementation Of The Agricultural Improvement Act Of 2018 (Farm Bill), ACL 21-47(April 20, 2021) Temporary Policies And Policy Waivers For The Implementation Of The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) 60-Month Time Limit And Mass Informing Notice, ACL 21-88 (August 17, 2021) If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help. New And Updated Foster Youth Personal Rights And Office Of The Foster Care Ombudsperson Responsibilities, ACL 21-68 (June 8, 2021) American Rescue Plan Act Of 2021 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Supplemental Grant Program Instructions And County Opt-In Process, ACL 21-143 (November 16, 2021) The Community Care Expansion Program was announced in 2021 and provides $805M over a three-year period to counties and tribes for the acquisition, or rehabilitation, or construction of Adult and Federal Chafee Cash Payment for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Eligible Current and Former Foster Youth At Least 18 And Not Yet 27 Years of Age, ACL 21-72 (September 6, 2021) The 202122 budget provides $7.2billion ($3.3billion General Fund) to about 30 homelessness-related programs within various state housing departments, as well as to the human services, health, veterans, transportation, higher education, and emergency services areas of the budget. In addition, 55percent of funding in 202122 is nonstate funds, primarily federal ARP fiscal relief funds, while 45percent is General Fund. If you are eligible for CalWORKs, you automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and you might qualify for CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps . The 202122 budget provides additional state housing tax credits. Welfare Intercept System Record Type Updates, ACL 21-41 (April 22, 2021) START HERE. Or, call 1-800-515-2229. In addition, families have to show !nancial diculties. HSA Southern Region - Middlefield Road. Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) Program. Statistical Report On The Number Of Children, Aged 5-17 Years, In Families Receiving California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Cash Assistance Above The 2021 Federal Poverty Level, ACL 21-144 (November 24, 2021) 21-137 CalFresh Exclusion Of Income Excluded By The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids Program, ACL 21-137 (November 12, 2021) HSP can also provide homelessness prevention assistance, which includes payment rent or utility arrears, late fee payments, first . Counties will no longer be allowed to collect homeless assistance funds that are refunded to the family. CalFresh Medical Expense Deduction For Elderly Or Disabled Household Members, ACL 21-12 (May 6, 2021) For more information and resourcesvisit the CalWORKs Program website. Errata To All County Letter 21-103 Guidelines For Placing Children With A Parent Who Is In A Licensed Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility, Using A Voluntary Placement Agreement, ACL 21-103 (September 13, 2021) If you have any questions regarding this subject, please . The total funding is comprised of $2.2billion one-time ARP fiscal relief funds and $550million one-time General Fund. The 202122 budget provides the Department of Social Services (DSS) $150million one-time General Fund to support transitioning Project Roomkey participants into permanent housing in 202122. The 202122 budget provides $500million for affordable student housing with an additional $1.5billion provided over the subsequent two fiscal years. Updated Information For Fiscal Year 2021-22 Regarding Extension Of Funding For Emergency Caregivers With Placement Of Children And/Or Nonminor Dependents Pending Resource Family Approval Or Tribally Approved Home, ACL 21-87 (August 18, 2021) 517 - 12th Street New Process For Child-Specific Certification Of Out-Of-State Residential Facilities, ACL 21-145(November 22, 2021) Implementation Of The Two-Year Overpayment/Overissuance Establishment And Calculation Timeframe For The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) And CalFresh Programs, ACL 21-108 (September 27, 2021) A person can only receive Homeless Assistance once in a lifetime. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Program: Release Of Questions And Answers For Senate Bill (SB) 1232 (Chapter 366, Statutes Of 2020) CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work (WTW) Program Changes, ACL 21-74(June 22, 2021) Implementation Of Assembly Bill (AB) 135: California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA), And Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP) Overpayments Incurred During The COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency, ACL 21-84(July 19, 2021) Changes In IHSS Program Policies & Procedures Regarding Covid-19 Pandemic, ACL 21-78 (July 28, 2021) HSP must operate in accordance with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing First principles. CalWORKs Program Guide CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) Number Page 10-008.A 1 of 3 Revision Date: August 1, 2021 Background: Per the All County Welfare Directors Letter dated July 18, 2014 the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) provides assistance to CalWORKs families experiencing barriers to self-sufficiency due to homelessness or . 2021. New Third Party Workers Compensation Claims Administrator And Claims Reporting Procedures For California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids CalWORKs And CalFresh Employment And Training Participants, ACL 21-147(December 10, 2021) The 202122 budget provides HCD $45million one-time ARP fiscal relief funds to expand the state excess sites program with funding for brownfield remediation, and trailer bill language to expand the state excess sites program with local government matching grants that aims to incentivize further affordable housing development on excess lands. Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program Fiscal Year 2020-21 Allocation Methodology And Program Instructions, ACL 21-38 (April 2, 2021) The MA program can be used in conjunction with the Homeless Assistance program in certain situations (e.g., the participant needs to purchase a stove and/or refrigerator, the participant needs to rent a truck to move into the new residence). Revised Guidance For The Resource Family Approval (RFA) Program And EMergency Placements Due To COVID-19 Impacts, ACL 21-06 (January 19, 2021) Applications must be submitted by email only. These changes will become effective when CDSS notifies the legislature that the statewide computer system can perform necessary automation to implement them, which is estimated to be in 9 to 12 months . The 202122 budget provides HCD $300million one-time ARP fiscal relief funds for capital improvements to affordable housing developments with covenants that are due to expire, which would transition housing units to market-rate housing, in order to preserve the states affordable housing stock. In 2017, several bills were enacted that increased HCDs accountability and enforcement authority to review any action or inaction by a local government that HCD determines is inconsistent with state housing element laws or the local jurisdictions own adopted housing element. Online Mandated Reporting Program, ACL 21-70(June 21, 2021) The program offers a paid internship to any young person receiving CalWORKs (the state's cash assistance program) or CalFresh (its food assistance program) and any young people formerly or currently in foster care to help them gain work experience. This augmentation is in addition to an ongoing annual appropriation of $25million General Fund for this purpose. Support Program ACL 21-120 (October 1, 2021) Authorized Representatives In The Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) ACL 21-119 (October 1, 2021) Complex Care Funding Opportunity, Requirements And Guidelines . 2 b illion (all fund sources) in 202122, a $ 729 m illion ( 11 p ercent) increase over the revised 2020 21 l evel. Specifically, to expedite construction of projects that have successfully acquired some state funding, this program provides accelerated funding in lieu of waiting for state tax credits. Sacramento, CA 95814, Summaries of select CalWORKs, CalFresh, Health and Housing Regulations, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). agency. CalFresh Implementation Of Revised Notices Of Action, ACL 21-109(September 29, 2021) New Third Party Workers Compensation Claims Administrator And Claims Reporting Procedures For The In-Home Supportive Services And Waiver Personal Care Services Program Providers, ACL 21-146 (November 22, 2021) 650-599-3811. Homeless Assistance is available only once in a lifetime unless the family is homeless due to domestic violence, natural disaster, uninhabitability, or a physical or mental disability. WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Your or your parent's/guardian's 2021 tax information. The ongoing funding largely supports expanded bed capacity at state hospitals, as well as assistance for foster youth and former foster youth. homeless assistance is available to a family that is homeless and seeking shelter when the family is eligible for aid under the CalWORKs program. These changes to the emergency rental assistance program are in response to additional federal funding made available through ARP, which will be appropriated in subsequent action. Clarifying Guidance For Operational And Non-Operational Costs (Wage And Non-Wage Costs) In The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Expanded Subsidized Employment (ESE) Program, ACL 20-144 (January 4, 2021) Treatment Of The Golden State Stimulus And Golden State Grant Programs In California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA) And Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP) Under Senate Bill (SB) 88 (Chapter 8, Statutes Of 2021) And Assembly Bill (AB) 88 (Chapter 12, Statutes Of 2021), ACL 21-22 (February 26, 2021) Specifically, funding in the budget declines to $213million ongoing ($175million General Fund) by 202425 for homelessness programs. Requires HCFC to allocate no more that 40percent of this allocation to a county. Requires HCFC to allocate no more that 45percent of this allocation to a single city. Treatment Of Grant Payments Received By Foster Care Payment Recipients From The Golden State Grant Program, ACL 21-73 (June 22, 2021) Homekey Program. The 201920 allocation for the program also included a set aside for small jurisdictions. Updates To CWS/CMS Functionality And New Documentation Requirements Regarding Child Participation During Child And Family Team (CFT) Meetings, ACL 21-104(October 8, 2021) The income of the family is considered in calculating the amount of cash aid the family receives. Emergency rental assistance California. The vast majority of funding is one time or temporary. The purpose of this letter is to notify All County Welfare Directors of funds available for counties to establish, continue, and expand housing and homelessness assistance through the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP). Note that homeless assistance for domestic abuse victims is in addition to any other temporary or permanent homeless assistance the family may be eligible for. Caregivers Right To Access Current And Most Recent Education Records, ACL 21-85 (August 5, 2021) Provides temporary shelter & programs for men or families with children. Prioritization for funding will be given to applicants with encampments of 50 or more individuals. Allocates 80percent of funding ($800million per round) to local entities using the same formula as prior HHAPP rounds, which relied on a countys proportionate share of the total homeless population of the region serviced by the continuum of care (CoC) within which the county is located. Guidance Regarding The Disbursement Of Coronvirus Response And Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Of 2021 Funds To County APS Agencies, ACL 21-42 (June 16, 2021) Budget Includes Large Revisions to CalWORKs Caseload . 21-50 CalFresh Water Pilot Implementation Date And Final Zip Code Selection, ACL 21-50 (April 28, 2021) aARP fiscal relief funds allocated across 202122 and 202223. Regional Planning Grants. CalWORKs was created in 1997 in response to the 1996 federal welfare reform legislation that created the federal Temporary . Funding levels will determine what type of temporary assistance is available. HOMELESS PROGRAMS AND SERVICES . FACT SHEET . (WIC 11450(f)(2)(B)) 6) Requires temporary shelter assistance to homeless CalWORKs families at a rate of eighty-five dollars ($85) for families of up to four members, and an additional $15 for each additional family member, not to exceed one hundred forty-five dollars ($145), as specified. The average statewide cost to the Homekey Program per housing unit is $124,000 and the average local match is $24,000, making the average total cost per unit $148,000. While HCD contracts with local housing authorities or nonprofit organizations to operate the centers, HCD ultimately is responsible for repair and maintenance. 6. California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Housing Support Program Expansion. This means that individuals should be connected to housing or housing support without preconditions, services must be voluntary, client choice must be respected, and client cannot be rejected on the basis of income, past evictions, substance abuse, or any other behavior that might indicate a lack of housing readiness. 21-57 Treatment Of Grant Payments Received By Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants Recipients From The Golden State Grant Program Pursuant To Senate Bill (SB) 88 (Chapter 8, Statutes Of 2021) And Assembly Bill (AB) 88 (Chapter 12, Statutes Of 2021), Treatment Of Grant Payments Received By Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) Recipients From The Golden State Grant Program Pursuant To Senate Bill (SB) 88 (Chapter 8, Statutes Of 2021) And Assembly Bill (AB) 88 (Chapter 12, Statutes Of 2021), CalFresh Implementation Of Assembly Bill 79 (Chapter 11, Section 90, Statutes Of 2020): Increasing Dual Enrollment Between CalFresh And Medi-Cal, Recipient Income And Eligibility Verification System Integrated Fraud Detection Match Processing Guidance, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services. Home Safe Program Expansion. The budget also provides funding to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in 202122 to address encampments, including (1) $2.7million General Fund for encampment relocation coordination and homeless services liaisons, (2) $20.6million special funds for the removal of hazardous material at encampments, and (3) $25million General Fund is set aside from the larger Clean California budget action to clean up encampments. Families that have a child(ren) in the home who has been deprived of parental support or care because of the absence, disability or death of either parent. In general, homeless for purposes of HSP means either 1) an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, 2) An individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence, 3) Any individual or family who is fleeing, or is attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or a family member, has no other housing and lacks resources to obtain other housing. endstream The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) is intended to foster housing stability for families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness in the CalWORKs program. Recipient evacuees may also be eligible the CalWORKs Housing Support Program. Mixed-Income Housing Program. Summary. These changes will become effective when CDSS notifies the legislature that the statewide computer system can perform necessary automation to implement them, which is estimated to be in 9 to 12 months. CalFresh Standard Medical Deduction Demonstration Project Extension Approval For Elderly/Disabled Households, ACL 21-116 (September 30, 2021) If you are a member of the public weencourage you to apply online at benefitscal.orgor contact your county social services designed to offer housing supports in order for families to successfully reunify. 124 0 obj CalWORKs applicants can apply for CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) and Medi-Cal benefits when they apply for CalWORKs by using the same form. contact your county social services agency, Contact the Department of Child Support Services, Contact Your County Social Services Agency, contact your county social services Programs: Temporary Homeless Assistance (HA) A homeless CalWORKs family can receive -from $85 up to $145 per day (depending on the Assistance Unit's [AU's] size) for temporary shelter in a commercial establishment (e.g., hotel, motel), a paid shelter, or with The budget includes $150million General Fund in 202122 and 202223 to assist older adults and persons with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness. endstream Newer entry > 2150 River Plaza Drive . CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for They can be reached by calling (530) 225-5285 or emailing Subsequent legislation is anticipated to approve specific student housing projects submitted by the higher education segments. Extension Of The Suspended Education And Employment Requirements Within The Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program And Continued Assistance For Young Adults In EFC Upon Turning 21 Years Of Age On Or After January 27, 2020 Through December 31, 2021, ACL 21-95 (August 16, 2021) Temporary Change To Payment Verification System (PVS) Match Processing For CalFresh, ACL 21-08 (January 15, 2021) The 202122 budget provides $600million ($100million General Fund) one-time funds to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for planning and implementation grants to regional entities for planning activities such as infill developments, targeted towards the states climate goals and reducing vehicle miles traveled. CalFresh Implementation Of Assembly Bill 79 (Chapter 11, Section 90, Statutes Of 2020): Increasing Dual Enrollment Between CalFresh And Medi-Cal, ACL 21-51 (April 29, 2021) (HSP). CalWORKs recipients or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. CalWORKs families may be eligible to apply for Homeless Assistance benefits to assist with the payment of rent arrearages. The CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) Program serves eligible CalWORKs recipients, or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. While planning is generally a local responsibility, the state has previously provided resources to aid local governments planning efforts. Family First Transition Act (FFTA) Transition Grant And Funding Certainty Grant For The Family First Prevention Act (FFPSA), ACL 21-45II (July 20, 2022) Click on the boxes for the DPSS housing programs that fit your needs. Bringing Families Home The monthly rent must be less than 80% of the family's total monthly income. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Stage One Child Care Health And Safety Self-Certification Form (CCP 4), ACL 21-71 (June 26, 2021) Assessments By A Qualified Individual (QI) For Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) Under The Requirements Of The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) And Assembly Bill (AB) 153 (CHAPTER 86, STATUTES OF 2021), ACL 21-112(September 29, 2021) Modifying Department Developed Required Forms, ACL 21-01 (January 11, 2021) Services: Public Assistance Programs. The program is administered locally by counties and overseen by DSS. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Homeless Assistance Program:Implementation Of Senate Bill 1065, ACL 21-120 (October 1, 2021) HSP should assist participants who are behind in rent with accessing ERAP funds before using Home Safe funds to pay back rent. CalWORKs Homeless Assistance. CalWORKs is a public assistance program that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child (ren) in the home. This is the third consecutive year in which the Governor has proposed a one-time expansion of the states housing tax credit, for a total of $1.5billion in tax credits. The Budget Act of 2021 The 202122 budget provides $45million one-time General Fund to the California Housing and Finance Agencys (CalHFAs) Mixed-Income Housing Program to provide loans to developers for new mixed-income housing. Farmworker Housing. HCFC = Homelessness Coordinating and Financing Council, HCD = Housing and Community Development, DSS = Department of Social Services, DHCS = Department of Health Care Services, DSH = Department of State Hospitals, CalVet = Department of Veterans Affairs, Caltrans = Department of Transportation, and OES = Office of Emergency Services. Court Review And Case Plan Requirements For Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs Under California's Implementation Of The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) Via Assembly Bill 153, Chapter 86, Statutes Of 2021, ACL 21-113 (September 30, 2021) Child Welfare Requirements For Child And Adolescent Needs And Strengths (CANS) Training, Certification, And Entry Of CANS Data Into The CARES-Live System, ACL 21-26 (March 4, 2021) Housing and Disability Advocacy Program Expansion. If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be . The CalWORKs Temporary Homeless Assistance (THA) program assists eligible and/or potentially-eligible CalWORKs families, who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, to secure permanent housing, prevent eviction by payment of arrearages, or provide temporary shelter while families seek permanent housing. The county will not be allowed to seek additional verification. 2021 Financial Support For At-Risk Families During Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) California State Of Emergency, ACL 21-82(July 8, 2021) This allows new candidates that are at risk of returning to homelessness once their RRH assistance ends, to be referred to EHV. Treatment Of Payments To CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids) Families Pursuant To The Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund Under Section 9201 Of The American Rescue Plan Act, Public Law 117-2; Section 403(C) Of The Social Security Act, ACL 21-64(June 16, 2021) February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . The DPSS CalWORKs Program can help. TANF assistance for 60 cumulative months and continues to be eligible for CalWORKs assistance. Under the program, developers and local governments can partner to apply for infrastructure funding, including the development or rehabilitation of parks or open space; water, sewer, or other utility service improvements; streets; roads; sidewalks; and environmental remediation. Senate Bill 490: CalFresh Overissuance Compromise Policy For Households With Elderly And/Or Disabled Members, ACL 21-117E (January 11, 2022) Chapter 36: Homeless Assistance Chapter 37: Native TANF Program Chapter 38: Reserved for Future Use Chapter 39: Time Limits Chapter 40: Family Conferencing Chapter 41: Family Reunification Program Overview Chapter 42: Domestic Abuse Chapter 43: Aid Payment Principles Chapter 44: Budgeting [EAS 44-313] Chapter 45: Reserved for Future Use CalFresh Implementation Of Assembly Bill (AB) 135 Sections 82 And 83: Implementation Extension Of The Flexible CalFresh Interview Scheduling And Medi-Cal/CalFresh Dual Enrollment Requirements, ACL 21-149 (January 6, 2022) The 16 days of temporary . If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be . Independent Living Program (ILP) Annual Narrative Report For Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020, ACL 21-29 (March 11, 2021) Families with a child(ren) when both parents are in the home but the principal earner is unemployed. . (The budget also provides an additional $1.75billion to address the affordable housing backlog. The Employment & Human Services Department (EHSD) operates a housing supportive services program that helps CalWORKs participants with housing-related problems they have by providing stable living arrangements and enhancing their work toward self-sufficiency.