A8 For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including ampoules) are used, they must be packed with cushioning material in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. Energy storage capacity means the energy held by a capacitor, as calculated using the nominal voltage and capacitance. Testing must be performed or witnessed by a person who is approved by the Associate Administrator (see 173.56(b) of this subchapter). TP37 IM portable tanks are only authorized for the shipment of hydrogen peroxide solutions in water containing 72% or less hydrogen peroxide by weight. When column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) includes a special provision code for an entry in the table, the requirement of that code or codes, there may be several of them is in addition to the generalpackaging requirements of173.24and any other applicable packaging requirements in Part 173. Examples of such vehicles are cars, motorcycles, trucks, locomotives, scooters, three- and four-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, lawn tractors, self-propelled farming and construction equipment, boats, and aircraft. Thickness of stainless steel for tank shell and heads must be the greater of 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) or the thickness required for a portable tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the hazardous material at 46 C (115 F). The proper shipping name Paint related material, corrosive, flammable may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, corrosive, flammable and Paint related material, corrosive, flammable in the same package; c. The proper shipping name Paint related material, flammable, corrosive may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, flammable, corrosive and Paint related material, flammable, corrosive in the same package; and. While columns 8 and 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table are used to determine authorized packaging for most HazMat (more on that in a little bit), some methods of transportation, HazMat quantities, and specific operations rely on other methods. These substances must satisfy the criteria for classification as an ammonium nitrate emulsion of Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and may not be classified and transported unless approved by the Associate Administrator. The purpose of this article is to explain the meaning of the coding system for the Special Provisions of column 7 in order to facilitate your review and understanding of them and how they may apply to your shipment of a hazardous material. (h) Column 7: Special provisions. The manufacturer must produce technical documentation of the design type, manufacture as well as the tests and their results. b. These provisions apply only to transportation by water: W1 This substance in a non friable prill or granule form is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Test and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and is found to not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1. This entry does not apply to life saving appliances described in 173.219 (UN2990 and UN3072). B57 Class 115A tank car tanks used to transport chloroprene must be equipped with a non-reclosing pressure relief device of a diameter not less than 305 mm (12 inches) with a maximum rupture disc pressure of 310 kPa (45 psig). be marked with the hydrostatic pressure test marking specified in 173.24a(b)(4). N32 Aluminum materials of construction are not authorized for single packagings. (b) Description of codes for special provisions. The numbers and letters in the special provisions column are referred to in 49 CFR 172.102 with an explanation of their meanings. A210 This substance is forbidden for transport by air. The examination and testing of each lighter design must be performed by a person authorized by the Associate Administrator under the provisions of subpart E of part 107 of this chapter, as specified in 173.308(a)(4). 136 This entry applies only to articles, machinery, and apparatus containing hazardous materials as an integral element of the article, machinery, or apparatus. If unlined tanks are washed out with water, they must be repassivated prior to return to service. Metal: 11A, 11B, 11N, 21A, 21B and 21N, b. Packagings of other material with a small amount of metal, for example metal closures or other metal fittings such as those mentioned in part 178 of this subchapter, are not considered metal packagings. (4) A code containing the letters IB or IP refers to a special provision that applies only to transportation in IBCs. learn more about the process here. TP30 This hazardous material may only be transported in insulated tanks. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate. B116 The use of non specification, sift-proof dump or hopper type vehicles, and sift-proof roll-on/roll-off bulk bins, which must be covered by a tarpaulin, metal cover, or equivalent means is authorized for the transportation of spent bleaching earth by motor vehicle. See Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s. in the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) of this part for transportation requirements for nickel-metal hydride batteries transported by other modes and for nickel-metal hydride button cells or nickel-metal hydride cells or batteries packed with or contained in battery-powered devices transported by vessel. c. The equipment, and machinery or apparatus articles conforms with 173.222 of this subchapter. When IBCs other than metal or rigid plastics IBCs are used, they must be offered for transportation in a closed freight container or a closed transport vehicle. The packing group assignment and packaging must be approved by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety on the basis of the criteria in 173.21 of this subchapter and the package type used for the Series 6(c) test. TP27 A portable tank having a minimum test pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test pressure is 4 bar or less based on the MAWP of the hazardous material, as defined in 178.275 of this subchapter, where the test pressure is 1.5 times the MAWP. Column 7 of the HMT specifies codes for special provisions applicable to packaging, packaging requirements, certification, and marking or labeling for a hazardous material. N88 Any metal part of a UN pressure receptacle in contact with the contents may not contain more than 65% copper, with a tolerance of 1%. 151 If this material meets the definition of a flammable liquid in 173.120 of this subchapter, a FLAMMABLE LIQUID label is also required and the basic description on the shipping paper must indicate the Class 3 subsidiary hazard. FAR). b. Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 196 The nitrocellulose must meet the criteria of the Bergmann-Junk test or methyl violet paper test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Appendix 10 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). (See 173.50 of this subchapter.). N25 Steel single packagings are not authorized. 41 This material at the Packing Group II hazard criteria level may be transported in Large Packagings. 337 Authorizes the use of regulated waste containers manufactured prior to October 1, 2006 to be marked with the alternative shipping name of Regulated medical waste, UN3291 and arrows that deviate as prescribed in 172.312(a)(2) in that they may be black or white. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. Each radiation detector must meet the following conditions: (1) The pressure in each neutron radiation detector must not exceed 105 kPa absolute at 20 C (68 F); (2) The amount of gas must not exceed 13 grams (0.45 ounces) per detector; and, (3) Each neutron radiation detector must be of welded metal construction with brazed metal to ceramic feed through assemblies. Used or spent dry batteries of both non-rechargeable and rechargeable designs, with a marked rating up to 9-volt that are combined in the same package and transported by highway or rail for recycling, reconditioning, or disposal are not subject to this special provision or any other requirement of the HMR. UN2258, 1,2-Propylenediamine: In HM-260B, PHMSA removed special provision A6 from column (7) of the . 79 This entry may not be used for mixtures that meet the definition for oxidizing gas. These provisions are multi-modal and apply to bulk and non-bulk packagings: 1 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone A (see 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. B81 Venting and pressure relief devices for tank car tanks and cargo tanks must be approved by the Associate Administrator. Column 8 B27 Tanks must have a service pressure of 1,034 kPa (150 psig). . is the mean coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid between the mean temperature of the liquid during filling (tf) and the maximum mean bulk temperature during transportation (tr) both in degrees celsius. Nickel-metal hydride button cells or nickel-metal hydride cells or batteries packed with or contained in battery-powered devices transported by vessel are not subject to the requirements of this special provision. Hazardous materials not necessary for the safe and proper operation of the cargo transport unit must not be transported within the cargo transport unit. Codes in Column 7 may be numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. 163 Substances must satisfactorily pass Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Batteries contained in devices must be securely installed. 3090 or 3091, as appropriate. Except for a portable tank containing refrigerated liquefied helium, a portable tank shall have an outage of at least two percent below the inlet of the pressure relief device or pressure control valve, under conditions of incipient opening, with the portable tank in a level attitude. TP12 This material is considered highly corrosive to steel. This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). This may be fulfilled by an additional locking device linked to the activator; (4) Each article must be manufactured in such a way as to prevent hazardous projections of the pressure receptacle or parts of the pressure receptacle; (5) Each pressure receptacle must be manufactured from material which will not fragment upon rupture; (6) The design type of the article must be subjected to a fire test. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. Portable tank instructions specify the requirements applicable to a portable tank when used for the transportation of a specific hazardous material. (7) The design type of the article must be subjected to the following test. Decomposition can be initiated by heat, moisture or by impurities (e.g., powdered metals (iron, manganese, cobalt, magnesium)). R1 A person who offers for transportation tank cars containing sulfur, molten or residue of sulfur, molten may reference the Sulfur Institute's, Molten Sulphur Rail Tank Car Guidance document (see 171.7 of this subchapter) to identify tank cars that may pose a risk in transportation due to the accumulation of formed, solid sulfur on the outside of the tank. Cargo heaters must be reverse refrigeration (heat pump) units. N65 Outage must be sufficient to prevent cylinders or spheres from becoming liquid full at 55 C (130 F). B136 Non-specification closed bulk bins are authorized. The table below gives the various types of Lead alloy solders. Test of type 3(c) is not required. Choosing an item from B16 The lading must be completely covered with nitrogen, inert gas or other inert materials. Background and more details are available in the The quantities of hazardous materials do not exceed those specified in 173.4a of this subchapter; and. In addition, there are over 300 numeric codes provisions. The total weight of the explosive contents of the shaped charges assembled in the guns does not exceed 90.5 kg (200 pounds) per vehicle; and. Company Name: Artisan EHS Consulting, LLC. No more than four bottles, securely closed with threaded caps, may be packed in each box. B47 Each tank may have a reclosing pressure relief device having a start-to-discharge pressure setting of 310 kPa (45 psig). TP22 Lubricants for portable tank fittings (for example, gaskets, shut-off valves, flanges) must be oxygen compatible. 28 The dihydrated sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid does not meet the criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1 (Oxidizer) and is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter unless meeting the criteria for inclusion in another class or division. Portable tanks must be hydraulically tested and internally inspected at intervals not exceeding 2.5 years. Hazardous materials necessary for the safe and proper operation of the cargo transport unit (e.g., fire extinguishing systems and air conditioning systems), must be properly secured to or installed in the cargo transport unit and are not otherwise subject to this subchapter. B67 All valves and fittings must be protected by a securely attached cover made of metal not subject to deterioration by the lading, and all valve openings, except safety valve, must be fitted with screw plugs or caps to prevent leakage in the event of valve failure. Net weight of contents may not exceed 15 kg (33 pounds). Primary receptacles must be further packed in non-specification bulk outer packagings such as cubic yard boxes, plastic rigid-wall bulk containers, dump trailers, and roll-off containers. The HMT provides the basic information necessary to ship a hazardous material safely. TP16 The portable tank must be protected against over and under pressurization which may be experienced during transportation. In addition, the material also must be covered with an inert gas or the container must be filled with water to the tank's capacity. When a plus sign is assigned to mix- When transported by vessel, flexible, fiberboard or wooden IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. Model rocket motors containing 30 grams or less propellant are classed as Division 1.4S and items containing more than 30 grams of propellant but not more than 62.5 grams of propellant are classed as Division 1.4C. A34 Aerosols containing a corrosive liquid in Packing Group II charged with a gas are not permitted for transportation by aircraft. The requirements of 173.24(g)(1) and 173.27(c) do not apply. An important, but often overlooked, requirement for the safe and regulatory compliant transportation of a HazMat is an understanding of the special provisions in column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table. 19 For domestic transportation only, the identification number UN1075 may be used in place of the identification number specified in column (4) of the 172.101 table. N86 UN pressure receptacles made of aluminum alloy are not authorized. W8 Vessel stowage category for pyrophoric thorium metal or pyrophoric uranium metal is D as defined in 172.101(k)(4). This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. 171 This entry may only be used when the material is transported in non-friable tablet form or for granular or powered mixtures that have been shown to meet the PG III criteria in 173.127. 48 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to this subchapter and toxic liquids may be transported under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Division 6.1, provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the material is loaded or at the time the packaging or transport unit is closed. Energy storage capacity means the energy stored in a capacitor, as calculated according to the following equation. 16 This description applies to smokeless powder and other solid propellants that are used as powder for small arms and have been classed as Division 1.3C, 1.4C and Division 4.1 in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 39 This substance may be carried under provisions other than those of Class 1 only if it is so packed that the percentage of water will not fall below that stated at any time during transport. Prior to repacking into the life-saving appliance, an installed inflation cylinder must successfully meet and pass all inspection and test criteria and standards of the raft manufacturer and the vessel Flag State requirements for cylinders installed as part of life-saving appliances, self-inflating (UN2990) used on marine vessels. N4 For combination or composite packagings, glass inner packagings, other than ampoules, are not permitted. (a) General. B2 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks are not authorized. Additionally, unless otherwise excepted in this subchapter, polyester resin kits must be packaged in specification combination packagings based on the performance level of the base material contained within the kit. Column 1 specifies the T Code. e. When transported by highway, rail, vessel, or as cargo on an aircraft, neutron radiation detectors containing not more than 1 gram of boron trifluoride, including those with solder glass joints are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter provided they meet the requirements in paragraph a of this special provision and are packed in accordance with paragraph b of this special provision. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 49 :: Subtitle B :: Chapter I :: Subchapter C :: Part 172 :: Subpart B :: Section 172.102. A35 This includes any material which is not covered by any of the other classes but which has an anesthetic, narcotic, noxious or other similar properties such that, in the event of spillage or leakage on an aircraft, extreme annoyance or discomfort could be caused to crew members so as to prevent the correct performance of assigned duties. A chemical under pressure packaged in an aerosol dispenser must be transported under UN1950. 159 This material must be protected from direct sunshine and kept in a cool, well-ventilated place away from sources of heat. Additionally, self-propelled vehicles or equipment that contain a fuel cell engine must be described using the entries Engine, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Engine, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered, as appropriate. (i) These provisions apply to the transportation of hazardous materials in IM and UN Specification portable tanks. (4) IB Codes and IP Codes. TP17 Only inorganic non-combustible materials may be used for thermal insulation of the tank. TP38 Each portable tank must be insulated with an insulating material so that the overall thermal conductance at 15.5 C (60 F) is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per hour per square meter per degree Celsius (0.075 Btu per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit) temperature differential. Examples of equipment are lawnmowers, cleaning machines, or model boats and model aircraft. Those "other methods" for determining authorized packaging are identified at 173.24 (c) (1) (ii). 160 This entry applies to safety devices for vehicles, vessels or aircraft, e.g. 2 Except when authorized under Special Provision 41. B15 Packagings must be protected with non-metallic linings impervious to the lading or have a suitable corrosion allowance.