When some blessings come to you do not drive them away through thanklessness. [38] However, due to the U.S. sanctions on Iran, the number of Iranian pilgrims dropped significantly. Der Aqeeq heit nicht Sharaf ush-Shams, sondern Aqeeq Yamani, aber er ist auf einem gelben Stein geschrieben und der Hirz, der Talisman selbst, heit Sharaf ush-Shams. Also, thank you Boutique Ottoman ! We will perhaps never know why God has placed so much emphasis in stones, but through His mercy and compassion, they are made available for us to use and benefit from, much like everything else on the earth. Es ist eine Zeenah, ein Schmuckstck, das man trgt. Der Preis dieser Art, der Ringe, die man kauft und die gut sind, sinkt nie, er steigt immer. And that's why it's so recommended to wear Aqeeq Yamani ring. It is a very religious stone for Muslims. Allah (swt) has created a variety of different kinds of rocks, stones, and minerals. Wenn Sie sich also fr das wunderbare Gebiet der Edelsteine und Ringe interessieren, sollten Sie sich an einen Experten wenden, einige Bcher lesen, Informationen sammeln und die richtige Entscheidung treffen, InshaAllah. taxation, or the laws of any other country. It is also important to purchase a ring which is silver with scales on the side as this also indicates whether the stone inside the ring is real or not. Das ist ein roter Yaqut, das ist auch ein roter Yaqut hier, ein roter Yaqut hier. It was always either instructed or endorsed by Allah (swt), and therefore gemstones are not only a means of physical adornment but also carry religious significance. Es gibt eine lange Liste von Dingen, die von Ahlul Bayt 'alayhum as-salaam empfohlen wurden, was den Naqsh oder die Inschrift angeht, was auf welche Art von Stein geschrieben werden sollte. a Muslim, or a dhimm disbeliever, or a cosignatory with Muslims to a peace or security treaty (muhad), mujir a person who gives something on rent; lessor, mujtahid jurist; someone who has attained the level of ijtihd, qualifying him to be an authority in Islamic law, mukallaf a duty-bound person; someone who is legally obliged to fulfil religious duties, mumayyiz someone who is able to discern between right and wrong; a discerning minor, muqallid a follower of a jurist in matters of Islamic law, al-murtadd al-fir someone who was born to one or both Muslim parents and later became a disbeliever, al-murtadd al-mill someone who was born to one or both disbelieving parents and later became a disbeliever, mulaah arriving at a settlement with someone, mustaabb (sing. When a person wears a ring of Durre Najaf, at his every glance towards it, Allah gives him the reward of Ziyarat, Hajj andUmrah, which are kept in his record of action. Er vertreibt Kummer und Depressionen und macht die Seele leicht, ruhig und harmonisch. It can also supply energy and stamina to the lagging physique. Es strkt das Herz, es wehrt auch das Bse ab und wer es trgt, so Imam As-Sadiq, 'alayhi as-salam, der Hadith besagt, dass derjenige, der es trgt, niemals Armut sehen wird. This stone can be found at river or land at this place. Amirul Mumineen Ali b. Abi Talib (a), 3. of faqr) poor people, i.e. Each and every gemstone has its own unique and shared characteristics. It can help solve problems related to sterility and libido, and for pregnant women, make childbirth easier. And the best colour of Aqeeq is the kabadi colour, the colour that is a dark kind of red, marooni colour, and that would be a good quality to look for. Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians, al-kull f al-dhimmah non-specified undertaking, kunyah an appellation given to someone as the father or mother of someone, kurr a quantity of water greater or equal to approximately 384 litres, madh fluid that sometimes comes out of the penis as a result of sexual arousal, m f al-dhimmah intention to fulfil whatever ones obligation happens to be with regard to a particular act, maghrib the time shortly after sunset (ghurb) when the redness of the sky in the east has passed overhead maall al-ishkl problematic (for practical purposes, if a matter is said to be problematic it amounts to saying that the ruling is based on obligatory precaution), maall alishkl problematic (for practical purposes, if a matter is said to be problematic it amounts to saying the ruling is based on obligatory precaution), maall al-taammul a matter of deliberation (for practical purposes, if a matter is said to be one of deliberation, it amounts to saying the ruling is based on obligatory precaution), al-majr alayh someone who is prohibited from having disposal over his property, mahr al-mithl the standard amount for a dowry, maram a person one is never permitted to marry on account of being related to them in a particular way, such as, being their parent or sibling, mamm someone who follows an imam in congregational prayers, al-manb anhu someone who is represented, marja a jurist who has the necessary qualifications to be followed in matters of Islamic jurisprudence; a source of emulation in these matters, al-masjid al-jmi a mosque that is not particular to a specific group of people but is frequented by people from different areas of the city, al-mawqf alayh beneficiary of an endowment, malim property that has been unrightfully or unknowingly taken, mirb niche, chamber, or slab in a mosque facing the direction of Mecca and where the imam usually stands for congregational prayers, miskn a needy person; someone whose living conditions are worse than that of a poor person (faqr), muhad a cosignatory with Muslims to a peace or security treaty, mumalah (sing. It is a rare stone because it can be sourced only at Wadi Us Salam at Najaf Al-Ashraf, Iraq. Sadia Zahra, who is also a Shia Muslim, wore the feroza stone for a year to help her through some of the struggles she was facing. Wishes come true,and saves from Black magic, Business hurdles, unemployment, and evil eyes. For example, something not written on it like this one, it's written on the back of it. Offensichtlich gibt es eine Menge Informationen, ber die ich nicht gesprochen habe. It is may not possible to understand genuine Dur Al Najaf or even origin of Rutilated Quartz or Moon Stone or a Glass. So you can easily spot fake ones if they offer prices below $120 for silver jewelry or below $150 for Silver Dur Al Najaf Rings. Now sometimes you get them in a nice, clearer colour without any of these cracks in them or the veins in them, like for example this one, or sometimes you might have many of them in there. It can also supply energy and stamina to the lagging physique. Allah (swt) has blessed different gemstones with their own spiritual benefits, and sometimes even physical benefits. The price of these kind, the rings that you do buy that are good, never goes down, it always goes up. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Yaqut, den roten Yaqut oder den Rubin, der sehr mustahhab zu tragen ist. It's also known the red Ruby, along with the Emerald, the Zumurrud, that it is something that brings about compassion and love and many other things as well. Wenn Sie also etwas in den Kauf von Steinen guter Qualitt von zuverlssigen Anbietern investieren, knnen Sie sicher sein, dass Sie nicht bers Ohr gehauen werden. According to tradition, the names of the rings he used to wear are carnelian (aqeeq), ruby (yaqoot), turquoise (feroza) and Hadid Thin. a woman who has her period for the first time, murabah sleeping partnership; silent partnership, al-murabah al-idhniyyah sleeping partnership that is based on the owner giving the worker permission to trade with his property, muaribah a woman with a disordered menstruation habit, mufallas someone who has been proclaimed bankrupt, mutalim someone who has had a wet dream, i.e. The recommendation of wearing a Yellow Aqeeq is because of there being a specific hirz or an amulet, a talisman written on it, and that particular hirz is written on it in only one time in the year and that's called Sharaf ush-Shams. Dur-e-Najaf brings self-knowledge and wisdom to us. Learn how your comment data is processed. One way that people find out whether a stone is real or fake is by doing a test.. to humbly obey Allah, qad al-qurbah al-mulaqah a general intention to attain proximity to Allah / humbly obey Allah, i.e. The World Federation of KSIMC It is up to you. carnelian stone benefits in islam carnelian stone benefits in islam. Hurrem Sultana Huyam Emerald Silver Ring , Ayat Al Qursi Red Yemeni Aqeeq Pendant In 925 Sterling Silver, Hasbunallahu Wa Nimal Wakeel Red Aqeeq Ring - , http://www.boutiqueottoman.com/product-category/men-collection/?filter_stones=dur-al-najaf. Thanks for such a detailed review of this stone. Dur A Najaf is formed when it rains in this holy city. Empowers self confidence and eyesight. responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by the Organisations or by their officers, employees, The Prophet Mohammad Rasul Allah (SAW) was wearing Silver Aqeeq Stone Ring. InshaAllah, ich werde dafr sorgen, dass die Informationen, die ich weitergebe, korrekt sind. Wa as-salat wa as-salamu 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ahlihi, at-tahirin. Durr An-Najaf is a type of quartz and Durr An-Najaf, you could have something written on it. carnelian stone benefits in islammr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 . It also attracts millions of pilgrims annually. Whats your vape habit costing the planet? Before I tried many online sellers from eBay and Etsy. someone who is sane (qil), able to discern between right and wrong (mumayyiz), of the age of legal responsibility (bligh), and not married to the person being seen, nifs lochia, i.e. The ninth Imam for Shia Muslims, Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) stated, the aqeeq takes away poverty and dissolves differences in ones heart. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) also stated that an aqeeq brings safety to a person while travelling. Home / Product Main Stone / Dur Al Najaf. The Dur-e-Najaf has particular benefits associated with Ali (as) and the Prophet (pbuh). They are great, stones are perfect as I want. My ring just arrived and I am so happy. It's a Zeenah, an adornment that you're wearing, you know. The Quran attests to the greatness of hadeed in Verse 25 of its namesake Chapter: and we have made the iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people.. Umrah, or Hajj or the status of virtuous ones (saaliheen), 6. It's a Zeenah, it's an investment as well. For example, with the Yellow Yaqut, it talks about it organising your metabolism. And it's also very recommended because one hadith says that the wearing of it is equivalent to a Hajj or a Umrah pilgrimage. He who wears a ring containing Durrun Najaf, will get the reward of Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 10 customer ratings. But again, the yaqoot is not as frequently worn as the aqeeq and feroza because of the amount of money it can cost. Dur-e-Najaf brings self-knowledge and wisdom to us. Another one is the Marjaan and there are also kind of decorative Tasbihs to have. an obligation that must be performed as soon as it is possible to do so, and delaying its performance is not permitted, al-wjib al-kif collective obligation, i.e. Naturally, whatever the Prophet (pbuh) did was copied by his close companions, and his family also continued the legacy of wearing gemstones not only limited to the aqeeq. And the recommendation of wearing a Yaqut, whether it be of a red colour has specific recommendations and merits. Check Boutique Ottoman Jewelry Store . I am very fond of it. Join our email list and be first to know about exciting sales, newest articles, gifts and more. That is true that you find lot of fakes which cost you few dollars at source. Due to color and nature of stone which looks like glass, it is very easy to make fake or synthetic ones. Es ist also auch eine Investition. Dur e Najaf | Bracelet. Required fields are marked *. It takes away grief and depression, and it makes your soul light, calm and harmonious. You can also find some sellers at marketplaces like Etsy Ebay but unfortunately most of them are fake or synthetic. Die blaue Farbe hat besondere Vorzge, und die gelbe ebenfalls. It is considered a sunnah to wear gemstone rings on specific fingers and ways. Thus you can imagine the benefit of wearing an aqeeq or any gemstone for that matter because you will constantly have something on your person that is glorifying God, which can only have a good effect on you. All of this names are for same stone. of ibdt) ritual act of worship, ibdt (pl. qall water that separates from an impure object when that object is washed or after it has been washed, al-ghusl al-irtims immersive ritual bathing, al-ghusl al-irtims al-daf instantaneous immersive ritual bathing, al-ghusl al-irtims al-tadrj gradual immersive ritual bathing, ghusl mass al-mayyit the ghusl for touching a corpse, al-ghusl al-tartb sequential ritual bathing, adath occurrence, i.e. Daneben sind natrlich auch Sibhas oder Tasbihs oder Misbahas wichtig, sie werden ebenfalls empfohlen. The gemstone is not only known for its spiritual benefits but physical too. It is obtained from Najaf Al Ashraf, Iraq. stella luchetta photos. mental health distress, general stress and tension and heal nerve problems. The information in the Shia Wills section of the website, which does not purport to be a comprehensive or The feroza helped me while I was struggling with stress, but it also gave me hope when looking at the stone, because it reminded me that things will be alright.. It has clear white color like a glass. In the process, it corrects any color ray imbalances in your physical and subtle bodies. There are dozens of different types of stones that can be worn by anyone who wants blessings from them. This is something that many will pass down to the generations by those who use them daily, with the belief it will help with everyday life. That's a red Yaqut, that's also a red Yaqut here, a red Yaqut here. Ich bin in keiner Weise ein Experte, ich bin nicht einmal ein Amateur, aber ich mchte nur einige allgemeine Ratschlge und Empfehlungen zu Steinen geben. Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. Maintaining a good and presentable appearance has been emphasised in both Quran and hadith literature. 99% of Marketplace sellers like Etsy and Ebay has not original products because they are bulk sellers. of alh, arrah someone going for hajj for the first time, say hajj and umrah ritual of traversing to and from the mountains of af and Marwah, sayyid (sing. ocga suspended registration; chris iwelumo family; carrickvale secondary school edinburgh; what is a chassis shortage; more birds hummingbird feeder replacement parts Aqiq firoza yaqoot nilam panna gems stone. What do you look at? There is some weak Shias version to promote their products. And then you have a Yaqut Al-Asfar, Yellow Yaqut, like this one, which could be a Citrine. imam Ali a.s. Ring Panjetani Gemstones & Rings. Sie wissen, dass Sie etwas Geld investieren mssen, um eine qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit am Stein selbst zu erhalten. a person who undertakes to present a debtor whenever the creditor seeks him, al-kfir al-arb a disbeliever who is not a dhimm and has not entered into a peace or security treaty with Muslims, khiyr option; the right to annul a transaction, khiyr al-ayawn option pertaining to animals, khiyr al-ruyah option pertaining to seeing, khiyr al-shar option due to a stipulated condition, khiyr al-shirkah option due to a partnership, khiyr taadhdhur al-taslm option due to an inability to hand over, khiyr takhalluf al-shar option due to a breach of condition, khul the divorce of a wife who has an aversion to her husband and who gives him her dowry or some of her other property so that he divorces her, kitb one who is among the People of the Book, i.e. It can also: A narration on the emerald gemstone is attributed to the Prophet (pbuh) who said it can help repel poverty. Please enter the correct OTP! Stone is 100% From Najaf. The abundant reward(s) being spoken about are far and wide. There could be Al-Mulku Lil-Lah, for example, or Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim, or anything that you want to be written on it. the testimony to the oneness of Allah and to the prophethood of Prophet Muammad (), shkhi an indicator, such as an upright rod, used to determine the timing of certain prayers by examining the length of its shadow, shakh specified (used with regard to purchases), shakkiyyt doubts that arise in prayers, al-shar al-wqi absolute condition, i.e. So other tests would need to be undertaken, which is why instead of purchasing a stone online, you should purchase them from a jeweller shop or have a store that sells stones to help you identify if it is authentic. Our Customer Service will be pleased to assist you in your purchase. The stone is of great benefit to married couples. We know that there are so many Ahadith from the Ahlul Bayt 'alayhum as-salam, that speak about the recommendation of wearing a ring, so much so that it is one of the signs of a believer and the Ahadith that describe the qualities and benefits and value of certain stones. Und natrlich gibt es Ahadith, die besagen, dass der Aqeeq der erste war, der den Tawhid von Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala anerkannt hat, der erste, der seine Unterwerfung unter den allmchtigen Gott bekannt hat. an act of worship for which there is no alternative act that a mukallaf could perform instead, al-waqf al-mm public charitable endowment, al-waqf al-kh private charitable endowment, waqt al-falah prime time for performing prayers, i.e. This gemstone can bring a sense of peace and tranquillity through relieving. Dur Al Najaf is called as Pearl of Najaf. spiritual, pretty elegant and marvelous . South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (GBP ), FREE SHIPPING ON ALL U.S. ORDERS OVER $100. In the process, it corrects any color ray imbalances in your . OTP entered does not match. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Wadi Al-Salaam (Arabic ; Valley of Peace) is an Islamic cemetery, located in the Shia holy city of Najaf, Iraq. Durr al Najjaf ring worn with accordance to Hadith Durr Al Najaf is a precious gemstone, one of many which hold special significance in Islamic culture. Und es ist auch sehr empfehlenswert, denn ein Hadith besagt, dass das Tragen einer Durr einer Hadsch- oder Umrah-Pilgerfahrt gleichkommt. An aqeeq is said to absorb the rays of the sun and spread the energy to the wearer, bringing the wearer benefits. It can also supply energy and stamina to the lagging physique. There is no rule, you can use any finger. Allah (swt) has created a variety of different kinds of rocks, stones, and minerals. This is one of the reasons stones are essential to them, because of what they represent. Our HQ at United States and our workshops at Turkey. When you compare world demand for this stone there are a big demand for that small source. Dur-e-Najaf gently attracts a balance of all seven color rays to your body, emotions, and mind. What do you call the Pearl of Najaf? Nadia Iftikhar, an avid wearer of stones, has worn the aqeeq stone for many years, and truly believes she has gained from it. It is obtained from Najaf Al Ashraf, Iraq. In the first Verse of Chapter 62 of the Holy Quran it is mentioned: Turn a two rakat prayer to be recorded as a 1000 rakat, Get prayers and requests to Allah (swt) answered quicker, To learn more, visit our blog on the importance of the, It will give someone confidence and help them navigate difficult meetings, such as visiting a boss or judge, Helps a woman manage her pain during childbirth, Generally can help in any difficult moment for a believer by repelling the whispers of Satan and other harms, and strengthening the insight, Prevent blood problems, such as blood clots, Relieve pangs of pregnancy and childbirth. Sie mssen sich also vergewissern, dass Sie die richtige Entscheidung treffen und die richtige Wahl fr das, was Sie tun, treffen. Organisations), and has not been independently verified for compliance with UK laws on inheritance or Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. To look towards the Durr-e-Najaf, increases the happiness, It is helpful in the cure of all kinds of eye diseases and is b This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. A Gemstone full of spiritual and religious values and benefits. They also love how sometimes you do not realise how much help your stone has given you until you look back and realise that nothing would have gone as well as it did have you not have worn your stone. This stone can be found at river or land at this place. The ruby comes in many different colours. Publications, Tahdhib ul Islam, Karachi:1987, ad accomplishment of a religious duty within its prescribed time, as opposed to qa, dil a dutiful person, i.e., someone who does the things that are obligatory on him and refrains from doing the things that are unlawful for him; just; possessing moral probity, ahl al-kitb People of the Book, i.e. BEST COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL STONES AND EXCELENT SERVICE AND FAST DELIVERY. But one hadith says that looking at a Durr is equivalent to the looking at the face of Imam Ali, alayhi as-salam. Zum Beispiel etwas, das nicht darauf geschrieben ist, wie dieses hier, es ist auf der Rckseite davon geschrieben. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. The feroza stone is a fragile stone, which means that it is important to be careful when wearing it. The narrations about the ruby gemstone from the family of the Prophet (pbuh) are sufficient to prove the greatness and reward of adorning ourselves with it. However, it is also the most expensive. This stone is believed to have many benefits such as dignity and beauty, as well as help the wearer with sadness and bring the wearer safety. Northern Ireland: 'Our happiness is debatable'. Dur-e-Najaf is an aqeeq stone known similar to agate, carnelian, or chalcedony are special stones in Islam. Dur-e-Najaf brings self-knowledge and wisdom to us. Und die Klarheit ist auch gut, wenn man durch ihn hindurchsehen muss. of rukn) elemental components of an act of worship, awwal al-waqt start of the prescribed time for prayers, al-ayn al-mawqfah charitable endowed property, ayn al-najsah intrinsic impurity; actual source of impurity, ahar more apparent ruling (for practical purposes in jurisprudential rulings, an opinion that is termed more apparent equates to a fatwa), bad farfetched; unlikely (for practical purposes, a legal opinion that is termed not farfetched equates to a fatwa), bligh someone who is of the age of legal responsibility; a major, min (1) responsible (2) guarantor; surety, dhab slaughtering of an animal according to Islamic law, dhikr (1) remembering Allah (2) declaring in ruk and sujd that Allah is free from imperfections, dhimm People of the Book (ahl al-kitb) i.e. So the stonework is important and also the silver work is equally important. You can see Najaf Al-Ashraf from below map as 360 degree. Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad. Dur al Najaf known as Gem of Gems because of its great benefits. People who wear these stones in the form of jewellery not only wear them for how nice they look but also wear them for the good they can bring to the wearer. Prophet Adam and Prophet Noah,Nh ibn Lumik ibn Mutushalkh ( . Many Muslims toil to extract these raw materials into a gemstone that can be adorned on a ring, bracelet or as a pendant. Islamic role of Dur-e-Najaf is very important. It is good for ailments of the eye and it creates happiness in the heart. $25.00 : Modern Natural looking Dur-e-Najaf Silver Stone Ring: $75.00 : Brown Natural Aqeeq Silver Ring With 999 . Of course, there's the Hadid us-Sini, which is also mustahhab to wear at certain times, not all the time. Please can u tell me if dur e najaf are also colored or not? So of course, the first thing that we should talk about is the Aqeeq and the particular Aqeeq that we have to reference to is the Aqeeq Yamani or the Agate that comes from Yemen. Free shipping on all order above 2500 PKR. There's a long list of things that have been recommended by Ahlul Bayt 'alayhum as-salaam as far as the naqsh or the inscription, what should be written on what kind of stone. The feroza stone was featured in a popular Indian television drama Naagin, where it was shown to protect one of the antagonists of the show from being bitten from a shape-shifting snake by the power of his feroza. members or agents in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the contents Es ist auch bekannt, dass der rote Rubin, zusammen mit dem Smaragd, der Zumurrud, etwas ist, das Mitgefhl und Liebe und viele andere Dinge mit sich bringt. Gemstones play a prominent role in Islamic thought. How and where to find original Dur Al Najaf stone? When you become more balanced on this fundamental level, all aspects of life improve. Najaf is the burial place of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), the first Imam for Shia Muslims, which is why this gemstone is particularly special for them. This stone should also be worn if a person is afraid of mischief because the stone keeps the devil away. One test which some do is to use a lighter to apply some heat to the stone. Once you add transportation and import costs with situation of Iraq, high quality Durr Al Najaf stone prices will reach between $80-$120. They are believed to be the Prophet Stone. And of course, there are Ahadith that say that the Aqeeq was the first to acknowledge the Tawhid of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, the first to confess its submission to Almighty God. In the process, it corrects any color ray imbalances in your physical and subtle bodies. Natrlich gibt es auch den Hadid us-Sini, der ebenfalls mustahhab ist und zu bestimmten Zeiten getragen werden sollte, nicht immer. Original Dur Al Najaf gemstones in 925 hand made classic silver jewelry. It is a gemstone full of spiritual, religious values and benefits. Und dann gibt es noch einen Yaqut Al-Asfar, den gelben Yaqut, wie diesen hier, der ein Citrin sein knnte. Furthermore Dur e najaf stone also used for improve . Dur-e-Najaf gently attracts a balance of all seven color rays to your body, emotions, and mind. 3,999 3,499. Now with the Aqeeq Yamani of course, one hadith says that praying with Aqeeq Yamani stone is equivalent to 1000 Rakahs without a Aqeeq Yamani stone. Looking at Durrun Najaf carries the reward of visiting the grave of Najaf, alongside Karbala, is considered a thriving pilgrimage destination for Shia Muslims and the pilgrimage industry in the city boomed after the end of Saddam Hussein's rule. No need to worry about the date of birth etc, anyone can wear with full peace of mind. Thank u Boutique ottoman for arranging me original Dur Al Nanag original stone ring. Wir wissen, dass es so viele Ahadith von der Ahlul Bayt 'alayhum as-salam gibt, die ber die Empfehlung, einen Ring zu tragen, sprechen, so sehr, dass es eines der Zeichen eines Glubigen ist, und die Ahadith, die die Qualitten und Vorteile und den Wert bestimmter Steine beschreiben. You have the option of red, yellow or blue (sapphire). That's preference and your choice as well. Dur-e-Najaf gently attracts a balance of all seven color rays to your body, emotions, and mind. Clear Dur a Najaf Dure Najaf (Clear Crystal Quartz) 925 Solid Silver Ring mount with Closed Edge All mount and stone beautifully hand carved, crafted & engraved - Masterpiece Beautifully shaped and clear stone with, Surah Yasin - Hand Engraved on front and the back of the stone. acknowledges and agrees that no person has, nor is held out as having, any authority to give any The dur-e-najaf stone is only found in Najaf, Iraq and so it isnt as readily available. The next particular stone that is very recommended to wear and also so many Ahadith about it, is the Fayrusa or the Fayrussage or the turquoise. Another type of Yaqut is Al-Yaqut Al-Azraq, or the Blue Yaqut or Sapphire. Ali (as) is also highly revered by Sunni Muslims and is fourth in line of the caliphs dear to them.