One post recently pushed back against rumor-driven internet justice in the #MeToo era, saying, If 20 people accuse someone of doing the same thing that person is no more guilty than if one person accused. Because if you try to believe both, youre either going to have to perform major mental gymnastics to find those parts of the world that God loved and separate them from what John said you must not love, or your head is going to explode. Regency Baptist Temple. If you believe in the whole Holocaust thing, whatever, but you know I've studied it and I just don't think the math adds up., Unlike many in the evangelical movement, New IFB churches are staunchly anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. What a testimony I could have, right? The first iteration of this conference was held in 2019, on the weekend of the third anniversary of and in the same city as the Pulse gay nightclub shooting in Orlando. It is so-o-o-o liberating to have been set free from the chains which once bound me in the guise of freedom. During the movements formation in the 1940s, and its growth in the decades following, voices such as Jack Hyles and Bob Jones contrasted with neo-evangelicals (think Billy Graham) as they remained committed to fundamentalism and separatism, Fea wrote. I do my best to help support those who come out of this world that makes Orwells 1984 world look like a theme park. Cook said that his own two children had attended Camp Joy, which was mentioned in the Star-Telegram investigation as a location where two church volunteers had abused young girls. New IFB pastors have also promoted Holocaust denial. Hate yourself for the Father and hate others for Jesus sake. No IFB churches because we already knew what they were all about no thanks. As Smith noted in his article in May, incidents of alleged moral turpitude span Christian traditions. Well first of all I will say that you are lying about independent fundamental Baptists, we dont hate anyone, God tells us to hate the sin not the sinner, we are all born sinners and the only way to Heaven is to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Saviour and ask him to cleanse us from all of our sins. Once God saves us, we are to spend the rest of our life groveling before a thrice-Holy God, praising him for delivering us from our wickedness and the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 799 - bi vocational pastor for salt lake baptist church - 07/27/2021. Jesus gave His life so people could come together and serve Him as a church, a local assembly of believers. A Church Divided: Sex Worker Scandal Exposes Fault Lines in Anti-LGBTQ You need to seek the truth from HIM and by reading your Bible with the help of the Holy Ghost, God will show you the way. Oh and Bruce you missed one: Obama. or learn more about us. Elected officials and community members quickly condemned the comments and the Knox County District Attorney Generals Office reviewed its open cases involving Fritts for potential bias, causing prosecutors to drop charges in a pending retrial rather than call the embattled detective to testify. All for dramatic effect. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. We used to proclaim "JESUS is LORD," but now we say "Pastor is Lord!" Now for you real men that care for your flocks, and manage your churches according to the New Testament, I thank God for you, and I am . This Sermon is about What Makes a Godly Role Model. Herb Anderson, Pastor * Sunday School 9:30 a.m. * Worship 11 a.m. * Wednesday Worship 7:15 p.m. 3. if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if(, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if (, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); }, All purchases through OUR BOOKSTORE & RESOURCES TAB cover the cost of operating the KJV church directory thereby making the site totally FREE and never asking for donation help. You know, praying to all those saints instead of the one and only Jesus. About 2.5 percent of American adults identify as independent fundamental Baptists, according to the Pew Research Center a higher percentage than those who identify as Episcopalians, Presbyterians or members of the Assemblies of God. Podcast February 17, 2023 Curtis Hutson, Independent Fundamental Baptist, preaching. Many New IFB pastors do not make any effort to hide their bigotry. Steven L. Anderson founded Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, on Christmas Day in 2005. KJV Independent, Fundamental Baptist Churches in the USA If you really, really love Jesus you will______________, their preacher says. And if you say youre against the modern state of Israel, if you say Im against Zionism, if you say Im not a Zionist, theyll say youre racist, youre antisemitic, you just hate the Jews. Without the Catholic Church belief tied into IFB theology, there would be no IFB. I also wonder how they justify believing in the trinity which is also a catholic created, pope directed initiative to eliminate other views on the divinity of Jesus. To propagate filth., Jonathan Shelley, Pure Words Baptist Church (Houston, TX), October 2018: Zionists are racist. So forget about Baptist beliefs being hateful. I hope that God breaks her teeth out, she dies. Theres no hope for them. Just curious if you considered Pensacola Christian College too liberal back in the day. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) Movement So, one either becomes resigned or walks off. New IFB adherents believe in evangelism and share a sense of obligation to draw other people to their faith. - King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources KJV Church Directory Bookstore & Resources Institutes and Colleges Meetings Newsletter Reviews Thoughts Welcome Thank you for visiting Home to the KJV Church directory! Your problem is that God is God, your FATHER and you cannot really divorce HIM. Another iteration of the conference planned for 2020 appears to have been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Independent Fundamental Churches of America, fellowship of conservative, independent Christian churches stressing biblical truth. See? The fact that such abuse occurs anywhere, anytime, is horrendous, Shelton Smith, editor of Sword of the Lord, an independent fundamental Baptist newspaper, told CT. This Brian rejects your utter nonsense and your foolish parroting of babble verse ideas. Soul-winning, in which church members evangelize in one-on-one, door-to-door interactions, is a central tenet to New IFB doctrine, often placed on the same foundational level as their belief in the use of the King James Bible or in salvation through faith alone. Most religions are satanicMormonism is satanic. You can email Bruce via the Contact Form. The 25 Most Influential Pastors of the Past 25 Years Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. The fundamental Baptist, KJV sites on this list have received 9,422,343 visitors FREE, just because they are listed here. Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the Dangerous Teachings of the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Denomination Welcome to Edit Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. Will you have to die before your excuses are laid out for all to see? A three-disc DVD set of the conference was made available for purchase online from New IFB-associate Paul Wittenbergers Framing the World website. We will add more written sermons as time permits. Why? All Rights Reserved. Prior to starting the New IFB movement, Anderson was involved in the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) movement (which he now sometimes refers to as the old IFB), including traveling to Europe as a young adult to proselytize. Dozens of abusive pastors had multiple victimsone raped 11 girls in his congregationand several had abused children as young as 7 years old. Bringing you Independent Fundamental Baptist Sermons Great Preaching from Yesterday and Today! My local radio station is of the firm opinion that he is the anti-Christ and Satan combined. Do you think that God stops tempting you? Theyre not producers, theyre recruitersThey recruit by defiling and molesting children. 794 - searching for full time sr. pastor in halifax pa - 07/10/2021. Smith referenced abuse scandals among independent Baptists and others in an article earlier this year, urging leaders to immediately report allegations to authorities and remove the accused from positions of influence while cases undergo investigation. Anyway, it is a flat-out lie to say that Baptists hate people, if any Baptist or anyone from any denomination is hating someone, then they are going against what God teaches. scary list. Yeah, I never understood why god got the glory on good stuff happening but not the blame for the bad stuff (I mean, after all, isnt god in control of everything???). - King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources The larger point, the important point, is that they are hurtful. Hate the world. 2011: Locke and his church formally split with the independent fundamental Baptists. Sure you are saved and sure you pray and read the Bible and give it your all but the Devil is more powerful than anything you can muster and so you pray some more and Jesus lifts you out of the filthy, ugly, stupid pit of your human existence right into amazing (g)race! Search firm Vanderbloemen reviewed texts, emails, and videos but did not talk to former staffer who made accusations against Andy Wood. Andersons vitriolic rhetoric and other activities have been making headlines for over a decade. God hates the IFB movement. And what you have to understand is, this is not a blessing. Thats quite a hate list there. Bach? No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival, After Pushing for UMC Unity, Former Bishop Joins New Denomination, Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church, After Chaos and Crisis, Beth Moore Still Finds Refuge in the Church, sex abuse scandal at Bob Jones University, ousting of one of its most influential denominational leaders, Reflections: A GC2 Summit on Responding to Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Violence, With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. Today, theyre the most racist people on the planet. Nothing else mattered. Independent Baptist - RationalWiki Do you think the vote means anything or is it just Jesus way of playing with our strings? Preach the Bible: Classics - Sermons from the Past from Mighty Men of God Or will you repent the Bible way? Depends, I guessif every word of the Bible is inspired and inerranton who youre going to believe. You know what? Todd Cook, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Bensenville, Illinois, and author of Hope for the Brokenhearted, a book about ministry to abuse survivors, agreed that independent Baptists have grown more serious about pastor accountability and safeguards for children, citing the fallout from a sex abuse scandal at Bob Jones University. List your KJV Bible Believing Church for FREE! Despite various controversies and infighting among New IFB pastors and churches, Pastor Steven Anderson, who jumpstarted the movement in 2005 from his Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, continues to enjoy a prominent role within the New IFB movement. They are also committed to growing their movement through in-person soul-winning, which includes traveling around the country and the world to preach their interpretation of the Bible. If you are careful to not show any emotion while singing for fear that you could be considered dancing, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist 33. Conundrum solved. Written Sermons Preached at the Elkdale Baptist Church Of West Clifford I believe Romans 6&7 are very clear about our flesh and the battle we have. New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist - Wikipedia Enter keyword. Let them hate on. One brother who was helping me grow as I was relatively young in the faith, asked this other brother to look after me when he was rotating back to the states. She is a jezebel. Multiple New IFB pastors have promoted Make America Straight Again conferences in recent years. It upheld what it believed to be. The Devil owns you again! Southern Baptist leaders release a list of accused sexual abusers - And then they take them, and they make them feel accepted into their lifestyle, and they brainwash that child into that lifestyle and into that and make them feel accepted, and they try to recruit those children. In fact, they turn right around and do the opposite. Sermon Outlines. We hope it will be a blessing to you. He outlined his goal of having 54 affiliated churches in major cities across the United States by 2026 and reaching every home in the country through soul-winning by 2041. New IFB-affiliated churches are concentrated in the United States, though they also have a growing presence abroad, including in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and South Africa. Im not Christian, but I dont get it, either. Well, theres one thing church members can take credit for. Have you not considered that it might be the response of a man who has heard it all before, many, many times, thought it over carefully, and rejected it? Sermon Outlines - Calvary Baptist Church 20 Well-known Pastors or Preachers of Today - GodTube The Independent Fundamental Baptist church could be defined as a cult given the multiple definitions of a cult and the characteristics of the IFB. The Official Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Rulebook But please understand: this Satan has sanctuaries. They decry Zionism as Jew worship and view traditional support for Israel among evangelical Christians as the result of Jewish deception in support of the Antichrist. John Piper is a very well-known preacher for his style (straight forward/not passive) and knowledge of the Bible. In Their Own Words - Bigoted comments from pastors affiliated with the New IFB movement, video clip of him verbally attacking comedian Sarah Silverman, law enforcement said there was no indication, Andersons primary sanderson1611 channel, separated in 2018 over religious differences, antisemitic documentary released by Anderson and Wittenberger in 2015. I would rather be killed in the most brutal way than to become a homo. Needless to say, because one can twist the bible anyway you want, others said that it absolutely is prohibited (I cant remember which passages were invoked.). He is the epitome of worldliness. At the time of our divorce, God and I were not on speaking terms. Shes a woman; shes weak., Jonathan Shelley, Stedfast Baptist Church (Fort Worth, TX), March 2021: Unfortunately, our society, and really the world as a whole, has really evolved and changed quite a bit to the point where women are in high-ranking positions of authority in our nation and around the world. This . Preach the Bible is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church. It is a demonic religion. New IFB content continues to be uploaded daily and easily found on the platform. What's Wrong with the Independent Fundamental Baptists - Truth and Song And dont we find it interesting here tonight that it is Israel and Judaism that still today condones human sacrifice?And you know what, you know who it is thats behind all of our entertainment out there? Prior to the films release, the rabbis reported that Anderson misrepresented himself and used deceptive methods to elicit quotes for the film. I heard a comment today I like . He didn't plant the tree to give his . Absolute facts that shoot down everything, prophecy included, like those prophetic verses. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Fritts, who had already requested early retirement from the Sheriffs Office shortly before delivering the sermon, was placed on paid sick leave and officially retired at the end of July 2019. They blaspheme Christ in their holy book, the Talmud. They are relentless. Parkside Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, Baptist church located in Mesquite, Texas (a suburb of Dallas). Though 21 cases were made public for the first time through the recent Star-Telegram investigation, several influential independent fundamental Baptist church leaders have been accused of abusing young women in their flocks over the years. Enter city. These leaders and their institutionsHyles-Anderson College and Bob Jones Universityhave come to represent a loose subset of independent Baptists sometimes referred to with capitals or an acronym: Independent Fundamentalist Baptists (IFB). The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations. Pastor Steven Anderson founded the movements flagship, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona in 2005, though most of the churches affiliated with the movement today were founded in the past five years. Chicago magazine went on to find more than a dozen men with ties to the congregation who had been arrested or sued for abuse while in ministry positions across the country. The fact is that theistic commenters are on a completely different wavelength. Whats he supposed to say? Go read some Bart Ehrman!. Its the most disgusting thing I could possibly think of., Patrick Boyle, Friendship Baptist Church (Lakemore, OH), October 2020: When the world starts coming in with the homosexual movement or they start coming in with all these filthy wicked things, a lot of times people say, Hey, whats the big deal? New IFB pastors use so-called documentaries to expand on many of the topics frequently featured in their traditional sermons, including an emphasis on anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic themes. This siteis dedicated to providing Independent Fundamental Baptist Preaching. Because my daughters gonna be weak. If I step on someones foot while trying to keep them from stumbling into a campfire, I still owe them an apology. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. The majority of New IFB churches feature extensive archives directly on their websites, which make the sermons available for download and also direct viewers to third party platforms like YouTube and SoundCloud. Theyre relentless. 163 jobs. I do not want Bro. A Independent, Fundamental, Premillennial, King James only, Local New Testament Church. The clip showed Fannin preaching from the Stedfast Baptist pulpit: [Silverman] is a witch. That star is the image of their false god. It is my privilege to do this for the churches. The conference featured Pastors Anderson, Boyle, Fritts, McMurtry, Mejia, Shelley, Thompson, David Berzins and Joe Major. Sermons are not owned or copyrighted by NVBC. Jonathan Shelley, a Texas-based New IFB pastor who is regularly promoted by Anderson and others within the movement, exemplified some of these anti-LGBTQ beliefs in a 2020 sermon: I wish every fag and tranny would kill themselves right now. 795 - seeking a leader - 07/12/2021. Near the end of my fundamentalist days my pastor preached against Facebook. Leave them alone! The site says it has 13,000 subscribers. "What We Are About! Absolute facts that shoot down everything, prophecy included, like those prophetic verses. She is a wicked person. The Farmer's Plan Luke 13 The farmer didn't plant the tree to block his view of I-95. Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven! Until the last decade or so most of . I mean, by IFB standards, wouldnt the French, Germans, British and Scandinavians be considered heathens, or worse? Theyre so excited we have Kamala Harris and we have these other women who are just in charge and leading and its such a good example unto women. He did. Independent Baptist churches are starting to look more worldly and non-denominational, rather than keeping their identity. They are doing the Devils work. Months after he was banned from Australia, Anderson claimed in early 2020 that the wildfires ravaging the country were the judgement of God for banning and deporting preachers of the Gospel. Anderson has also been banned from Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the 26 member states of Europes Schengen Area which share a common visa policy. God bless you and thank you for visiting our website. In such instances, we are reminded of the need for an awakening of conscience as to how these issues are dealt withboth in the removal of those who no longer meet biblical qualifications for ministry and in the aid, counsel, and comfort of those who have been taken advantage of. Abought-by-the-blood, sanctified, sold-out, filled-with-the-Holy-Ghost, King-James-Bible-carrying Independent Baptist shuns the world. No one was injured in the explosion, which occurred overnight while the church was empty. You live in black and white as if the human condition was not as colorful and varied as it is. The independent fundamentalist Baptist movement emerged sometime in the 1940s as an attempt to continue the legacy of the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s. The church sends monthly financial support to over 45 missionaries worldwide. I left the IFB church movement in the late 1980s. New IFB doctrine promotes the notion of an Antichrist, whom they claim will be Jewish. Absolute facts. His brother, Mark Chappell, pastors a church in Phoenix and was named in the Star-Telegram investigation over an alleged incident reported to a previous congregation where he was a youth pastor.